Saturday, February 10, 2024

Florida Storms


In Florida we live by our Weather Apps. Our storms rarely come for more that 5 minutes to 1 hour. They are trackable, and that is the reason we don't use umbrellas.  They come in the LINE of storms, either fast moving or slow moving. the slower it goes the more rain. I can look at the line and tap a time and tell if I have time to walk Beau, or should wait until after it passes. 
the second ways is little floating cells, that can sprinkle or flood us, just on our house, or on the one across the street, or on my house nothing, and Jackie's house a few blocks away is inundated.

Th morning of Feb 5th, a storm line was marching and marching quickly, I chose to wait until it was passed and then we left for our walk. The photo above was at 7:30 AM and it appeared to be a mountain, but we knew it was the front moving away from us. clear where we stood and 20 miles away moving fast away from us.
Later in the day, mid afternoon, Bob looked out the window and said Look, another storm is building. It's out over Ellenton. that is 2 miles NE of our house.

From our front porch, Feb 3:05 pm

This was one of the PUFFY clouds about to float over, under or through us. I looked at the radar and it was going East away from us. It was stunning to stand and watch it, we were on the sunshine side, if we drove 10 miles and looked back at it, it would be dark.
This is one of the many reasons I love Florida, the weather can be watched and most of the time avoided.
NOTE: this doesn't include Hurricane Watching.


Ginny Hartzler said...

The view from your yard is stunning! And those huge fluffy clouds are beautiful.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Weather watching is definitely interesting and fun...when you can avoid it! YAM xx

DawnTreader said...

Beautiful "weather views"!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

“The weather can be watched and most of the time avoided” - I am not sure I understand this statement. Is weather not permanent? It may be rainy weather, sunny weather, cloudy weather, stormy weather, cold weather, warm weather - but it’s all weather. How do you “avoid” weather.

Rose said...

I so love these pics.. love clouds!

Ann said...

You can pretty much just be your own weather forecaster then. Around here, they're seldom right anyway.
Love the shots and those big puffy clouds

My Mind's Eye said...

First of all MS the line in your comment "so goes the mind of the mad one". Made me MOL LOL BOL
Amazing to see the line of clouds that look exactly like a mountain. I recall when we travelled to Hawaii in the late 1980's they told us to always expect 'pineapple juice', the phrase they used for the afternoon. Said not to worry it would be over before you could get your umbrella up. Also using an umbrella was a sure sign you were a tourist.
Lovely photos today
Hugs Cecilia

Mevely317 said...

Tom's a cloud watcher/predictor, too!
I'm surprised my mother never owned a weather radio. We have the NOAA ones like yours for tornado warnings, but I'd like something that doesn't eat batteries like they were candy. Our local meteorologists are great, but that's provided the TV (DISH) signal is working. Ha!

Debby said...

I don’t use an umbrella. I find them to be a bother. I live near the mountains. I can tell if it is snowing in the mountains, just 30+ miles away by looking at the type of clouds. I believe our native Americans and early pioneers knew how to look at the skies and clouds and could probably predict weather as good as they do now.
Interesting post - cool pictures

carol l mckenna said...

Lovely 'storm watching' photos and post ~ weather impacts everyone no matter where you live ~ hugs,

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

photowannabe said...

Fascinating how accurate your weather app is.
Not so good here but much better than it used to be.
Love those puffy white clouds. We actually have no clouds today..just bright blue sky. It really has brightened my day, helping to dry things out.
I think I may even get out and pull a few weeds in our backyard. they are just about to "Jungle Stage"...dang rain really did a number on our hard work last year.

Chatty Crone said...

I don't think I have seen a photo of your house outward like that - what a beautiful area.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Those are quite the dramatic looking clouds, Sandra, and your neighborhood looks very nice especially when it's not under a torrential downpour. It was good to read that the app gives you advance warning.

Brian's Home Blog said...

I agree, the view from your front porch is wonderful. We can see storms coming here too. Here they tend to travel up I-85. One day some lady called into one of the radio stations and asked "how do the storms know where the interstate is", really?!?!

CheerfulMonk said...

That's so neat! We're weather watchers too, but it's nothing like where you are.

eileeninmd said...

I love sky watching, the clouds always look beautiful. Sometimes dramatic.
It is good you have the app to watch the weather.
Take care, have a great day!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Very interesting for sure. Over the last few weeks we have had so many clouds to watch. Sometimes they circle around us and we don't get the rain.

Tigger's Mum said...

its a little bit like that at home in NZ (also long and skinny and across the path of the weather) but nowhere near as pronounced as yours and we definitely don't get hurricanes.

DeniseinVA said...

You live in a beautiful area. Fascinating about the app and how accurate it is. I would love to see that weather from a distance.