Sunday, February 11, 2024

Siren call of the Cheetos Cruncy


I have not eaten Crunchy Cheetos in at least 10 years. Friday afternoon, suddenly I said out loud, I want a Cheeto. Bob said WHAT? I repeated and said I have no idea why, but I want one.
Saturday morning, I skipped WM shopping and visited Publix, since I only needed 3 items for the week. At the self checkout, in the middle of the aisle, was a display of CHEETOS.. 
Fate? Kismet? Destiny? I grabbed the bag and scanned it and ate the entire bag, except for 3 that I allowed to Bob.
The good news is, I bought the small bag of 160 calories and not the big bag and they are no longer in the house.
Do you eat, or did you ever eat these crunchy Cheetos?
Do  you ever suddenly get a craving for a food of any kind?


eileeninmd said...

It probably has been 10 or more years since I have eaten Cheetos.
I do remember, they are tasty. Take care, have a wonderful week!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I have not had Cheetos, but I think that everyone craves something at one time or another. With me, it’s olives, so thank goodness we have them in the house most of the time.

Rose said...

I love both the crunchy cheetos and the puffy ones...roger only likes the crunchy. Yes I do get cravings...

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
I can honestly say I have never had Cheetos...(I think there is a version here in the UK)... however in OZ, there is something similar called Twisties, and I may have had a packet or two of them at some time. I tend more to straight-out potato chips, just salted or occasionally cheese and onion flavour. Not sure I ever actually have any craving as such... YAM xx

Breathtaking said...

Hello Sandra :=)
I have never seen or heard of Cheetos. When I do get cravings, it's always for chocolate, and I have to get it come hell or high water.

I keep getting electricity cuts, and it's usually when I'm boiling water for a cup of tea or it's when I'm sitting at the computer.It's exasperating!

NanaDiana said...

OMGOSH-I have not had Cheetos in forever. LOL. However, I did have a craving for Peeps the other day! WHAT? Those aren't even on my 'list' of yums. I found a tin of Charles Chips when we were traveling and thought I had won the lottery. I have not seen them since I was a kid. xo Diana

My Mind's Eye said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my word shame on you for posting BOL BOL BOL I used to love Cheetos as a snack with....Orange Juice. The best snack.
Now I like extra toasty Cheez-its.
Hugs Cecilia

Chatty Crone said...

I love the crunchy Cheetos - not the puffy ones though. I have cravings unfortunately for sweets!

photowannabe said...

I had my FIRST crunchy Cheetos the other day. Dave had brought some home from a meeting he was attending. They were pretty good and my fingers didn't turn orange either.
Too dangerous for me to have them in the house but they are better for me than sugar things.
Yes, I crave ice cream ALL the time. BAD !!!

Olde Dame Holly said...

I love the crunchy ones best, and like the "fire" ones, too, the really hot ones!

DawnTreader said...

I don't know the brand Cheetos but we probably all have our favorites that we have craved at some point, or still do. I know there are still things I'd better not have "in stock" at home, or I'm likely to eat them all quicker than intended. Including ice cream, certain kinds of biscuits, and also for eaxmple potato crisps.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Good for you! Since I can't have any kind of dairy I often get cravings for yummy things!

Mevely317 said...

Yesssss! Back in the early 70's I'd sometimes make a whole meal out of soda and Cheetos (or) Doritos. Unfortunately, at that time I don't remember the smaller bags. Yep, I'd eat the whole thing! What's sad, I weighed probably 20 lbs. less than I do today.

True story: I've never been fond of oranges, orange juice, orange anything. Yet about 10-12 years ago I had such a vivid dream where I was guzzling a big carton of orange juice. So real! I awoke with a start craving orange juice -- at 3am. Lay there trying to think how I could get up, dress and out of the house to find a 24/hr. convenience store without waking Tom.
Later I told him about it and wouldn't you know. When I got home after work, he showed me where he'd bought a carton of orange juice. I'd like to say it was delicious, but true to character, I couldn't even take more than a few sips.

Sparky said...

New follower. Weird cravings hit me sometimes, I'm, like, "Where did THAT come from?!" lol Since we've been eating keto (low sugar/carbs) for the past 4 years been staying away from carbs. (I've lost over 50 lbs, my husband over 60.) The cravings I tend to get now is for the low-carb Peanut Butter (my weakness!) we buy or something dairy. Just bought a stick of Pimento Cheese that is soooo good. Yum. Now I get hankerin's for that. It's all good.
Blessings from SE Georgia.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I've never heard of them, but I sure get plenty of cravings!! Being on a constant diet, I crave different things all the time. My latest is jelly beans.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

It's funny that you mention Cheetos. Mark had a taste for regular Cheetos and there were none to be found in the grocery store at all. They did have the crunchy and a ton of other flavors but he didn't want those.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Yes, I know what you mean about those once-in-a while obsessions, Sandra, and then you must have whatever it is. I have done the same with crunchy Cheetos and had the orange mouth and hands as a result. I have done the same with popcorn but no orange residue, thankfully.

CheerfulMonk said...

Watermelon! ❤️ I'm glad you found a small bag of Cheetos.

Ann said...

I have eaten many a bags of cheetos over the years. I like them crunchy and I like the puff kind too. I haven't had them in a long time though. I often get sudden cravings for things especially now that I've eliminated quite a few things from my diet.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

They are a lot like corn chips - hard to eat just one!!! Cheetos, the crunchy ones, have a great taste, but they do make a mess of the fingers, especially if it is the little kids eating them:)

DeniseinVA said...

One word, chocolate! That's my craving. That's why I made my Monday recipe, a chocolate mug cake :) I haven't eaten cheetos in a long, long time but thinking of putting them on the shopping list now.