Monday, October 28, 2024


When the BOBCAT moved into our yard, the yard was beautiful, I fell in love with it and  told the tree boss I wanted one.
I had so much fun watching it, not even thinking it would leave yards destroyed

They took out the stump that we used for our flowers and plants. dragged the ancient  TWO tractors that Bob has been going to repair since 2015 into the front yard, leaving huge gouges. When they put them back, they were not where they promised, back where they were and Bob had to struggle to move them. 

the tree is at the curb, the stump is at the curb, and we are left in the biggest mess ever since we moved in 35 years ago. Tomorrow, I will show you how and what I am doing to the back yard
your last view of our Tree

Goodbye sweet stump, holder of our potted plants, which by the way were destroyed by the bobcat even though I removed them. The3 palms survived because they were on opposite side of the stump

and on the other hand....


Bob's biopsy came back, as his 5th Melanoma since 2017, this is the 2nd one in 6 months and she said it traveled from the one removed in January. She said this one is .7 and the others were skin only and less than .1. After .8 they will have to check lymph nodes.

My biopsy came back as Keratoacanthoma, better known as Volcano Cancer. This is the link to my post 6 months ago when I had Keratoacanthoma removed and now it is on the left leg, same spot as this one was on the right leg.  She is trying to get the chemo shot approved. Pray the insurance will approve it as the surgery will be hard to do on the shinbone, there is no meat there to cut. 
I am so blessed it came on the leg. to see the horrors of where it can come, is well, a horror. Nose, eyelids, lips OY VEY! click HERE.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I had never heard of Volcano Cancer until you got it. Does it hurt? Why did they remove the stump?

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

I pray that the proposed treatment methods will work well for the both of youm,and that those nasty cancer devils will be forever. As if you didn't already have enough to deal with. post hurricanes that is. Those bobcats are strong creatures, but yes they are quite destructive of anything they encounter...after planned tree removals and huge piles of logs and debris removed I have no more turf to speak of, well at least until the new crop of weeds start to grow. I will try to scatter grass seed over it all, that might make it look a bit better in the spring, but soon through the rains and snows of fall and winter it will be nothing but a mudpie paradise!

You have experienced so much destruction and anxiety from those hurricanes, I was heartened to read of how the community came together to help when and where they could. That is the blessing coming out of the evil, I think. and a blessing that only property was damaged/lost, but not your lives.

CheerfulMonk said...

That's so sad about your yard, and so scary about the biopsy results. Sending hugs and much love. I wish there were something I could do to help. ❤️

easyweimaraner said...

we cross everything that your insurance agrees and we wish you two all the best and lots of good vibrations... I hear you for the bobcat.... I once skipped school just to watch one at work in our neighborhood ... sadly neither teacher nor my parents understood that is was an urgent need to watch this machine than to go to school... sigh...

Linda P said...

You have had so much anxiety lately with devastating weather, upheaval in your yard and now more health issues to deal with. I continue to pray for you all.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

It seems like the contractors were neither sensitive nor conscientious. Surely they could have left the stump in place if you asked them to. And now you have serious medical issues to deal with and worries about insurance. It never ends does it? I am so thankful for universal health care.

Rose said...

This is all so much to deal with. I hope and pray you soon hear about the treatment for your cancer.

eileeninmd said...

I am sorry the Bobcat messed up your yard and destroyed the plants. I assume the mess at the curb will be removed. Sending prayers for you and Bob . Take good care of yourself.

Ann said...

So sad about your yard and that they left such a mess. Too bad they had to take that stump too. It always looked nice with your plants on it.
So what will they do for Bob?
I hope the insurance approves you for that shot. That worked well for you the last time if I remember correctly.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

As if you didn’t have enough to deal with, Sandra, now you have to reassemble your yard, hopefully you will have some help. Could you possible contact the company that left it such a disaster? Hope that insurance covers the cost of any needed treatments for you and Bob.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Your poor yard. All the best on the health front for both you and Bob. I hope the insurance issues gets resolved quickly. Hugs from all of us.

My Mind's Eye said...

Sending lots of prayers to you and Bob as you await insurance approval and removal or treatment of the Volcano Cancer and Melanoma.
The Bob cat is a real worker. With the ground so soft from all that rain I'm not surprised it left deep track marks
Hugs Cecilia

Donna said...

Goodness! Praying the shot is approved!! Praying for you both!
And why did they pull up the stump? I love mine...great flower pot holder and Kitty resting

Debby said...

As for the biopsies - stay positive and don’t over think it. Take it a day at a time! Meanwhile prayer works!
Boy what a mess that bobcat made. Looks like once everything at the curb is picked up, you will be able to visualize how the “new yard” will look. Change is hard. Plus this was drastic. Looking on the bright side always helps me. Brighter days are ahead.

Chatty Crone said...

There is so much here. Boy they made a mess of your poor yard. Why did they take your stump out? Too bad they wouldn't take the tractors - do you need them?
Get Bob in before they have to do the lymph glands! And please let us know if the insurance will pay for the chemo. Did they last time? You have been given one heck of a load here. I am so sorry and will pray.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Praying for you and Bob....and also praying you get your yard back to a place that makes you happy!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I was thinking more about this. Does your homeowner’s insurance not cover the restoration of the yard, clean up of the pool, etc?

photowannabe said...

OY VEY is right. Oh my friend...this is really not my favorite post from you!
Praying that the insurance will come through and the shot will do the job completely.
So sorry about the mess of your yard.
Enough already ! ...
I knew you would like the photos of Luna. She is really a sweet dog and thinks Lauren is her Mommy and exclusive property.
When she came and sat on my feet and leaned into me, I knew I was approved. We hadn't seen her since Christmas last year.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

So much going on. I am so sorry about your yard and that your stump is gone. So sorry they didn't put that equipment where it was originally. I am so sorry to hear about Bob's melanoma. Praying. Sorry to hear that you have the cancer back on the other leg. I pray that the shot will be approved. I was recently prescribed a pill for my cholesterol that was going to be $249 dollars for a 90 day supply. The doctor was able to communicate with insurance and I ended up paying 0.

Mevely317 said...

Whoa boy on that bobcat! And here it looks so little and harmless ... ha! Losing that stump must feel like losing an old friend.

I'm so sorry about the biopsy results!!! Praying now that they were caught early and no real invasive procedures will be necessary. Prayers that the insurance company will step up and do the right thing. Please let us know what transpires in the coming days!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We don't know where to start to tell you how sorry we are for all your strife. The yard can wait; take care of your health first and the rest will fall in place. Hope the insurance does the right thing.

Woos - Misty and Timber and Mom