Friday, September 13, 2024

Sunrise on Nature Friday PLUS


I took these two photos on 9/9/24 at the edge of our driveway, after walking Beau. We see the sun come up each day as we return home. What better to post on Nature Friday than sunrise, and shoes worn to a frazzle in one year walking in the great outdoors

Sketchers Go Walk and so comfy! I clicked on buy again on Amazon. 

2 days later I received them, they did not look the same, and worst of all, they were too big. same size, not same shoe. 

Next day I bought similar shoes at Wal-Mart, and I like them but can't wear them without socks, Socks in Florida make feet feel like they are incased in hot concrete.  I don't wear socks, ever except house socks for 2 months of winter.  Now I have little black socklets that wick moisture and I hate wearing socks. It ruins my outdoor nature walks... I MADE A DISCOVERY
to be continued.

Joining Nature Friday with Rosy and Sunny at LLB Life 


Ginny Hartzler said...

It is gorgeous!!!! I await your discovery; you always have the best tips!

DeniseinVA said...

Your neighborhood looks beautiful! I am looking forward to your discovery. Shoes are so important, especially for walking. I agree with Ginny.

easyweimaraner said...

what a wonderful morning has broken - morning... we agree for the socks... either it looks granny-ish with long socks in sneakers, or they slip away when they are just sneaker socks... socks suck....

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Sunrise or sunset, all is nature! (Taking a few minutes this morning to let folk know I'm watching!) YAM xx

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful sunrise! Good shoes are important, I do have to wear socks with my walking shoes. Take care, enjoy your day!

Ann said...

What a nice sunrise. I can't wear shoes without socks. The only way I don't wear socks is is I have flip flops on or slippers.

Rose said...

I hate the way sizes are...I have two pair of sketchers and I did try on the second pair before I bought it. But after wearing the second pair a while they feel like my toes had to be crammed in.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

If you lived where I live and went for a walk in January you would wear socks - maybe even more than one pair!

Linda P said...

That's a wonderful sunrise. Over here it's getting chilly. I wear socks this time of the year. I like Sketchers. They are comfortable walking shoes although when it rains I don't go out in them. Instead I use sturdy leather ones. I hope you and Bob have a good weekend and week ahead.

My Mind's Eye said...

Sandra that is a gorgeous many hues
Hugs to you and your walking buddy the beautiful Beau

Shug said...

This is a beautiful sunrise and how wonderful to see this view each day. Isn't it so frustrating to try to purchase things these days? I have done this same thing, thinking I was getting what I wanted and it was totally different. Oh girl....I do not do socks!! If my feet are hot I am hot all over. I actually prefer flip flops over any shoe. Waiting to see what your discovery is...

Brian's Home Blog said...

The sunrise is stunning! Too bad about the shoes, I hate it when they new and improve things and make things worse.

Mevely317 said...

The only thing I'm not crazy about our town, I can't see the sunrise for all the trees. That would be right up there in my favorite things. One of these days I want to borrow an idea from a former co-worker. Watch the sunrise from an ocean-front room on Florida's east coast, then take a leisurely drive west to sit on the beach in St. Pete to watch the sunset.
I love socks, but yes, I feel your pain. What on earth did Sketchers do, change manufacturers? Can't wait to learn your solution!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Beautiful sunrises and I can't wait to hear about how you handled your shoe/sock situation!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Beautiful sunrise. Those shoes look cute. Sorry you can't find them anymore. I need new shoes. I have like 25 pairs of Toms, who I've been wearing for years now, and suddenly they are bothering my feet. I don't like to wear socks either. I have one pair of Tom's tennis shoes that are okay but again I have to wear socks with them.

Sparky said...

What a sunrise! Beautiful.
I've had the same thing happen with clothes and shoes. It's frustrating. Now when I find something that fits or I like I'll get another one from the same batch as quickly as possible.
Can't wait to hear what your discovery is! *drum roll* 💙

The Happy Whisk said...

Sorry about the shoes. How cold does a Florida winter get? Has it ever snowed?

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Beautiful sunrise. I’m up before sunrise but haven’t thought to take a photo of it.

Tigger's Mum said...

Don't you just hate it when a Brand changes a 'recipe' but sells the product under the original description.... and what you get is a pile of **** compared to the original you have loved to death?

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Thanks for sharing the beautiful sunrise views, Sandra, and good and comfortable shoes are so needed when someone walks as much as you do.Because of my large shoe size and width, I can't buy shoes online, but need to go to an actual store,Fro myself, New Balance is the shoe brand I always buy because of the support and replacement is usually needed within a year or less.

Chatty Crone said...

You did wear those shoes out walking. Hope you found some better ones.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I used to walk in those same Skechers shoes. I have a different style of Skechers now that I wear, but that's all I wear. AND I DO wear little black ankle socks with my shoes. However, the ones I bought are Fruit of the Loom. Some of them I like and some I don't because they slip down over my heel, and that is VERY aggravating. The ones that have more "moisture wicking" material are the ones that slip, and the ones that are more cotton than the other fit better and don't slip. Not sure if I can still find them, however. Everything has gone to this moisture wicking stuff, which is polyester again! I thought we'd gotten away from polyester a few years ago, and now it has come back with a vengeance, disguised as moisture wicking stuff. Some is good, some is not. It takes too many experiments to find out which is which. Now I must go back to your next post in the future, because I came back here to the past from the future, where you had giant tiger dogs that look like kitties and miniature cats. Strange world you live in! LOL. OH, I almost forgot, I LOVE your sunrise pictures!! YOu know how much I love sunrises and sunsets! Just wrote about sunsets again a minute ago. The sunrise was nothing to write home about today, but the sunsets from last night were uniquely beautiful. Okay, dear friend, I hope you get your feet happy again. LOL.