Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Hello, December


Practice Making Christmas Lights, using Procreate

Taking Photos of Santa in the Nook

and taking Santa into PicMonkey to add him to our Florida Sky. The photo was taken Christmas morning, 2006, when I still a DSLR with short and long lens. the palms were added by MS using those provided in PicMonkey
My Sants is 40 years old I bought him our first Christmas in 1985 and since my first digital camera came to me in 2002, I might just have several hundred shots of him and his 2 brothers. 
I started the NOOK in 1992 when I put mirrors in, and have thousands of photo.
Don't Fret, I will not how you ALL of them

All the Florida Decor comes from Beall Outlet Store
Al Florida inspired. I say not to the tree and Santa in Aqua and Ye to the gator. but I would not put the gator in my house

I am late because I thought Bob's Melanoma incision was infected, and we had a stitch removal appt today and I pulled the post.
Turns out, he got in the pool when he should not, it made the stiches bleed, I put triple antibiotic salve on it, it had neomycin in it and the whole mess was blood from pulling stitches and extreme allergy to the neomycin, and the rash was from bandages.
Thank You Lord.... 


My Mind's Eye said...

I love your header and I love that all is A OK with the Senior Mr. B.
Whew. YOu could have a medical degree with all that you have done.
Hugs and this post was worth waiting for!!
Hugs Cecilia

photowannabe said...

Yes thank you Lord for there being no infection and just (I know allergies can be bad too) the way it was treated and Bob's doing a No-No.. MEN !!!
Great photos of the nook and Santa.
I will do an update on Dave tonight or tomorrow. The drain isn't working to its full capacity and we have to find out why.. Praying it won't be another painful surgery to input another drain or whatever. We are up in the air right now and are suppose to have a phone call from the surgeons off...Who knows...
Dave is doing ok and not in as much pain PTL !!
At least I have read his charts and can see what the various drs. ar saying..
To be continued..sigh..

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
LOVE the new blog banner - and all your photo manipulations... and BOB, oh Bob........... thank goodness for Sandra! YAM xx

Mari said...

I love that last tree!
Poor Bob, that sounds quite miserable. Glad he's doing ok!

Shug said...

Oh so thankful that it wasn't infected...Hoping it heals quickly so he can get back in the pool.. I love what you did with the picture..You are really good at this picture stuff...Love the palm trees too.... raining big time here in East Texas.....Happy Wednesday.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

The header is spectacular!!! We LOVE it. And we think Bob and Misty need to go to the same training class on what to do and not do with a boo boo

Woos - Misty and Timber

Sparky said...

Poor Bob! And poor you! That's quite a scare. Hope he gets better soon.
I like the glass Santa in the Nook. Very pretty.
Blessings to ya both. xx

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

My word—men! Why won't they listen? I hope that gets cleared up soon—infections can be very serious as we age.
Like your Florida Santa...that's mighty clever!

Mevely317 said...

That image of Santa's sleigh against the Florida sunset makes my heart quicken. Really! (Isn't that the same background you used with your mother's face a little while ago?)
I'm so glad Bob's owie wasn't anything serious. The threat of sepsis is real.

CheerfulMonk said...

Great post! I hope Bob heals soon and am glad it doesn't seem serious.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Your blog header is super cool and I'm sure glad that all is okay with Bob!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my, what a setback. I hope he heals well now. I adore your Santa in the Florida sky!! It is stunning! I did not know that you actually put glass in the nook, thought it was that way when you bought the house. I love the little tree at the bottom. I could maybe make one like it and may try.

Ginny Hartzler said...

P.S. What were you doing in Beall's at Christmas time?

easyweimaraner said...

that is so sweet to have a companion who is with you for so may years... he saw a lot of events and imagine he could talk about all the things he saw by now... I love the aqua decorations, how great!!! there are fortunately so many things in my favorite color... even guns, who da thunk it?

Ann said...

Men always think they can do whatever they want instead of following doctors orders. I'm glad it wasn't an infection but sounds awful anyway.
I think the gator is rather cute but I wouldn't put him in my house either. Not to mention I wouldn't pay $30 for him.

jabblog said...

I love your header, and especially, always, the dog.
I hope the infection has cleared without further problems.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Infection is a bad thing at any time, but for an elderly immuno-compromised person on blood thinners, it has the potential to be especially serious, so thank goodness that turned out okay. In addition to still cleaning up after the hurricane you are a full time baby sitter!

Rose said...

Glad it was not an infection....

I wish I had a nook to decorate! I love yours.

Chatty Crone said...

I am so happy that his incision is NOT infected and things are okay.
Love your header and nook.
I like the things you found at Beall - not sure I would buy them tho.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Such a festive Header!!

Yay for fun photo fodder AND that Bob's wound wasn't infection!!