Monday, July 22, 2024

Code Red Sunday

On Sunday we take Beau to the park, and for a 30-minute ride after he enjoys his scentarama time with Mama. We leave at 6:15 and arrive back home at a little after 7.

Yesterday when I got out of the car, I stayed in the front yard to water the stump plants/ferns. Turned on the hose and nothing but a trickle of water. The water was fine when we left, because we never leave home without potty breaks and both commodes flushed.

We both went into panic mode because our first thought was the threat of old pipes in front yard collapsing. We recieve a letter and an email PER MONTH stating our PIPES are old and decaying and if they burst we have to pay for repairs.. We never have before. this is all new.. each time they are it is our expense from house to the street.  we DO NOT PAY. asking us to sign up for INSURANCE and we DO NOT PAY.

I used my ultra hearing ears to listen for broken pipes inside and out and was in the front yard trying to find a hose next door to check to see if it was ONLY US or Others too.

I heard the sound of our neighbors Harley coming down his street and he waved as he roared past us. He went half a block, turned around and came back and pulled up to our curb and shut his bike down. He said do you have water?  I said we are out trying to find out if the neighbors do. He said I am so glad you don't because it was fine when I brushed my teeth when I got up. I just remodeled our bathroom, and I was sure I had broken a pipe. I said our first thought was the pipes that they want us to buy insurance on burst. He said that was my second thought.  

We chatted for about 15 minutes, he left, we came inside relieved that the other street had no water either. I dialed our city after hours emergency number and a recording said, they were aware and were working on a repair and did not know an estimated time it would be repaired. 

PHEW! Dodged that expensive bullet.

I went out to water the flowers with the gallon jug I keep by the stump and Bob opened the door and said Get in here, there is an Emergency Code Red on the TV screen and it's leaving a message, and I can't understand it... (we have spectrum provider, and all our calls pop up on TV if it's on ha ha ha ha, its always on)

I race in the house, and it simply says, City of Bradenton has lost water pressure, we are aware, more info to follow... I explain Code Red to Bob and go back out to the flowers. Door pops open, THEY are calling AGAIN... OMW!

This time it said City of Bradenton is on Boil Water Alert, do not drink the water without boiling it first.

I have 5 gallons of spring water ready for Hurricane Season, so did not worry. I grab the canning Pot that used to belong to my mother, fill with water and start it boiling. This is the water for the huge dog that drink several gallons a day... 

I race out the door, to knock on the neighbor's door and Willie is out in the front yard with one of his three dogs. I tell him the news; he says I got the Code red on my phone but did not know there is a problem. Seems they slept through the whole thing and never knew they did not have water. 

Without Code Red, everyone would sleep in on Sunday and get up and drink the water and BOOM! Our town would be on CNN.

IF YOU ARE NOT SIGNED UP FOR CODE RED YOU Might want to think about it. Almost everywhere has access. Simply register with your county or city and they will text, call, email any emergency that happens. They send all of the above for tornados, hurricanes, and will also alert for any emergency that is happening in your area. They target the area and send alerts only to the effect area. You can choose what you want to be warned about. 

You can Search for Code Red adding city, county, state and it will take you to your county link to register, you can go to your city/county website and look there also.   

If you live in Alabama or Illinois or the middle of a state, you will want to unclick Tsunami which I did. Pick tornado, hurricane whatever you have in your area. 

Good news to travelers, when you register it will go where your phone goes. Where you are if a disaster is happening, it will warn you.  HOW COOL IS THIS... 

Beaus Pot of water boiled for 3 minutes and now waits for him to drink it

 What is CodeRED and what is it used for?

CodeRED is a web-based communication solution that enables local public safety personnel to notify residents and businesses by telephone, text message and email of time-sensitive information, emergencies, or urgent notifications. The system can reach hundreds of thousands of individuals in minutes to ensure information such as evacuation notices, missing persons, and inclement weather advisories are quickly shared


Ginny Hartzler said...

