Friday, January 5, 2024

Trees for nature Friday

We take Beau for a ride each Sunday morning while others are sleeping, giving us the entire road. We drive by this construction site, each week to check the progress on 33 homes to be built on 10 acres. See Prior Post Jordan Creek

The whole thing started in 2021 and there is still no sign of a home and they have now removed every single tree that was on the property. The plan stated replace 122 trees, leave 52.
There are NOW 174 trees gone to never return. You can see here, they have built the site up to 4 feet higher than the other older homes. If rain ever returns to us, the houses surround this development will be flooded from the run off.

These trees are across the street from the planned homes and the ones they removed most of them were like these. I feel sad when I see these gorgeous grand old trees still standing. for now.


eileeninmd said...

It is sad that they took down those big and beautiful trees.
I always thought tree prevent run off. It doesn't look like they are getting much done beside cutting all the trees down. Take care, have a happy day!

Linda P said...

Early mornings are the best times for driving about. I'm sorry to hear of trees being cut down. Homes are needed but trees are important for the environment too.

Ann said...

I would not be a happy camper if I lived next to that construction site. Building the site up by 4 feet was a stupid thing to do. So what ever happened to the project that it hasn't gotten any further than destroying what was there?

Rose said...

I love that big old tree...

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I can see that planning is alive and well and strictly enforced in Florida. You have to understand though that the municipal inspectors have all been reassigned to check the libraries for banned books, so they are kept very busy.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
A sad indictment of planning process and oversight... YAM xx

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

After reading this post, Sandra, about the removal of the trees and the soil being moved around yet no building progress having been made in so long, it is curious. I was wondering if perhaps financial or legal issues, perhaps both, caused a halt. It is sad that so many trees were removed, even with replacements it will take years for them to grow

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I hate seeing trees cut is distressing to me! Love that early morning drive. And you are right about sleeping good on those cold nights. We say that all the time!

My Mind's Eye said...

Nice tradition to take a Sunday Morning Ride. That is a gorgeous tree
We also take weekly rides to check on MegaMansions being built on postage stamp size lots
Hugs Cecilai

photowannabe said...

I'm with everyone else..why are all the beautiful trees removed? Building up the land is strange too. Too bad.
On my way to Lynne's this morning..hope all will go well. She hasn't seen me in almost 3 weeks. I'm sure she won't even know who I am. Too cold to be outside so it will be a long time inside.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What a shame the old trees were taken out...they are so very beautiful and provide cooling shade!!

Brian's Home Blog said...

That really is sad. Someone needs to have the guts to hold that builder accountable.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That is really sad about all of those trees. We need trees in our environment. Those were beautiful trees.

DawnTreader said...

Always sad when they take down big old trees...

Mevely317 said...

What a travesty! Boy, I don't even live there and already I'm spitting nails mad. Guessing the builder/contractor went belly-up bankrupt ... and how many laborers still haven't been paid? Oh, vey!

If anything happens, please keep us in the loop!

CheerfulMonk said...

That makes me want to cry! I love trees.

DeniseinVA said...

174 trees and more to go? That's terrible! It always upsets me when I hear things like this. That old saying never a truer word spoken, they can't see the wood for the trees! The overall damage they do is heartbreaking.