Saturday, September 14, 2024

Accidental Discovery/Caturday ART combo

  On yesterday's post, I left you with this sentence.

 I have little black socks that wick moisture and I hate wearing socks. It stops the sweat but still feel like walking in steaming concrete shoes. It ruins my outdoor nature walks... I MADE A DISCOVERY

to be continued.

GET YOUR PENS READY TO WRITE THIS DOWN (if you don't use windows 11, skip it)
 the discovery has nothing to do with yesterday's post about new socks, except I went to Amazon, snipped a picture of the Box of socks I bought and noticed something new on the Snipping Tool that comes with Microsoft 11. I use it many times a day. I knew I could click Edit and write or draw on it or add text. This time I noticed the words IMAGE CREATOR and found they have added AI image generator.

WOO HOO I quickly described a dog, and this is what I got
IT even let me Cut The dog outs, removed the background

A big orange cat walking with a great Dane on a nature walk in the woods. the first is photo realistic, the 2nd is Ink sketch... I did not get what I asked for, either time. 

photo realistic style  above and Ink sketch below

Great Dane Cat>?


Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my gosh, the Great Dane Cat is hilarious! Leave it to you to create it!

Tigger's Mum said...

Wouldn't want to meet that tiger dog of the last pic if it was in a bad mood.

diane b said...

Hope you can get to wear socks. I love socks even in hot weather. Love the way you are always learning something new in the digital world.

eileeninmd said...

Those socks would be great for my shoes! I like the first image of the Great Dane and the cat on a nature walk. The Great Dane cat is strange. Take care, have a great day and a happy weekend.

Rose said...

I like the great Dane need to write a story with them featured in it.

Ann said...

I love the pictures that you did get but it sure didn't listen to your prompt very well. I can't figure out why they call it artificial intelligence when it often isn't very intelligent.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

You are a testament to human curiosity!

Sparky said...

You are so creative. Seeing the Tiger Dog sent chills down my spine though! It reminds me of the book Killers of Kilimanjaro about hunting rogue tigers. If I ever met anything as ferocious as that I'd have to take it outta the gene pool because running would be fruitless. 💙

Inger said...

It makes me happy to read about the fun you have with AI and other new things on your computer. I wouldn't have a clue.

My Mind's Eye said...

BOL BOL MS you are in constant and fun find new cre8tive things.
Hugs Cecilia

Brian's Home Blog said...

Love that dog and kitty walking together!

Donna said...

Too funny! I noticed that if I use Capital letters on my sentences, it gets most of what I ask for...

Mevely317 said...

Oh, that next to last image is hilarious ... just look at the expression on the little guy's face. Again, I say, you'd be a best-selling children's book author.
I can't wait to see what you come up with next!

Chatty Crone said...

Gosh you are AMAZING - I don't know if I understand the directions so well. I love your photos - all of them.
I don't wear socks. I have to read your last blog - I am out of order!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

So you found something new to play with. Enjoy! I do love the images.

photowannabe said...

Always creating and always enjoyable to read. I agree with Myra..children's books in the future..
I do think I need some of those black ankle socks for the "winter" time here.