Thursday, January 11, 2024

Rice is Nice!


I found another Sticky Rice that is OK but not as good as Annie Chun. 90 seconds in microwave, Wal-Mart was out of the new Annie Chun. 

In a comment on prior post Annie Chun Rice David M. Gascoigne, said...

We use rice all the time. The only kind we use is Basmati and we make a huge saucepan full and freeze it in containers with sufficient for the two of us, so in addition to the meal when we make it, we have about six meals ahead. I am not quite sure why you dislike making rice. It’s just rice and water (or broth) in one pot. We also make fried rice quite frequently - two variations, one Vietnamese, the other Thai. 

 My answer to the why of microwave rice is............................
A. I have no dishwasher, to wash the huge saucepan, that it always sticks to.
B. Our freezer is really small, is only good for a few things, no space to freeze it
C. I get 9 meals out of the Annie Chun Rice
D. I get 3 out of the package above
E. Last but not least, Bob hates rice and doesn't eat it. The rice would stay in the tiny freezer for MONTHS taking up space
Thank You David, I will remember this. bra hahahaha if I EVER get a bigger freezer and a COOK.


Ann said...

I've always liked rice but seldom make it.

Rose said...

We both love, that is wrong...we both used to love rice. I think the only thing Roger loves now is chocolate...

Mevely317 said...

I love rice, but don't often indulge b/c of the carbs.

Funny, to a person (server), every single time I order the salmon at LongHorn they say, "It's comes with rice; is that okay?" How would they know I usually eat Keto ..... and if that's the case, why not just serve it with broccoli and stop asking silly questions? (*jk*)

carol l mckenna said...

Rice can be good and a great meal ~ enjoy ~

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

My Mind's Eye said...

We like Brown rice...I buy HT cooks in 5 minutes.
Hugs Cecilia

Ginny Hartzler said...

We have a tiny freezer, too. And no dishwasher. Seems like you and me are the only two people on the face of the earth that have no dishwashers. For me, I cook rice in a small nonstick pot. Double the water, cover simmer and 20 minutes. Nothing sticks. The pot takes maybe 20 seconds to wash with a soapy cloth or even just a wet one. I had forgotten about this rice, and am going to W.M. today. It is on my list now for sure. Annie also puts out noodle bowls that I love, her brand is good.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

We also like rice, especially brown and wild rice varieties, and when cooking it I usually try to make extra to save for another meal, but have never frozen it as it's usually to have with any leftovers or the next night's dinner.

Thanks for your comment on my current post, your thoughts were much appreciated. Recounting the incident was something I felt was necessary for me to move on. While I still feel the reactions were petty and over the top and didn't go into half the things that were texted and emailed, I will abide by their requests and my decision going forward. And we will STILL be Beatrice/Dorothy and Grenville/Patrick to all those who know us after so many years!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Yes, his idea might be a good one for him but your response was perfect. We don't eat much rice.

photowannabe said...

I really love rice in just about any form...Dave really doesn't like it but I do still make it for several recipes, Chicken Divan and a rice a roni meatball casserole. Gotta make some things that I like for both of us...
My latest post is all about a dishwasher..great minds...

Inger said...

I prefer potatoes to rice and never really cook rice these days. Errol liked it, so I ate it back then. When I grew up in Sweden, no one I ever knew ate rice. This has of course changed with the times. After all it's been a long, long time since I was a child

Brian's Home Blog said...

We use rice all the time here too, it's pretty yummy!

DeniseinVA said...

I do microwave rice, fast and easy. I love a bowl of rice with a poached egg on it. Come to think of it I love a poached egg on everything.