Thursday, August 8, 2024

Cell Phone Macro and Our Nemesis

Walking with Beau through the gate into Bob's Space, I spied with my little eye, a tiny white flower growing in Bob's pile of old junk, consisting of an anvil, and a boat propellor, that came with us from our other home 40 years ago

I had my cell in my pocket and decided to MAKE the macro work. I just have not made that work.
It did a good job on RUST

and i did manage to get one of the flowers, which is smaller than a dime

I spied the Broom with the Broken Handle that he has in his PILE and it did a decent job on the broom fake straw

which brought my eye to our NEMEIS!
Virginia Creeper that is creeping over the neighbor's fence into our yard. Bob is allergic to the Creeper and has twice ended up at the dermatologist because he refused to LISTEN and wear long sleeves, gloves, jeans. add to the problem that he can't walk very well, and his knees hurt all the time, and we have this.... Each time I mention a YARD PERSON, he gets angry because he is not paying someone to do what he has always done.
Until now. Does this look done? Yes, there is a rotten fence under there and in that jungle in the neighbor yard, live coons and opposums and birds and critters. and

On this fence and all our fences we have this and the other dreaded
orange trumpet vine, AKA flame vine. Remember we live in a steamy tropical climate.
to be continued tomorrow


Ginny Hartzler said...

I love the combination of the rusty junk and the pretty little flower, such opposites in many ways! Perhaps you could hire someone to come when he is at the Y or somewhere by himself? But he may not do that anymore...

Linda said...

I am going to try to get a BIG rusty air tank out to the curb tomorrow - under cloak of darkness! So far LD has not missed any of the 'debris' that has disappeared over the last several months.

easyweimaraner said...

it has something special... the rusty part and the white innocent flower... this year everything grows like crazy... we hope for a farmer with big equipment, it is too much for our toy tools...

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
It's fun to play with the different settings isn't it? I too like the rusty v the floral... YAM xx

Ann said...

I've always found macro shots to be fun. So all that stuff on the fence in the last picture is coming over from your neighbors yard?

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Junk from forty years ago seems more than a tad unreasonable. Your husband sounds unreasonable too!

Brian's Home Blog said...

So where is the rest of the boat? The rust looks very serious!

Rose said...

Of course those are all treasures! Especially the boat propeller.

As to the vine on the fence in the last shot, that is not Virginia creeper....I am thinking maybe trumpet vine, but I don't remember you ever posting photos of blooms. And it has really pretty blooms. So I am not sure about it.

Mevely317 said...

I do love that second image! Too, how you've captured the juxtaposition of the old v. new (baby bloom).
Every time I think our yard needs professional attention, Tom gets 'his back up' and climbs aboard the rider. Guess I'm going to have to pick my battles ... and thank God we no longer live in an HOA community.

eileeninmd said...

The flowers are pretty. We had the trumpet vine, it turned into a monster. It is so hard to get rid of! Take care, have a great day!

My Mind's Eye said...

OMDs MS that cre8tive mind is at work again
waiting for the rest of the story tomorrow
Hugs cecilia

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

It's impossible to keep the vines and weeds...and even the wildflowers under control here in Florida! You took some neat pics!

CheerfulMonk said...

The pictures turned out great, but I’m sorry Bob freaks out at the thought of getting help.

Chatty Crone said...

I loved the macro flower. Not so much the Virginia Creeper.

Haha - maybe Bob wants you to pull it. Just kidding. I hope you get some help!

The Happy Whisk said...

Very cool that you're outside shooting macros! Thati one of my fave things to do.

photowannabe said...

Macros are one of my favorite thing to use. I love the detail so much.
I do hope Bob will finally admit that there are some things he can no longer do. This getting old is serious business.
Hope you can get a handle on the Creepers and vines. Weeds etc. are the bane of my existence.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Love the photos of the rusty anvil, boat moter, and little flower. But that vine that you say is Virginia Creeper, I am not so sure. It doesn't look like the Virginia Creeper we have. It looks more like something else, more similar to poison ivy, according to my "google lens". You might want to check it out further before tackling it. That may be why Bob has such bad reactions to it. Just saying... I still love the photos, however.

Sparky said...

It's proof right there that even a pile of "junk" can be art.
These cell phones take some of the best photos, don't they?! I've been using my new little yellow water proof camera. Then upload the photos to Google. Trying to save room on my phone. Can't afford another one.
Yeah, that jungle needs to be tamed. It's only going to get worse. And I get that being allergic to a plant. Steve is allergic to Red Cedar sap. Naturally, our property is full of Red Cedar's. 💙

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What a great way to turn a pile of "things" into art!
Looks like thhe rain has revived your nemesis!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

The white flower is so cute. That is a lot of rust! I wondered what that was, the broom. when I first spotted it. Sorry to hear that Bob is allergic to that creeper. Oh my, that's a lot in your neighbors yard. I understand where Bob is coming from. Mark has wanted me to get a maid for several years because it's too much for me to do. I don't want one!

DeniseinVA said...

The white flowers are very pretty and nicely composed with the rust. The Virginia Creeper looks like it wants to take over. Bob is struggling with not being able to do what he was once able to do, and resenting getting anyone to help maybe? Ginny has a good idea.