Saturday, June 8, 2024

First Cousin Andrea


This is Andrea, my 1st cousin and her granddaughter and two great granddaughters. There were only 8 paternal 1st cousins, and now there are 5 of us. They all live in Georgia except me. 

Andrea husband of 60 plus years died a few weeks ago, and Saturday morning as I made my smoothie, ANDREA popped in my mind. just the one Word, and I dialed her phone.

Sandy, you called at the perfect time, I just sat down to rest up, and was eating a peanut. I said I had to swallow a peanut to call you when your name popped up like a light bulb. We grew up as sisters, next door to each other, in Savannah Georgia, the peanut state. 

She said I sold my house, for cash, I bought another house and in 3 weeks I was out and into my new house. I have a new address and I wanted to tell you about it..

She had a story to tell me, we laughed until we cried at this story.
She has been her husband's caregiver for many years, and all of this last year he was so sick, she never left the house except doctors appts. 
(Note: She only uses her phone for text and calls and has no clue about computers. )

Her son bought her an iPad and set up the Walmart App for her, and she ordered everything she needed delivered for the whole year.
Never any problems ordering. She did learn to browse pretty things.  She was browsing Amazon for things for the new house and decided, I think I can order this even though I have never ordered before.

Three days later, her granddaughter called, not the one above, she has a lot of grands. She said grandma, did you order something from Amazon? Well, yes, Sarah, I did.. Why? 
Sarah replied,Thank you for the 9 dresses that came to our house today...

What? I did not order any dresses. Granddaughter explained she had 9 dresses in the cart, trying to decide which one she wanted or how many and Grandma,when you ordered you ordered all of them. Andrea came back with, what's a cart?  
The next day her son called and said, Mom, do NOT ORDER anything else from Amazon, call me or Sarah and we will order it.

This is her new house and I eagerly await the next chapter of her life.  

to be continued with Cousin Terrell


Ginny Hartzler said...

Her new house is really beautiful! I hope she enjoys it and is alright living alone now. At least her time will be her own, but I know that is no consolation at all. You have got to teach her to shop online!!

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm so glad you are still in touch. I hope she loves her new life after such a hard time. ❤️

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
That is a warm and loving story of connection, as well as the humour that comes from exploration of online life! YAM xx

eileeninmd said...

Your cousin's new house is pretty. That is a funny story, you have to be careful to check on everything in your online carts. Take care, have a great day and a happy weekend.

Ann said...

What a beautiful house that is.
Love the story. Of course not the fact that she ordered way more than she thought she did. Nice that she has a son who will look out for her and make sure she gets it right.

DawnTreader said...

Sounds like a good chatch-up for both of you! :)

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I don’t order from Amazon, so this is not going to happen to me. The only things I purchase on line are books from one outlet in the Niagara Peninsula and once I ordered two copies of the same book, having added it to the basket twice. Rather than send it back I donated it to the local library, so perhaps others benefitted from my mental lapse.

Donna said...

A fresh start is almost always needed.
Funny shopping story...

Rose said...

All one level. Perfect! I want to hear more of the story..

Brian's Home Blog said...

Her new house looks very nice and how wonderful you two got to chat and laugh.

My Mind's Eye said...

Sandra what a wonderful post about Andrea.And funny
I hope you are doing well and your leg is healing
Hugs Cecilia

Mevely317 said...

Oh my! That story about the Amazon 'cart' is the funniest thing I've heard in a long time. I'm guessing theirs is a shared account and imagining the look on her son's face.

I'm so glad you've an Andrea in your corner, you feel comfortable picking up the phone and reconnecting whenever you feel like it. Her new home is beautiful ... that's a great way to walk through the front door into a new life.

photowannabe said...

You know this made me so excited..You were obedient to the prompt and you were blessed with a delightful and soul warming phone call..
Her story about Amazon is too cute too. Sounds like something I would do..haha..
Having a little reprieve in the heat department. Its only 69F at 10:15 this morning..Its DELICIOUS...

Pamela M. Steiner said...

What a wonderful story...kind of bittersweet...the dear cousin who is learning to navigate life on her own now and going through so many new changes. How wonderful you were "driven" to call her just when you did. Sounds like you had a great time catching up with each other. Her new home certainly is lovely. Moving at any stage in life can be so traumatic, but it sounds like she got through it quite well. And I do hope her kids will help her navigate the online shopping sprees! LOL That could get expensive! LOL. I enjoyed this post. Hope you are doing well!!

Chatty Crone said...

What a sweet, sweet story that was - do they call you Sandy? Me too - Sandie.
So that house is huge - just for one! It is gorgeous tho and a ranch which I would love.
Kelly and I share an Amazon account and I have worries of doing the same thing!
Nice you were able to talk today.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

So sorry for the loss of her husband. That's kind of crazy about the dresses. I hope they can teach her about Amazon. Her new house looks really big.

Linda said...

Your cousin is precious!! I can relate!