Sunday, August 25, 2024

Seflie Sunday Profile PLUS

my head bursting when I read the Netflix email

Not really, I read and article about Digtial Art is Now Trending. I tried to copy one of the sample trends.  I took my profile in the bathroom and popped it in ipad pro-creation and madly tried to create something like I saw. 

 MOVING ON this is the email.

Basic plan, I am on it, going down to 6.99 with Commercials.
I can go down from 11.99 or pay less and watch commercials. OV VEY!
Standard will be 15.49
Premium will be 22.99 
Add TAXES which are 2 to 4 dollars more.
I have to choose before Sept 30
Since I now can't find anything I want to watch, except those we have already watched, do I want to keep it or not?

Our curretn other option for movies is Prime Amazon, and now they are forcing us to watch commercials at the beginning of each movie before we can watch the Free movies, which are not free, because we can't seem them if we don't pay for Prime.
I am pondering. Bob doesn't know how to stream, he only watches Cable, which we pay Spectrum for.
Since you have made it this far, I will leave you to GUESS what I will do, and show you the other major disaster from Procreate TRENDING ART by Sandra.

PS I had no idea my profile is so ugly. what profile is my question
I need lessons in Trending!


Ginny Hartzler said...

I'm thinking you chose the plan with commercials. I love what you did with your head exploding!!!

Ann said...

Your art looks very cool. Now I'm wondering what my profile looks like.
I don't have netflix or cable. I endure the commercials watching friendly tv. It has quite a few channels but I tend to watch a lot of the really old shows. I do also pay for Hulu because there are a few shows that I like that I can only get there.

eileeninmd said...

I like your art and selfie profiles. Right now, our Netflix is included in our Comcast bill, which is way too much. If I had too, I would watch the commercials. Take care, enjoy your day and have a great new week!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Add me to the list of profile art admirers!

In the UK, we have to pay a 'licence fee' to the BBC for 'free to air' telly... it works out at about USD20 per month. It is a legal thing and in theory we are not supposed to be able to watch television without having paid that fee - even if we were never to actually watch the BBC (which is pretty difficult, to be fair). Now, with the advent of online streaming and so many other platforms, more and more people are refusing to pay that cost. I still do, but as it's attached to the sticks and bricks address, when I finally sell the flat, I can rid myself of that fee. We have several free viewing options here, but I do pay an four quid monthly to STV, which eliminates the adds from what I watch there - it's the channel I probably use most. I also pay for A Prime, so watch as much there as I can on the freebies list... and the limited amount of advertising there doesn't bother me.... YAM xx

David M. Gascoigne, said...

We had Netflix for six months and cancelled it because we hardly ever watched it. We are just not TV people, period. At one point our old TV died and we didn’t replace it for six and a half months. We finally broke down when David Attenborough was launching a new Planet Earth series, and that’s something we really did want to see.

Rose said...

That first is what my brain feels like sometimes.

Katie Isabella said...

Good Morning...or Meowning! I ditched Netflix. They kept going up on fee but mostly I didn't watch it enough to justify paying. I did use it to go through all the iterations of a series and it's off-shoots. That was all I wanted it for really. I would not like to see my profile in any way. My "front file" is more acceptable. Good to see you this morning.

The Happy Whisk said...

For years now we switch streaming services without adverts. We won't buy a service to watch ads. Right now we have MAX which comes with Discovery Plus. We paid $150.00 for the year. No ads. That works for us. Before this we had Disney/Hulu also no adverts and with that we used a gift card. Again, this works for us. We don't have Prime and are not Prime members at this time. Also, we don't have cable or even basic TV. We have no use for either. And that's what it's about. Finding whatever works. For us, rotating streaming services work. We also have a Netflix gift card that is currently collecting dust. Will get to it whenever we rotate again or, the last Stranger Things finally drops.

My Mind's Eye said...

MS I love green and any combination....fresh and happy
Hugs Cecilia

Brian's Home Blog said...

All the streaming services are going up in price. They do that once they get you hooked.

DawnTreader said...

I haven't heard anything about changes in Netflix here to include adverts. Just checked and it seems I have the cheapest option available here (so far).

Breathtaking said...

Hi Sandra, I'm guessing you chose the one with the commercials! I like your first selfie profile the best, and it's not ugly just artistic. I don't have Netflix, Cable, Prime Amazon,or any other of the options available. My son downloads films for me,. or I go to U Tube to watch interviews or old films. I find that is ample time spent watching a screen.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Mark wants to go to all steaming and I am not ready for that at all. We do now pay $2.99 for no commercial's on Prime. However we do not pay a yearly fee for Amazon/Prime because Adam and Gabby let us join theirs. They have gone to streaming and I don't like it at all. Amber and Dylan just went to Disney+/along with a HULU Live TV, no commercials and it's pretty cool. You get about 70 regular channels on Hulu and they will tape things for you. This give her the possibility to watch almost all football games.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

By the way I like your selfie. We still have our DVR players. However, we pay well over $300 a month for what we have. Thankfully we can share some things with Adam and Amber.

Mevely317 said...

Okay, you definitely do NOT have a bad profile! I actually had to read all the way through twice before realizing what the first one was!
We've both Prime and Netflix -- that I hardly pay any attention to because 'someone' is in charge of the channel selection. Because he pays Netflix I didn't even know about that e-mail notification. Chances are, he'll let things stay 'as is.' I'm guessing you opted for the commercials, too. That's what I'd do and use the commercial breaks to go to the bathroom or refill my cup.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Our cable is going away next month, so we have to make some decisions too. We are probably going to go with YouTube TV. Your profile is just fine.

Woos - Misty and Timber

CheerfulMonk said...

I hate commercials, which is why I like streaming. I stopped Netflix for a while but am back now because they have so many programs with Spanish subtitles.

Sparky said...

Bet you went with the commercials?! One can always *mute* them anyway. We stream everything. Cut the cable (DirecTV) about 7 - 8 years ago. We use Chromecast. It's much better than it used to be. Then we subscribe to BritBox and YouTube Premium. Haven't tried Amazon Prime. So far those two channels have everything we need or want and if we want to can spend a little more just one time on YouTube to 'rent' a movie. Works for us anyway.
I don't see anything wrong with your profile. I think you look fine. I noticed my profile the other day and was disappointed in my looks. *sigh* Oh, well. Happens to us all I suppose. Next time I won't look. 💙

DeniseinVA said...

I don't watch regular TV anymore. I have Netflix and Amazon Prime, Max and Disney. I'm wandering which ones to get rid of as I seem to have lost interest. I don't see anything wrong with your profile either.

Chatty Crone said...

I am going to have to go to Netflix and see if it is true for me too. That would be a miracle something going down.