Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Power IS ON at MadSnapper Home


WE HAVE POWER! Thank you to everyone one who prayed for us. It worked, the last 7 days were the worst of my life, I have never been as terrified as I was in this storm.
Don't Fret about not knowing details HA HA. I had nothing to do, but brush my teeth by lantern light, we three sat staring out this window for 7 days. NOTHING TO DO 
But I could write with the old time pen and paper and wow, I have TWENTY pages of handwriting That I may or may not be  able to translate. We have survived not one but two historical hurricanes that will be in the history books.
What I have learned is I do not want to ever go camping, and I am thankful I was born after they invented electricity, phones, water in the homes, electric ranges, fridges.
living out of and Ice Box, is on the list of things to tell.
I AM BACK. I might be slow, the house is A WRECK
Than you to God, who protected us from this monster, and allowed us to live to create this post. thank you to all who supported me in different ways for the past 7 days.


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Oh what a relief to hear you are back in the land of artificial light! Continue to take the time you need to get sorted - but yes, it's a joy to see you pop up on the screen again! YAM xx

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That was such a long time. I'm so glad your power is back on. So glad you are safe. God did bless you. My sister and brother in law drove to Georgia. When they came home they didn't have power for several days. I was praying for you everyday. You take your time getting back to normal. We are all here for you. ((HUGS))

Sparky said...

Yay! Rejoicing with y'all!! Been praying daily about everyone there. We were without power for 10 days so I feel for ya. Rest, recover, don't worry about trying to make everything perfect right away. I am SO happy for you! Love from your cousin to the "north".

Anonymous said...

And thank you to YOU for keeping all as up to date as was humanly possible. We are so glad the power is back. It must have been a week of hell. But take it one day at a time and all will be well. Hugs to you and Bob and Beau.

Woos - Misty and Timber

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Welcome back. It’s good to know that your ordeal is mostly over, but you will not forget this experience any time soon. Hopefully Milton was the last hurricane for this season.

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my gosh. I am overwhelmed just by reading your story. How in the world did you do it? TWICE???? That was amazing. I don't like camping and out houses either. LOL I am so glad you are back - I have TRULY missed you.

NanaDiana said...

It makes me think that we never know what we are missing until it is gone. I am glad you are safe and it seems you still have your sense of humor. Blessings and prayers- Diana

Ida said...

So very good to hear from you again. I checked everyday to see if there was word from you and was becoming very concerned each day not knowing. I tried to be patient & just prayed all was well. Thank you for letting us know you are all okay.

Mevely317 said...

This makes my heart so very happy. I've no doubt you're still in recovery mode, but really appreciate you making time to keep us in the loop. Big hugs and love!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I am SO happy to hear that you are back "among the living" here in Blogland and elsewhere! What a wild ride you had in the meantime! Wow! So very thankful that your home was not damaged and that you were not 'damaged', except perhaps in your mental well being. It's no fun being so uncomfortable for so long at our age. Yes, leave the camping for the young folks! Now just try to relax and enjoy being back to "normal" again, and we will continue to pray that there will not be any more such storms in your area in your lifetime!! (((Hugs)))

Millie and Walter said...

We're so glad to hear you have your power back! Our mom gets stressed when the power goes out for a few hours so we can only imagine how rough it is to not have power for a week! It's great to hear you didn't have any damage to your home from the storms.

Cathy said...

((((Big Hugs)))). Look to the future now.

Brian's Home Blog said...

We are all doing the happy dance here and maybe some normal will return soon!