I had no idea about Code Red. I'm going to look for it! What an exciting day you had!

easyweimaraner said...

wow thanks for the info... that is scary when the water is gone... the mama sent a look full of triumph to the dad who laughed once as she bought this giant water bottles... every time she goues to super u, she has such a 5 liter thingy on the back seat... for such a code red day....

Tigger's Mum said...

Well I hope you water is back and clean in no time at all. Greece had that sort of alert system - but you don't get to sign up - they somehow or other pinged all mobile phones and you thought an air raid siren was going off in your backpack (or wherever you keep you phone). Very scary the first time it happened - they used it for fires and flooding, and for lock downs during the height of COVID. (re the Spring water - you are clearly well prepared for armageddon)

Rose said...

I dont have code red..should lo ok k into it after while. I sure got the warnings to seek shelter a year or two before we moved because of tornados.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Well I never... Great system, but it would be nice if it never had to be used! YAM xx

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I am not sure whether we have a system like this. We do get warnings on all our electronic devices if severe weather is expected and amber alerts for missing children, but other than that I’m not aware of anything. I would think that too many warnings would lead people to ignore them - like a car alarm going off, to which none pays attention other than annoyance until it’s turned off.

eileeninmd said...

I hope the water problem has been fixed. It is a pain you have to boil the water. I have heard of the code red, I did know you had to sign up for to get the alert. I do get the emergency weather alerts on my phone. Is that the same thing? Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week!

Ann said...

I have never heard of code red before. I do get alerts about things happening in our area from the borough that I live in. They usually aren't really emergencies though. Then again, I don't think anything really big has happened around here either.
So what caused the problem with the water? Did they ever say? Is it fixed now?

Sparky said...

So sorry y'all had to go through this. I hope your pipes never cause any problems. That would be expensive. CodeRed is a good idea for all sorts of scenarios. And thanks for reminding me why I never want to live in a city or town again. I like having our own well with generator backup. 💙

Brian's Home Blog said...

I didn't know about Code Red either so I looked an our area isn't covered.

My Mind's Eye said...

Dang if it isn't one thing it is another. I keep at least 4+ gallons of drinking water in the garage fridge...
However, if I had to cook with it that would depelte the supply. Probably by more this week.
Hugs Cecilia

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Thank you for this information. That Code Red sounds very interesting. I've never heard of that before. Glad you are okay. Have they fixed the issue yet?

photowannabe said...

Brother!!! It seems there is always something going on...
I do hope the water situation is taken care of and thank goodness it isn't on your dime...
All I can say is Enough All Ready!!!!
When I posted the picture of the Las Vegas window I immediately thought of you and your nook. I knew you would like all the glass decanters backlit.
We do have an emergency system in place in our county but I had not heard of Code Red. Maybe if we had hurricanes and tornados we would need it. Wildfires are our big worry even though we don't live close to the mountains. Fires can strike anywhere.
Stay cool. I'm about to turn on my fan by my chair. Too sticky and muggy for this early in the morning. 82F and going upward.

DawnTreader said...

We have something similar here, we get alerts about emergency events like major fires or road accidents etc via radio and TV since way back and since more recently can also subscribe to them via our smartphones.

DeniseinVA said...

Thanks for the heads up. I hope you get your water back soon. We have this feature. If anything urgent is going on we get it on our TV and phone.

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my goodness - you sound like you had a very stressful day. I am going to check out Code Red when I get done here.
Did you have to boil your water?

Mevely317 said...

Oh, what a day! (We're having an automotive Code Red, but that's a story for another day.)

Crazy, the water issue coming right on the heels of Florida Power wanting y'all to buy insurance for the overhead lines, and now underground pipes? I'd like to know which insurance company is benefitting from all these policies.
So glad it is/was a city/county issue and not something you're responsible for. I'm going to Google for Code Red in our neighborhood right now.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We are glad you found out what the problem was before any harm occurred. We have a NotifyJoCo alert system that we think covers things like that. Mom says she will have to check.

Woos - Misty and Timber

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Here in Nashua, NH, the city has an alert system in which residents are notified by an automatic phone call Good information you provided in this post, Sandra.

CheerfulMonk said...

Great post! I’m glad it wasn’t your pipes!