Sunday, January 28, 2024

Words of Wisdom

We CAN change our pain! I memorized this quote in 1993. I learned it in an Overcomers Group.

we said it together at beginning of each meeting. Shirley had adjusted it to her words. 

When the pain of staying the same, is greater than the pain of changing, we will change.

The 30 of us in the 12-step book called The Living Bible, Overcomers group were there for a long list of pain to overcome. This was not AA or ALNON, this group included Drugs, Alcohol, Abuse, Physical pain, Suicide both those considering it and those living with a loved one gone due to suicide. It was a mixture of anything that was dragging us down. 
One of our members, was in so much pain from a back injury in a car accident that he wanted to die. He came each week and could not bear to sit in a chair but laid on the floor in our circle. 

PAIN no matter the cause needs a support group. 

I visited the first time, for myself, dealing with having been abused by the Mad Dog I was married to, and took my 20-year-old son because he had attempted suicide. After a year of meetings, the co-leaders, Ralph and Shirley asked me to join them as their assistant.  

It is ok to laugh when I tell you, my job was TALKING... I had the ability to get others to talk about their pain and addictions,  because I talked a LOT.   I worked with Overcomers for 8 years.. 

I read the blelow quote from Dolly parton, on Facebook 

And here we are, Me talking and playing in Microsoft Designer creating your answer in AI

I thought this first one was rather clever with the Sheep and had a little insight.

To create these I simply typed, "Cartoon, and Dolly's quote.
Gotta Love it!

It seems in the last 2 AI might have a weird sense of humor
In Overcomers we used sharing and laughter to heal ourselves.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my goodness, I did not know any of us. Just that your marriage back then was very bad. How wonderful that you found this group! And I love both the quotes, and am wondering if my senior mind can memorize them.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
this just made me smile and feel warm for you... and a wee giggle at the 'art'! YAM xx

Ann said...

That sounds like a wonderful group to be involved with. I didn't realize you ever went to something like that.
Love the AI creations. I don't understand why AI always spells things so screwy though

eileeninmd said...

It was great you had this support group back in the day.
I am sure working with them as an assistant was good for you too.
I like the quote, paving another road.
Take care, have a happy day!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

You have come through all this whole, it seems, so something worked. I couldn’t even imagine sitting with a group of strangers discussing my problems, but I’ve never reached a point where I wanted to.

My Mind's Eye said...

I love the quote and I am sending you all kinds of cheers for taking control of your path
Hugs Cecilia

Inger said...

I believe in support groups and was helped by one when I was in my 30's. I can see you being a wonderful help, you have a lot of empathy and caring in your heart.

Mevely317 said...

You know, that original quote was something I often repeated while still at The Legacy. I look back now and SMH how (a) I never went postal or (b) suffered a nervous breakdown b/c of the mental abuse. Money is a powerful seducer; pretty soon it becomes a trap.

I never heard of an Overcomers group or the Living Bible. Tom is in such pain 99% of the time, but he'd most likely refuse to share that with strangers.

I love these AI variations on a theme ... I love you!

Debby said...

I was in a group that was called Overcomers Outreach back in the 90’s. Also another called Lion Tamers. I’m still a friend of Lois and am very familiar with recovery. I support, “support groups” and have been participated in divorce recovery, suicide survivor recovery, adult child grief support, Alanon… I believe everyone needs to work a 12 step program;
Love the memes.

photowannabe said...

Yes and amen to all you shared with us today.
Support Groups can have such healing power and I know from what you have shared with me that they can work deep down in the innermost being.
Just the title of Overcomers is beautiful.
We all need to pave another road now and then.

Chatty Crone said...

I LOVE THAT QUOTE - maybe I am just not ready yet. Someday???

Ida said...

That's a great quote and your AI creations work well with it. - It was interesting to get a little insight into the things you've gone through in life. Having a good support group like is very valuable.

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm so glad you not only found that group but were able to use your talents to help others. And I'm glad you were able to escape that abusive marriage. ❤️

Brian's Home Blog said...

That first quote makes more sense that anyting I've heard in a long time!

diane b said...

Sorry to hear of your earlier tough times. It sounds like a wonderful group you were in. AI is amazing my SIL make the weirdest art with AI.

Rose said...

That first quote is great, but I really like Dolly's solution, too!

Tigger's Mum said...

Don't know what to say that hasn't been said in the comments. I kinda wonder how you grow the kind, creative/imaginative, shining, person that you have projected in your blog posts, since I have been following you, out of having been abused. I reckon you are allowed some days (or even weeks) of beating back ghosts of the past from time to time. That you have sons unlike their father is a credit to you as well.

DeniseinVA said...
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DeniseinVA said...

I am sorry to read about those early days of abuse. It takes strength to start a new life. You and your son getting out of there, I can't imagine what you went through to get to that point where you had to leave to protect him and yourself. Glad you found the group and I bet you were well loved in it.

LC said...

Thanks for sharing about your amazing journey. Among the encouragers that kept me sane and keeping on trying were blogging friends. Whether in person or online I continue to be blessed AND challenged by both. THANK YOU!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I find that very interesting that you took that class and then you worked for them for 8 years. That's wonderful.