Thursday, February 29, 2024

Why I forgot a post and other stuff


Pollen is EVERYWHERE! this is our Oak in the front yard, taken from the back yard. The pool is yellow, the deck is yellow, the streets are running with yellow.
ACHOOOOO! how about YOU?

While you think about your answer, this is the excuse story of why I forgot to post on Wed.
Thursday past, we showed up for Bobs annual Primary Care Wellness Visit at 7 Am, which is the reason we continue to go to the worst doctor on the planet. the fact Bob can go EARLY and not have to WAIT since he is always the first patient of the day.

Girl says, Dr R is out of the office until Monday, you should have received a call to reschedule.

I did NOT say what I thought, which was, if I got the call, I would NOT BE HERE.

We rescheduled for Wed 7:10 which is 2nd patient of day.

Walked in door at 7, only ones there, check in, and WAIT!

3 more check in, WAITING! they call all 3 in before us. 4th comes in, goes right in. I go to girl, and she goes to the back and comes back with story we are NEXT, we are no called, someone else goes in
I will not repeat how I acted. 
The worst part was even after I said something and she went back they thought we were for the other doctor, so said the nurse. 
I'm livid and pacing. Because we are always first and out in 15 minutes, I had made appt at 9 to drop off Bobs truck, for tires and possible U joints replaced. We were in my truck not the drop off truck and the anxiety escalated. 
the idiot that calls himself a doctor, did NOTHING but BP, push down on stomach, crack a few jokes and hand us the orders for blood labs.
Rush home, get truck, got to Tire Plus, they have to order the tires, go home and go back on Wednesday. 

In the past Quest lab allowed walk-ins, they don't anymore, I struggled to make the online appt and find one at 7 which is the most coveted, work my way through and at the end it says, charge to patient will be 266.66, let us know how you want to pay. 

Thinking maybe our Policy had changed labs I leave Quest and to UHC website and can NOT FIND THE LABS, call the number and GET AN AI ROBOT that informs me he can now understand full sentences.
HE COULD NOT, 10 minutes of speaking LOUDLY to AI MAN
I get a person and she says, Quest is still good and is no charge.
I return and make the appt and now wait to see what happens when we go.
That is why I woke up the next day with NO post on this blog...
Ginny just notified me, there is no post today. I left this in drafts
I told you the weeds are drowning me.

a gazillion little wormy looking twirly thingys full of pollen waiting to spray us today


Beatrice P. Boyd said...

That was quite the experience at that medical office, Sandra, nine of it good and you both had more patience (pun intended) than myself. Perhaps, it is time to consider another doctor if that is even possible. As for missing a day of posting, it is nothing to stress about as Life events should always take precedence and you had enough to stress about, including the truck repairs and prescription. Fellow bloggers do understand that daily posts are not required, so relax as you deserve a rest.

easyweimaraner said...

my days are the thursdays... lee and phods mama once said nothing good happens on a thursday and I thought YES! hallelujah! YES!... oh... today is... oh my...

eileeninmd said...

I always try to get that first appointment too.
It feels awful sitting there waiting while they call in all these patients.
The tree pollen is the worse for my allergies.
I would not worry about missing a post, as long as you are ok.
Take care, have a great day!

Tigger's Mum said...

I can't write the first two words I uttered but they start BH. Crikey you get some strife in a system where we understood you pay for it all and a culture where customer is king (or so we have been led to believe). That's the sort of runaround we expect from the NHS. I did pay for private physio here once and when they found out I was paying not insurance,the price dropped by about 75%. Gave me the distinct impression that insurers get ripped off.

DeniseinVA said...

That’s terrible! I am sorry you had such a frustrating day. No worries on not getting a post done. Very understandable considering all this going on.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Yikes! I think it is time to find a new Doctor! One thing about our Doctor's office that we like is that we can usually get in and out within an hour. We are not crazy about our Dr., who is really a P.A., but he sounds better than your Dr. And thankfully our Dr. office does their own labs, so we don't have to go to Quest anymore. And yes, the oak pollen is terrible right now here in north central Florida where I live. Are you also in Florida? I am new to your blog so don't know all your info, but am looking forward to getting better acquainted in the days to come. The only good thing about pollen season is that it soon shall pass and then it will be spring...or summer, depending on the weather report! LOL. Happy Leap Day!

Rose said...

That is enough to drive a person round the bend!

Chatty Crone said...

I think I would have lost my cool. An appointment is an appointment.
I hate not being able to get someone on line - I just hate it. Think of all the jobs lost too. That is the part of AI I don't like.
I am with you!

DawnTreader said...

Not much pollen here yet I think as it's still rather chilly and more rainy than dry and sunny. I've just started taking my daily allergy pills though, as one never quite knows with spring. - I understand your frustration with the doctor's office. My dr didn't do much at my recent checkup either, but we have a different routine here: We get the standard lab tests done 1-2 weeks before seeing the dr, so that the dr already has the results of those when we meet.

My Mind's Eye said...

What a maddening day that had to be. You know if we are late for appt...some docs charge. Wonder what they would do if we deducted money from their bill for having to wait.
Pollen has arrived here too; however, we had wind and rain event last night washed a lot away. More rain all day tomorrow but I'm sure there is a ton more pollen waiting for us. Bryan had his senior wellness last week. It was basically hello how are you talk a bit then off to the labs.
Labs were good thankfully
Hugs Cecilia

Linda said...

Good grief!! I totally understand your frustration and I am so sorry you have so much on your plate right now.
Pollen is hard on people but as beekeepers - we get excited about it!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Oh my goodness, that's some horrible experiences and I've fired doctors for a lot less. Dang!

photowannabe said... right...the pollen is awful. I think that's why I have had a headache.
Oh my, what a saga you have been on.
Some doctor offices are for the birds.. That "nurse" should have read your appointment and double checked. Seems the attitude was I'm always right and you as the patient don't know a single thing.
Hope the rest of the appointments will go better.
Its trying so hard to rain today. Suppose to be a blizzard in the mountains tomorrow...glad I'm not there!

crafty cat corner said...

I have been sneezing quite a bit this week and your post has reminded me that our trees have the dangly bits on them so i am probably suffering from pollen as well.

Ann said...

Oh wow, how frustrating. I would have been furious just over the appointment. The second appointment and having to wait all that time with other people going in ahead of you would have totally pushed me over the edge.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my gosh! I am so sorry, you are a victim of dumb people's circumstances!!

Sparky said...

My husband suffers terribly during the Oak pollen. Thankfully, I must not be very allergic. Just little sniffling.
That's terrible about the Doctor visit. I hope there are other doctor's available so you can change? My husband's sister lives in Port Charlotte and said it's gotten terrible trying to find a good doctor. They're leaving. Moving here. They've Florida Natives too but had enough of the high costs, lousy doc's, hurricanes, etc. I'm blessed that our Doctor is so very good. He also eats keto (low sugar/carb's) like us and helps us stay healthy. I pray y'all can get that resolved concerning a good doctor soon.
Blessings. 🩵

Mevely317 said...

Oh, I'd have been livid about that doctor's office. "And you should've gotten a call ..." DUH?!?!
Pity is, he probably has no clue what idiots he has working the front office.
I wonder what Quest would have done if you simply paid the $266.66.
Even Tom's respiratory therapist today acknowledged there's a lot amiss in the medical world today. What-cha gonna do!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Reading what you went through gives me so much anxiety. I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that.

Susan Kane said...

I think you won the prize for the worst appt, lack of that is. Their office staff needs a comeuppance.

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm so sorry! That sucks!!