Thursday, February 15, 2024

Doctor Visit Tuesday


Trapped in the exam room of my Primary Care Doctor, what else could I do?
Doc Stepped in while I was shooting and said, Oh you like the art? 
She said a doctor collects art from Haiti and hung it there. 
Since she did not say she liked it, I read her silence as a no.

I recently had a big vein pop out on my leg, and it felt like I had been shot with a gun. I quickly took an aspirin to ward off a blood clot rushing around giving me a stroke, I don't mind death, but I don't want to be half dead. It hurt for a few days and stopped. 
I told bob if I fall over unconscious and you call 911, do NOT LET THEM PUT ME ON A VENTILAOR.
The vein went back in, and then Monday it did it again. In a dither I called the Doc office and they let me come in the next day. When I told her what I just wrote for you, she burst out laughing and said, you are not going to die or have a stroke. The kind of clots from veins like this, hurt you but they don't kill you.  she explained if I got a clot, it might stop the blood flow, and if it did that would hurt so bad, I would have to call her, but the simple fix is Take aspirin for 5 days. Put warm packs on it, massage a little and if it still hurts come see me.
Since my foot and leg looks like a Halloween nightmare, and my toes and fingers are numb and tingling at times, she ordered an ultrasound. To make sure there are no clots that could cause a leg to be removed, but not KILL me. She doesn't think there are but wanted to make sure.  She is my new primary and assured me when will NOT let them put me on a ventilator. 
I wish I could be a fly on her wall when she goes home and tells my story to whomever she lives with. 

There is a prize if you can pronounce her last name. the office said call her Dr. B. 
Bhadurihauck click on name to hear how to say it.

I AM NOT DYING OR STROKING! Phew! Plus, I love my new doctor.
To treat a bulging vein that hurts.
use HEAT... she said put rice in a sock, heat it in microwave and BE CAREFUL not to get it to hot, hold on the vein and it will go down and it DID. Don't forget to tie a knot in the sock. 😁😁
I already had two rice packs, so did not need the sock.
Now if it happens again, I will grab the rice pack and zap it and take aspirin.
 I did not tell her NSAIDS make me dream. It will just give me more dreams to report here.


Ginny Hartzler said...

What a huge relief, for you and for all of us. And great info to know...if I can remember! So this was a clot, but not a deep vein clot I am thinking. I am so glad you like your new doctor! And no, I don't like the at either.

DeniseinVA said...

I’m glad to know all this, as I am sure you were. Happy you are okay even though it sounds dreadfully uncomfortable. Thanks for all the info. It is good to know these things. This art is almost like it is on its way to being a Picasso, except you can definitely make out what these are. I have seen similar works of art. Someone will love it! I prefer the more traditional pieces.

Tigger's Mum said...

I love the art and double love your story. I hope you don't have clotting blood and risk of stroke. You have done everything possible I reckon to reduce your risk in that respect. Keep taking Beau for walks.....

easyweimaraner said...

we are glad you got no bad news.. and we hope you get good news from ultra sound... and we bet when she talks about her patients, her husband/friend, parents will smile...

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
If she talks about her patient outside office, I'd be seeking a change of doc... Very unprofessional. But I am glad you felt heard and reassured. YAM xx

Ann said...

I was pretty close on pronouncing her name. She sounds like she was really nice. Glad to hear it was an easy fix.

eileeninmd said...

I am glad you like your new doctor. Sounds like she gave you great advice for taking care of your veins. Take care, enjoy your day!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Glad to read there was nothing serious with the bulging vein and especially good to learn about the remedy for future episodes. The exchange between you and your new doctor seems to show you will get along just fine. I was not a fan of the office art, but it is much better than some others I have seen.

Rose said...

It was a relief to know it would not cause a stroke. And that the fix was simple.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

As for me, I find the artwork attractive, and I am very pleased that you are not in imminent danger of demise. Your visit no doubt gave the doctor with the tongue-twisting name her laugh of the week.

My Mind's Eye said...

Oh dear I hope she doesn't mind if you call her Dr. B.
So very thankful she was kind and understanding and a good listener. That is important. Bryan's eye doc's name is Boehlke it is pronounced Belkie....LOL
Hugs Cecilia

Mevely317 said...

I had no idea! Like you, I'd have been running for an aspirin ... imagining my own demise. From the time I was a teen, I remember hearing stories how people would die suddenly from a clot.

That pronunciation site is so cool! (Not so much the artwork.)

carol l mckenna said...

Wow! Glad you are okay and your PC sounds like a 'keeper.' ~ hugs,

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Breathtaking said...

Hello Sandra :=)
What a scare you had. I'm glad your new doctor put your mind at rest and gave you good advise that worked. however I hope it doesn't happen again. It's good to know these things in case it happens to one of us. Your new doctors name is hard to pronounce,and quite a mouthful, but she seems very nice.
All the best

Chatty Crone said...

Sandra - it is a relief that you are okay - but I am glad you went to the doctor!

Now here we are exactly the same:

"I don't mind death, but I don't want to be half dead. It hurt for a few days and stopped.
I told bob if I fall over unconscious and you call 911, do NOT LET THEM PUT ME ON A VENTILAOR."

Heaven bound on the fast track.

Sparky said...

I don't care what the doc sez, those veins SMART and are scary. I thought I had blood clot too. Mine was on my right leg over the knee. It nearly drove me mad. Didn't know about aspirin and putting heat on it. Wish I had. You'll laugh but for awhile I was putting a dab of concealer (makeup) on it. Life in the South and our shorts, right?! LOL It finally reduced in size on it's own when I lost over 40 lbs. I gave up sugar & carb's. Guess that's connected? Couldn't say. I'm just glad that thing is back where it belongs.
Personally, not my kind of "art" but to eat his own.
And I also tell everyone NO VENT. I had two friends die of that during the scamdemic. They caught the head cold, doc's vented 'em, then bing bang boom, it killed 'em. Sure did.
Blessings. xx

photowannabe said...

It sounds like you have a fabulous new Doctor. I like her "bedside manner" and the way she gives you useful answers to your questions.
Haiti artists have a certain style. We bought several when we were in Haiti years ago. We bought them as a way of helping several people financially, not because we really loved them.
Now you know where they are??
They are on our laundry room wall. At least when I look at them I do think of the lovely people that painted them.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I can say that I would ever buy that artwork but it is very colorful. I'm glad you were able to go in and get that all worked out. Hope your ultrasound goes well and I'm glad you like her.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

How wonderful to find a new primary that listens to you!! So glad your veins are doing better!

LC said...

Wonderful to find a caring primary doc who is thorough and gives advice that you can understand and implement without hauling around a dictionary!LC

Brian's Home Blog said...

We're also glad you are okay, that's the best news of the week, hooray!

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm so glad you have a good doctor! That's so important. And I'm sorry about the pain, but I'm glad it isn't dangerous. ❤️