this is the way Milton left our back fence, that belongs to our neighbor and is 25 years old, we paid half when they wanted to take down chain link and put up privacy fence. we regret that, but hindsight is 2020 and we had 25 years of privacy.
Bob says, go in their yard and push on the fence; to stand it up so I can brace it. i said there is no way I can get to it without falling and I can't push it up if I do get to it.
Well Go TRY! I can't do it either.
if you enlarge you can see the neighbor's yard has not been touched in many years, it's a jungle over there. I knocked on their door and asked him if I could go in the back yard and push the fence up. He said yes and by the time I got in their back yard, his wife came running out on the porch yelling, no, I don't want you to work in our yard. As she got closer, she said I am afraid you will get hurt.
She said show me what you want done and I will do it. She is 30 years younger than I am and knows our ages.
While saying Thank you Lord in my head, I watched her try to dig through the jungle to get to the fence and said I will go on the other side and help Bob.
There was no way we could have done this without her help.
She pushed it up, I held my side and bob wired 3 places together, so it was standing, not steady but UP.
She did the same to the other hole and said she had to go to work. Our neighbors are very nice. He is disabled and can't walk, he needs knees and has no health insurance, she cleans houses to pay the bills. That is why their yard is a jungle.
After I drove to Ace Hardware and paid 12 dollars for Screws because either we had none or he had lost them. I dragged boards that came off the other old fence the tree people removed, held them cross wise and Bob used the power drill to screw it steady.
It's done and it will never be pretty but 2 hours later we have a safe yard for
The standing sturdy but ugly fence is done and only cost time and $$ for screws.
these are the after pics from the beginning above.
the jungle will take care of the ugly part.
to be continued tomorrow
its great when things start to change to how it was once...
Ingenuity at its best. Let the jungle take care of it.
I'm so glad that the neighbor came out and helped you. I'm also glad that you have the fence standing once again and Beau can be safe.
That’s quite a story, Sandra. Probably these kinds of dramas are repeated time and again following the devastation of a hurricane. And you were whacked by two of them. I admire your spirit.
Hari OM
Pioneer woman strikes again! YAM xx
I am glad the neighbor came out to help you with the fence.
The fence is standing and the jungle will take care of the rest.
Take care, have a great day!
Necessity is the mother of invention and all is now secure for you. It was nice of your younger neighbour to help.
Very thankful that she came helped you. I'm guessing that there are no city ordinances for keeping your yard and fencing kept up...Of course, you all have just experienced a major hurricane. We do have the city ordinances and you are allowed just a short time to get things taken care of before you get a ticket. Glad you have some kind of privacy and security with the fence standing up. I saw a news clip just yesterday that was giving an update on the recovery of Milton. So many areas that are still so damaged. Happy Thursday to you...I love all those plants in your back yard...❤️
You are impressive! Backbreaking work and am thankful your nice neighbor came to help. She sounds an impressive lady too with all she has to deal with. You two most definitely have that pioneer spirit. So glad you have your fence up, that must have been a big relief. I hope you didn’t hurt yourself doing all of that.
At least it is done...better done even if not pretty, And you did not get hurt in the process.
WHAT A WONDERFUL NEIGHBOR! I am so glad you finally got that finished and taken care of. Nature will take care of the rest.
I'm so glad she came to help you. I wouldn't know where to start. You guys did good!
Indeed you are a PIONEER woman! And you're right -- the way those plants love Florida soil, it won't be long before the repair job's camouflaged.
'Just wish the folks at HGTV could step up to the plate and showcase REAL people affected by the storms v. these million-dollar properties.
PS - I'm so glad your neighbor stepped up.
Go Sandra(and neighbor)!!!
I am so glad she was able to help you and that it is now standing and is safe for Beau. That is sad about their insurance. You would think the government could help them.
Sorry for being late we participated in an event at the Art Museum sponsored by the NC Retired Government Employees Association and there was a free boxed lunch...that was yummy. I love that new fence. It think it is purrfect that is the one you found on the curb right?
Hugs Cecilia
I would never have even known How or What to do to fix it!!! Really inventive. I love this pic of you & Beau in blue!!
WOW way to get it done! It was very sweet your neighbor helped! Sending love and happiness to you and all those affected by Milton
I'm so glad your neighbor helped! And that the fence is back up. I love your header!
A good neighbor is a blessing!
Thank goodness for that good neighbor. We hope that fence stays standing for a very long time.
Woos - Misty and Timber
Wow, that was quite an undertaking! so glad your neighbor helped you with it. I'm glad that your fence is able to protect Beau from escaping now. What a job! praying for you all and your neighbors too. You've all been through quite a lot lately! (((hugs)))
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