Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Copy Cat Copy Cat 5


Here we are again. Ann'sSnapEditScrap doodle for her work week was this. My inspiration was her palms and beaches and sunshine..  

When Bob saw this his exact words were, Nada, None, he shrugged, may have mumbled soemthing like Ok.

Ann said maybe I should not try to copy but draw what I want to draw... I tried again and 

I picked a yellow brush and ended up with flowers, nothing but the yellow, I played and added green, i love trees and leaves and yellow flowers. I decided to add a photo of me.. while messing about I clicked on a layer and poked and stroked and dragged opacity and well, not sure what all I did. I  ended up with this. When I showed this one to Bob, he said

"I like it, you are not improving you are getting Better!"    
Now I can't sleep at night for trying to figure out what that means..... 

PS, I am going to try beach and palms again. who knows, I might improve and not get better.


the second one is same one, added a layer of black background


easyweimaraner said...

I love the photo of you and the yellow flowers, that is a nice combination...

Ann said...

I think your palm trees look great. I especially like the do over. That one would look nice on a canvas. Maybe I'll need to try and copy your picture.
I'm curious about how you can get better without improving. :)

Rose said...

I love the do over, too.

eileeninmd said...

I like the yellow flowers and all the greenery!
Cute image of you!
I always love a scene with palm trees, the second one is my favorite.
Take care, have a great day!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

It’s an overused aphorism but nonetheless true - practice makes perfect.

DawnTreader said...

You're working at finding your own style, sounds/looks to me like you need something to inspire you and get you started, but you get "better" when you let your own creativity loose rather than just copy. (I'm thinking that may be what Bob meant??)

Donna said...

Husbands always believe they are wise...lolol
Maybe sometimes?
Love these!! Well done...

Mevely317 said...

Calgon, take me away!
.....To the land of Sandra's beachy palms and no stress!
(Dog friendly, of course.)

Well done!

My Mind's Eye said...

Ann made a great suggestion...she and all of us know you have a most cre8tive eye
Hugs cecilia

Chatty Crone said...

I love the flowers and how you put yourself as part of the scenery.
I like your palm trees - especially the do over.

Brian's Home Blog said...

I like your art and I think you're doing great!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Whichever, you are winning! Love the green with yellow flowers and selfie. YAM xx

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love the palms at night, it is SO creative and beautifully eerie!! You and the yellow flowers is beautiful! Multi layered and happy!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

So from what I can tell, they actually do sell different kinds of moonshine. And are getting really popular.

photowannabe said...

The picture of you and the yellow flowers is the very best. A+++

Not too sure what Bob meant but I think your own creativeness is the best...not better but best.

Another hot one today. Going to be 108F. At 8 am it was already 87F. I am a damp mess,
I hate to see our electrical bill this month.

Sparky said...

The Hubby comment made me giggle and look puzzled too. He's probably having a hard time putting into words what his heart feels. Bless his heart.
Those are great Sandra! Keep going!
You're encouraging me to start decorating, painting, and doing something constructive again. You are a treasure gal. 💙💙

Debby@Just Breathe said...

The palm trees came out great. The yellow flowers are pretty too. I believe what Bob said was a compliment.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Our Mom, who has NO artistic skills whatsoever, thinks your creations are beautiful!!! We have to say we agree, especially when you add Beau in there:)

Woos - Misty and Timber

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I think you are getting better, better, best! All of your creations are so unique and fun and special. I really like the one of you and the yellow flowers the best! Did you do the one with the dog and the palm trees, or was that your friend's? Either way, the dog is a great addition. I love the palm trees with the black overlay best of all the palms. I don't know how you do any of that, so I am impressed! BTW, thank you for the advice about the Purslane. I moved it to the front porch, and it bloomed, even after all it had been through. I will write more about that later this week! Thank you for your help!!! Have a great night.

CheerfulMonk said...


DeniseinVA said...

I love that you put yourself in those images. I like these palm trees and the pretty yellow flowers.