Friday, October 25, 2024

The Blessings!


The Blessings List

1. We lived, the trees did not harm the house or kill us

2. The storm brought behind it, a cool front, temps went from high 90's to mid 80's, humidity dropped, woke up each morning to 68-70 degrees and NOT ONE drop of Rain has come since Milton left us at 4 am on Thursday the 10th. today as I type is the 20th. We put the windows up and were only hot for the hours 2-6 pm

3. I had pens, paper, pencils to doodle on during the hours of nothing to do, the iPad was wonderful, for drawing, but when it needed charging, I changed to the old-time things of my youth.

4. Day 3, we saw semis full of food, water and supplies, parked nose to trailer, from 51st street to 59th street. The most amazing sight I have seen in a long time. 8 BLOCKS long, parked in Bray Park where we take Beau to walk. There were tents, giving out water and tarps and food and aid.

5. I spoke to 2 of my neighbors after the 1 pm power loss forced me outside the night Milton Came. I asked them to   promise when the storm was over, to go out and look at my house and if there was a tree down on the house to come make sure I was dead and not trapped under a tree alive. Willie came at 5 am and knocked on the door, Wayne looked out and sent text, are you ok?   God bless them for checking.

6. the first 2 days I had ice that i had made and stored in the freezer, the 3rd none. Willie brought me a bag and told me about an icehouse that had plenty of ice, it was 2 miles away, and I got lost finding it, but I got 4 bags of ice for 8 dollars, and the next day, Willie told me the A1A convenience store on our street, just 1 mile from us was selling ice for 3 per bag. each day for 4 days we put Beau in the car at 7 am and bought 2 bags and it lasted until 7 the next day. It cost of 6 per day instead of 4 per day but the convenience of it was our choice

7.  I walked Beau on day 3, and on the way home, a neighbor we do not know was in his yard with 3 downed trees, he and his girlfriend working on the trees with a chain saw. I said to him as I passed, no time to talk, I left my 88 year old husband trying to clear our yard and he needs my help. I put Beau inside and went out to help Bob and around the corner came the man and his girl, with chainsaw and he said what can I do to help you. the two of them attacked the tree down in the front yard and in 20 minutes it was cut and stacked. He said is there anything else? I said could you make us a path to get out the back door? we can't see out the windows and the dog refuses to go out to potty. just clear us a path.  30 minutes later, the two of them and the two of us had cleared the entire side yard. He could not take down the tree on the fence, it was still attached to part of the standing tree. that leads too number 6 blessing.

6. I came inside for water and fruit to keep us hydrated and heard the sound of a BIG chain saw attacking the big tree down at a neighbor 2 doors over. I walked over and asked the woman if they could come help with our tree after they finished the tree they were working on. She said come on, show us the tree limb. The two of them, a black man that looked like a football linebacker and a tiny 90 lb woman of 64 years of age, and she, the boss said, go get the chain saw. 10 minutes later the tree was down and off the fence and piled at the curb. The STOPPED what they were doing and did it. she said pay me what it is worth to you. I said is 100 enough? she said done.

God bless all the neighbors that helped us and the ones we see on TV and the Power People, The tree people, the first responder.... so many are helping. It has been Two weeks, Two days and the work will take months to complete, they said one of our beaches will not be operative until the end of January.

a few more to report that happened during the tree take down. Pray for the people just a few streets from us that have now been without power for 2 weeks and 2 days... 

On the bright side, ha ha, while sitting on the throne, i looked down at one of my 7 bruises on my arms and saw the shape was exactly like LCP, Landing Craft that took our soldiers into the hell of Normandy Beach when i was a baby...  compared to that, we lucked out with a CAT 3 hurrcane in our lap.. 


Ginny Hartzler said...

What a story about how people gather together to help! Now I wonder how on earth did you keep all the ice frozen for an entire day. So no one in your neighborhood died or was seriously injured either, that is wonderful!

easyweimaraner said...

that was something from our old days too.. people come to help and they are just there when you need them... that is rare today and we are so happy you have good people in your hood..... maybe all the bad things will have one good thing too... they bring us together....

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Sandra, this is an amazing post... I'm so glad you had such help and that things were no worse than a devastated garden... Huggies from here to there. YAM xx

CheerfulMonk said...

Thank you for this heartwarming post! ❤️

Ann said...

It's heartwarming to hear about people coming together to help each other in tough times. I know here, there were several places set up to collect items to take to Florida. The helping hands were everywhere.

eileeninmd said...

It is a heartwarming story, also very nice that all your neighbors all came and helped you out. When people come together things get done very fast. I am happy to hear so many were there for in your time of need. Take care, Happy Friday and have a great weekend.

Rose said...

This was a wonderful read...dontvyou wishbyou had tons of money to give the people that helped in such a time of need?

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Sandra, thank you for sharing and a BIG thanks to all those who came to help you both. This was indeed a heartwarming post to read, but tragic as well. Glad you all and your neighbors are safe and were able to help one another.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

It’s great to know that in the midst of all the terror and destruction there was humanity. It’s sad that it sometimes takes a common disaster for people to get along. I don’t recall ever having bought ice in my life!

Sparky said...

Wow! Just wow! This is so heartwarming. God is so good to have blessed you with such loving neighbors. May they be blessed too! Loved hearing the blessings. Glad y'all and your neighbors are OK. Thanks for sharing.

My Mind's Eye said...

Sandra #7 OMDs for 1000% certain the guy and his girlfriend were Angels Among that day. Indeed blessings them and their kind hearts..
Hugs Cecilia

Tigger's Mum said...

We really find out the depth of communjty connection when crisis hits. Humanity really is something to celebrate and be thankful for and I wonder if we wouldn't all be a bif better off (better connected and happier) with fewer hurricanes and more regular small community challenges to bring us together. Just wondering.

Chatty Crone said...

Wonderful that you have so many positives out of devastation -even with the bruises. Very heartwarming.

Debby said...

Wow, wow, wow! I love how neighbors came together to help one another. Amazing.

DawnTreader said...

Your list of blessings had me teary-eyed while/after reading it. I'm glad you got help from various people and also that you're able to count your blessings rather than just the damages.

photowannabe said...

Blessings Overflowing!!!.
There are good people in this world and you found some right near you. Reading all of this made me teary-eyed. God is good and he gave you what you needed. I like that you wrote this all down as a remembrance of the hard times.
P.S. On my way to Lynne's for my weekly caregiving. As always prayers appreciated.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

You have been through so much. The blessings that came to you were wonderful. I love the kindness of the people who helped you. What a blessing from God. It is sad to think that people are still without power and I pray for everyone who has lost everything with the 3 hurricanes that did so much damage. I think about you, Bob and Beau everyday. Take care.

Brian's Home Blog said...

That is such a nice list with so many helping where they can. How nice they took the time to clear a path for sweet Beau. Hugs!

Mevely317 said...

Here you are! For some reason, you weren't showing up on my reader feed. (Strange ....)
I never watched his show, but your Good Samaritans reminds me of Fred Rogers quote, “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”
That mark on your arm (aka landing craft) gave me goosebumps. That's a great analogy. We're so grateful for YOU!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Such beautiful blessings you found!