Saturday, February 24, 2024

Well DUH! Who knew?


this is my Nikon Coolpix 610 purchased in 2015. It is now 9 years old. Some of you will remember I turned over a cup of hot chocolate and the camera was under the table in the chair and had cocoa running down it. See prior post Chocolate Waterfall.

A year ago, I put the camera away because the photos were not a clear, and sometimes it refused to work at all. I did not want to pay for repairs on and old camera. 

I saw a bird I wanted to show you, and could not get it with the cell phone. After looking at the price of a new zoom camera I dug this one out, to see if it worked and the batteries were dead. After recharge it still refused to come on, but if I wiggled the screen it would for a take a clear pic then a few blurry pics.. DUH! all it needed was a new battery. Bob said if the batteries are the original, how old is the camera 2nd DUH!  

It turns out batteries have a shelf life.... who knew??? Bob Knew!

I BOUGHT A NEW BATTERY, in fact TWO batteries since 1 was 15.00 and 2 were 17.00.  

PS, yes I took these photos and that IS THE TINY CHRISTMAS Tree still out and it is Feb 21 and NOW we wait for that bird to reappear.

PS again, I like the cell better because it auto puts the photos in Google Photo Folder. Bah hum bug on USB cords to upload in computer and then move to the cloud.  I will if I have to ha ha

You can see how the camera takes pictus over at Beaus Blog Fourpaws Today


Ginny Hartzler said...

That is GREAT! I have noticed that in the last few years, all the batteries have an expiration date on them.

Rose said...

I am happy for you!

eileeninmd said...

That is a nice camera! I am glad it works with the new batteries.
I have to use the USB cord to load my camera photo and my cell phone photos.
Take care, have a great day and happy weekend.

Ann said...

Hooray f or a new battery working. That's a good deal for the second battery too. I would definitely have bought two. I'll have to remember this about the battery.

Sparky said...

I'm glad it was only a new battery needed. I was gonna say it's easy to sell film or digital cameras if so desired. We use K & H Camera in Atlanta for new purchases. (It's all on-line) They'll buy your old ones, refurbish, then sell on to someone else and/or they have refurbished ones for sale at good prices.
Anywho ... it's funny 'cause I prefer to use my old point and shot digital camera instead of the cell. I put the images on my 'puter, fix the color, stability, etc. then upload the keepers to my Google Photos account. It doesn't bog down my cell phone that way. I'm a cheapskate of the first water and don't want to buy another phone just because I have a kazillion photos in the memory. *giggle*
Blessings. xx

My Mind's Eye said...

Guess who loves your Red camera
Hugs Me

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love carrying a camera so I can zoom in on things. But the batteries sure run down fast! Enjoy your beautiful day. The sunshine is glorious!

DawnTreader said...

I like my phone camera for the easy upload to the computer as well. I've got a bit spoiled with that since I bought the new phone last spring. It's really not all that complicated from my other camera either though as I keep an SD card reader connected to the laptop. So rather than using USB cord, I take the card out of the camera and place that in the card reader to copy the camera photos.

Brian's Home Blog said...

It's very cool to have it working again just in case you need it or want it for those long distance shots!

Mevely317 said...

Who would have ever guessed, indeed? Let's call it 'Lazarus'!
Nope, I'd no idea batteries had a shelf life, either, but I'm super happy for you.

PS - Working or not, I'd love to carry that around simply because of the color. (Swooning for burgundy!)

photowannabe said...

I too love, love, love the color of your camera. Unique and fabulous you have got it working again. Nikon is my son Steve's go to camera. I don't know all the # and letters for which one his is but it is new. He's actually in Hawaii right now at a conference and trade show. Besides speaking at 8 workshops he and his business partner are in the Nikon booth touting the "wears".

Linda said...

I am obsolete! I don't use the cloud! Off to see the pics!

carol l mckenna said...

Good for you ~ getting camera to work again ~ worth for the long shots maybe ~ Technology is great when it works ~ lol

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Chatty Crone said...

It's like you have a new camera.

DeniseinVA said...

I expect you were happy it only needed a new battery. It looks a real nice camera.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I'm impressed that you tried the cameras. I noticed my two the other day when I was looking for something and don't care to use them at all.