Sunday, September 15, 2024

Target it or Targee" on Selfie Sunday


K-Mart closed 5 years ago and sat empty until 4 weeks ago when they opened a new Target Store, 175,000 square feet, with a Starbucks inside. 
I finally took myself for a Look SEE.
I chose this photo Opp, because the only human you see is ME!
Big Bright Beautiful and a Box store that has Windows to the outside on 3 sides, so bright inside.
DO NOT send me a Target Gift Card, I found not one thing in the store I would buy except the overpriced grocery store, the very small grocery store.
There were about 10 of us shoppers and at least 20 employees.
I was excited because it is round trip only 7 miles, and NO traffic, all back roads and only 3 traffic signals. I said to myself, well Phooey, I had high hopes
Do you shop target? 

these are tiny Baby shoes, so cute I had to take a photo. they were about 3 inches long

Beautiful Ceiling lights over Make Up dept, OOPS, moved the cell phone


Ginny Hartzler said...

I LOVE Target!! Did you see the dollar aisles in the front? Dollar store prices, but better stuff. I LOVE them and often go there just to look thru the dollar aisles.

Anonymous said...

Not a Target fan. I miss K-Mart.

eileeninmd said...

I rarely shop in Target, they do have higher prices.
I wonder how they stay open with so few shoppers?
Great selfie! Take care, have a great day and a happy new week!

Sparky said...

No, I won't shop in Target. I won't shop on-line with them either. Be sure to not use their toilets while there. They allow mentally ill predatory men in the ladies. Yep. Much prefer K-Mart or the Pic-N-Save's we used to have here. 💙

Rose said...

I have been to target twice in my life...

David M. Gascoigne, said...

As far as I know we don’t have Target stores in Canada. Shopping rates with a tooth canal procedure for me, so I wouldn’t be going anyway.

Anonymous said...

My favorite always…Brenda

Ann said...

I've been to Target a few times but I never find anything there I want. Plus it's about a half hour drive to get there. If I go over that way there are plenty of other places around it that I would prefer to shop at so I don't bother going in the Target.

Breathtaking said...

Hi Sandra :)
I see there are some mixed opinions here, but we don't have Target stores in Portugal and I'm happy with the store we have.

Shug said...

Good Morning...We have a target super store just about 10 miles from where I live. The new Target in your area looks very nice with some great eye appeals. I do shop Target sometimes, however, my husband does not like for me to. He is against many of the things that target supports....but hey, many of the big name stores support things that we do not agree with. Not sure if it is the lighting or what, but our target looks much cleaner than our Walmart, which is right next door to the 🎯. Happy Sunday....

Donna said...

Love your photo but not a Target shopper...

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

There is a Target store in Nashua, NH, and I confess to only having shopped there a couple of times in the 8+ years we have lived in the city. When we lived in VA, the closest one was a 45 minute drive so we never shopped there. However, in our native NJ we did frequent a Target store more often.

photowannabe said...

No, I don't shop at Target either. We got a generous gift card and decided to use it for groceries..Oh, so expensive. Blew our card on so few staples compared to Walmart. Grateful for the card but naw, won't shop there again. Store was confusing to make our way around too.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

The Target here is crowded and very popular. I rarely shop there - too expensive. I do like their Dollar aisle. Ours has a CVS pharmacy and at times I will go there to buy my vitamins when I can’t find them at my pharmacy. That’s it.
My haircut place is in the middle - with Target on one side and Hobby Lobby on the other. Both stores overwhelm me and one reason I don’t shop there.

DawnTreader said...

We don't have Target here, and from what I can see here I don't miss it :) (All that Halloween stuff...)

Brian's Home Blog said...

Nope, never Target, never ever.

My Mind's Eye said...

Well I'm happy to see the space in use rather than torn down to build a mega structure. Walmart is 2 1/2 miles from home,
There is a Target about 5 miles and one about 10 miles.
I always go to Walmart...why...I kinda know my way (well until the reorganized but I'm learning) around Walmart. I go to WM about once a month usually at 8 am. Will NEVER ever go after
10 am EVER
Hugs Cecilia

My Mind's Eye said...

I really miss JC Penney's A LOT. I went to Kmart years ago for Jacqueline Smith 3/4 sleeve tops. I miss Kmart it has been gone for a long time.

Mevely317 said...

Nope. Na-dah. Forget-about it!
Like Sparky said, they've gone totally 'woke' -- and not just in the public restrooms.
Doesn't seem that long ago I believed the lighting, wide aisles and displays made the $ difference worth it, but not anymore.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I'm sorry to hear that you were not impressed other than the windows. I do shop Target for a few things. I don't buy clothe there but there are some products of theirs that I like. I get a few groceries there but only because I am there and don't want to stop anywhere else.

Chatty Crone said...

I do not shop at Target. I don't believe in their values. LOL

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Mom loves Target. The store is always spotless clean and pretty well-organized. She does get a lot of staples at Walmart where the prices on many items are cheaper. But sometimes Target just hits the spot.

Woos - Misty and Timber

Pamela M. Steiner said...

No Target for me. First of all, there isn't one within 50 miles of us, but even if there was, I would not shop there. Totally woke and I really didn't ever like them even before they went off the deep end. Thankfully we have a Walmart close enough. I do miss K-Mart. Our old K-Mart building now houses a Planet Fitness, a Petsmart, and a Marshalls plus some other little store. I don't shop in any of them, but skip over to the Beall's Outlet that was already there in the same plaza and the Dollar Tree. Frankly, I think it's funny that you were only one of 10 customers...

DeniseinVA said...

It’s a nice looking Target. We have one we could go to but as I don’t like shopping in general, I haven’t been to it in a very long time.

CheerfulMonk said...

We used to love Target, but we never shop in Santa Fe anymore. I still enjoy my memories of having gone there.