Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Leaf Lettuce


Leaf lettuce and Hot Sauce things you might need to know. 
If something is eating the leaves to your plants outside, spray with several drops of dawn dish detergent and Hot sauce in 1/2 gallon of water. it works on snails, white moth thingys, anything that chomps your leaves. Even better than Seven Spray or Dust. I spray any of our plants with this during bug season

I cut the end thing off of the leaf lettuce and laid it on a plate and it was so pretty I had to take a photo.
My IBS diet is limited, and I eat frozen fruits with Vanilla soy shakes twice a day because fruits and veggies cause fewer digestive problems if blended. 
I put a few pieces of this beauty in the fruit drink and WHOA BOY! I could hardly finish the healthy drink. My beloved fruit ice cream shake tasted like fresh mown grass smells.
I can't eat leaf lettuce as in salad, because it upsets my stomach. I could blend it with Bob's Nestles Quick Chocolate Syrup, but that is even worse on my stomach. I did try Cocoa Powder in it and had enough gas to go to the space station. TMI???


easyweimaraner said...

thanks for the trick... I had no clue about the hot sauce... I will do that, maybe it helps my plants to survive... as soon as the rain comes the snails are there too..... so it maybe snains here?

CheerfulMonk said...

Thanks for telling us how to make it! I’m sorry about the lettuce.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Lettuce blended with cucumber, apple, and kiwi can be quite refreshing and fairly tasty. .. YAM xx

Ann said...

I think I've heard that trick for the garden before. Of course it was after I wasn't planting a garden any more.
My dad used to grow leaf lettuce every year and I didn't like it. It always tasted too bitter to me.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I am happy to report that I eat my lettuce as part of a salad without any side effects of any kind. The only kind of lettuce we buy is Romaine, but I suspect it would be no different with other lettuces.

Rose said...

I will try to remember the trick with dawn and hot sauce...

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Oh my, lettuce in a fruit shake doesn't sound like it would be a good idea at all...LOL. What were you thinking??? LOL. I have similar "issues", although I really haven't identified the culprit of all my "ills". I love a lettuce/spinach salad with shredded cheese and whatever else I have to throw on top of it for lunch. Usually some shredded up pieces of deli ham or left over chicken or something like that. But the (ahem) gas issue is something that I really have to watch. I hate to take away all of my favorite foods, but it seems like the choices are getting smaller and fewer. That's why after going to a pot luck lunch on Saturday kept me home from church on Sunday. Sorry for TMI here. Still trying to figure it all out. Thankful I'm not still a working girl. I would never get perfect attendance anymore. I didn't have this when I was younger, so it must be an "old age" thing, huh??? Okay, take care and enjoy your day. I hope you are getting some sunshine by now? It is going to be still cloudy and rainy somewhat here today! Crazy! Bye for now.

Mevely317 said...

You know, that lettuce (my fav) immediately caught my attention. Sooo pretty, but I'm not brave enough to try and drink it mulched. (Gag!)
That's a great tip about the Dawn and hot sauce. In the last week Elmore County's been beset by army worms, destroying whole lawns. We've seen just a few, but I may try this -- so much cheaper than calling our pest pro.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Too bad about the leaf lettuce bothering your system. When I was growing up I used to go to our garden an pick leaf lettuce for our salads just about every day.

Chatty Crone said...

You are so funny. Honest too. I don't have to take care of my yard where we are at now - but good to know about the hot sauce - makes sense.
You know there is something called a wheat grass shot. I used to get them all the time - but now I can't - way to pricey.
They tasted like grass as well - but they are SO GOOD for you - sandie

My Mind's Eye said...

OMDs I love a good salad...I'm sorry you can't eat it.
Thanks for the tip about hot sauce
I hope Debby has left departed
Hugs Cecilia

Breathtaking said...

OH Sandra poor you! I B S is no fun at all. Actually drinking liquids most of the time is good for you.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

I like how your diet is always evolving, but sorry that when experimenting, you have to find out the hard way what worls for you.

Tigger's Mum said...

I believe lettuce has that effect on quite a few people. I remember Dad being very upset when lettuce started having that effect as he loved lettuce salad.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Lettuce and chocolate, YUCK!! But what great advice about the non-chemical bug stuff!

Sparky said...

Good to know about how to protect leafy veg's. I can't eat any of them anymore as they cause IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) and terrible bloating. When I gave up all but a few veg's I quit getting sick. That's OK. I prefer being a carnivore anyway. Win-win! lol 💙

photowannabe said...

I sure hope your vertigo is getting better. It seems you are having difficulties one thing after another. Enough already!!
Had a great time with our small group bible study for dinner last night..of course no photos. Too much chit chat going on.
Everybody left the leftovers for us so we will have dinner for several cooking...

DeniseinVA said...

My roses are being attacked by aphids so thank you for the natural pest control. I've known friends who have put their greens inside a smoothie. I was never too keen on it but they didn't eat greens on the side like I do, so am happy to keep them on my plate. Another friend lettuce did a number on them, especially iceberg lettuce. As for your last sentence, no trips to the space station for you :)

Susan Kane said...

Lettuce and chocolate, that is just plain wrong. we grew leaf lettuce (Mom called it butter lettuce.) and Mom fixed it with hot fried bacon grease, bacon bits, with vinegar and a bit of sugar. She poured that over the cleaned lettuce.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Sorry about your IBS issues. Thank you for the information on the outside spray. Take care.

The Happy Whisk said...

Ha! Ha! Ha! on the space station.