Friday, November 15, 2024

Hope Part Phoenix Part 3 🤞🤞Rising from the ashes of Milton


source google map i can't find one of my zillions of photos other than the one below

my photo of bottom of tree, I have photo of this magnificent tree, but can't find them

The Banyan tree we see every day on our walk, the day after Milton. Now it is in pieces stacked all around the property, it did some damage to the house but no sure how much.

these huge stumps are all this is left of the beautiful Banyon Tree
it took 6 weeks to get from above to the two stumps beow.

Google map above is the view from the banyon tree that fell and the two trees to the right fell on that house during the storm and below is how they looked still standing.

how they looked on the 19th, 10 days After Hurricane Milton dumped them on the roof to the house

The stump of one is 6 feet wide, you can see the height by looking at my precious Beau who is now loving his walks because the streets are line with trees down on both sides and he smells every inch

Beau and I stopped to talk to the man that lives in this house and while talking I noticed HOPE springing from one of the stumps.

I titled this Hope, only because as we walked this week, the yard is clear but for 3 big stumps.  
The green growing from the dead stump is hope. There is sad part of this Phoenix Rising from the Ashes.
I asked the owner why the stumps did not go when they picked up the rest of the trees. The answer for both his house and the Banyon is......
He is arguing with the insurance company about the stumps. They paid for removing the tree off the roof and the rest of the tree was hauled off by contractor who are removing what they can. These 4 stumps are too big and require more cutting to fit in the trucks.
that is not covered.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, it looks like the stump could grow back. And he can also use it to display plants and things. These trees were huge and historic! What a shame and what a difference.

CheerfulMonk said...

That's so sad! Please let us know what happens.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Yes, I would keep the stumps and do what you did with the flowerpots and let that sprout flourish... YAM xx

Ann said...

All those down trees just make me sad. Insurance companies are the worst.

Donna said...

It was such a beautiful tree with so much history!

eileeninmd said...

Wow, so sorry to see that the big Banyon tree came down.
The stump looks huge. I would have kept it if I could move it to a clear spot in the yard. Take care, have a great day!

Rose said...

You will.miss seeing that banton tree...I so love them. I would want the stumps, too.

Chatty Crone said...

Well, I do hope there is hope there. I HATE when big trees are damaged. It put how strong the storm was to me seeing that. I wish he could have them removed.

Brian's Home Blog said...

It's really sad that all those beautiful trees got ripped apart by the evil storm.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

That sprout on the trunk of that banyan tree is definitely HOPE so I would let that hope continue to grow and flourish as a constant reminder of God’s protection and hope. New beginnings are a beautiful thing and when we start looking around us, we can see them everywhere.
I’ve never seen a banyan tree. They are beautiful. I’m a tree- hugger from way back so any tree cut down really bothers me. Sometimes it can’t be helped when storms damage them. But it’s like the life cycle of mankind - a person dies, a child is born. Life and hope always find a way.

Shug said...

How sad for this gorgeous big tree to now be gone. The view of the area has completely changed. We had a BIG pecan tree that had to be cut way back a few year ago.... It began putting out small branches and now, the tree is more beautiful than what it was in the beginning. You would never know that it had been cut so far back... HOPE!! Maybe this will happen to this stump.

DeniseinVA said...

That is so sad and I don't think I have ever seen such a huge stump. That's a very appropriate word, Hope. I have seen banyan trees on our vacations down there, they are truly one of nature's amazing gifts. I hope all is going well with you considering the upheaval from the hurricanes.

DawnTreader said...

It must feel so very empty with those big trees gone... And I'm guessing it must be busy (and costly) times for insurance companies (as well as their customoers) after the two storms!!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

I really HOPE the stumps are left to regrow. So very sad to see so many beautiful trees gone.

Mevely317 said...

This (latest) HOPE image defies words. Even in the midst of ruin, God's hand is there.
I remember seeing my first Banyan tree as a little girl at the Edison home and have been captivated by them ever since.
You're better than those Weather Channel reporters!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I don't believe I've ever seen a banyan tree in person, and oh! what a mighty tree it was! That is so sad to seem them taken down like that! I do wish someone could keep the stump and put it where it could sit and perhaps grow once again! Yes, I see hope, in that the mess is cleaned up and new life is coming back and hopefully the people inside the homes were not damaged. There is progress being made after the storm, and I pray there are NO MORE STORMS of that magnitude in our lifetime!
Thank you for your comments on my last post about the doll house, etc. I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I sometimes wish I could crawl inside and be one of the children of that house! What fun we could have! LOL. I think I am living in my 2nd or 3rd childhood...LOL. Have a blessed and wonderful weekend. Oh, and your brother sounds like he was a great kid to have around!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I always feel it is outrageous and very sad that insurance companies, when faced with a claim, try every method available to them to pay out as little as possible. And this is done by our fellow humans, people like you and me, who go to their job each day to make misery even more miserable. I have paid insurance, both auto and homeowners all my life and have never made a claim, but I am sure it will be an exercise in frustration if ever I do.

Sparky said...

Oh, no, not that lovely Banyan tree!? How sad. Maybe it will regrow but it'll take so long to be that lush again. Hope does spring eternal. 😊

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That is so sad. It was such a beautiful tree. The other trees too. I'm glad is enjoying his walks. I understand your hope with the green leaves on the stump.

Ida said...

How very sad that such beautiful trees are gone .

Anonymous said...

just makes me sad to see all those down trees…I second Debby’s comment: life and hope always find the way.
take care!

Betty Manousos said...

sorry, the anonymous was me. forgot to add my name to the comment