Wednesday, February 28, 2024

I Got Nothing but POO


I woke up to only two comments on Beaus blog, none on this blog. I checked to see...
did I put wrong date on post?
Did I put wrong post?
Did I forget to set on Auto post.?
I got Nothing, I had Nothing, I totally forgot I had NOTHING but POO. (perfectly ordinary objects)
Lucky me,  when I checked the camera and found two test photos that I took, mid day, bright sun, sitting in my chair while testing to see how far a 60 zoom would be and since I could hardly see, did not know what I got, which fits with I forgot to look in said camera and that I posted no post. I have an excuse but that will have to wait until I can remember it.
Interesting that the background turns black when the hot Florida sun is directly up over my head.
That reminded me That DARN Time change is less than 2 weeks away.. 
I am already whining about it


eileeninmd said...

The flowers are beautiful, I am looking forward to seeing some spring blooms here. My phone has horrible zoom, the photos are too fuzzy.
Take care, have a great day!

Rose said...

I wish you had not reminded me! I hate it.

easyweimaraner said...

we hate such changes... they bring only trouble and wtf moments..

Sparky said...

Time change: don't get me started!!! I just wish "they" would pick a time and leave it there. That said, though, now that we're retired, I've got my own mini-rebellion going on. I've quit moving the clocks. I leave the time right were it is. "It don't matter to me ..." Except for Church and the occasional doctor's visit, it really doesn't. So THERE! lol
I wish I could get more "followers" but maybe I'm too boring. May quit blogging all together.
Blessings. xx

Mevely317 said...

Joining you in the Whining Section.
That first image is, in a word, arresting! I love both the black-and-white contrast plus the pop of crimson.

Let us know if you remember the reason for no post. I'm forgetting so many things lately, I need an excuse.

My Mind's Eye said...

You recovered nicely with these photos
Hugs Cecilia

Brian's Home Blog said...

As you can probably imagine, we've got lots of poo around here!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

I sure wish they would stop messing with the time!

photowannabe said...

You certainly can make something out of "nothing"..Good for you...
At first I thought the first photo was a shirt hanging on the line. The washcloth was placed perfectly and it looked like the neck of the shirt.
Love the blooming flowers sitting in the sun.

DeniseinVA said...

Beautiful flowers, and you always come up with something which is enjoyable to us out here :)

Linda said...

It is so hard to keep up with everything! I am a bit weary of it all....

Pamela M. Steiner said...

There! I just "followed" your blog! I see you commenting on many of my other friends, so thought I needed to check you out. I see you love photography. I do also, and I need some advice about a new photo editor. I have always used Picasa, and it is now no longer supported by Google, etc., and I can't even print my photos on my HP printer! I have zillions of photos that I am afraid are going to go away if I can't start editing them in something different. So I will welcome your suggestions since you seem to be very adept at photography. I don't do fancy edits, just enough to make my photos look better for my blogs, etc. I love the photos you posted in this post. Interesting and unique! Have a blessed and wonderful day. Pam at Closed Doors, Open Windows.

Ann said...

The flowers are really pretty. The time change does not make me happy. I requested a vacation day like I did last year. Since it changes on a Sunday morning and I already get up at 3a.m. losing that hour kills me. When I was younger I could take it but not so much any more.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Are those the moss rose? I love them. And sure enough, the zoom makes the background black. I'm glad you are alright!!

Chatty Crone said...

Love your flowers. We are doing the time change in less than 2 weeks? Yikes. I just got used to this one.

CheerfulMonk said...

Time change already? Ugh. Thanks for the warning. I'm with you.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Oh no, I didn't realize the time change was coming up.