Saturday, December 21, 2024

Walmart Mystery


Created for all of you using PicMonkey

Walmart Mystery

At 10 minutes to 7, AM, still dark outside, I was Heading to the self check out with a cart full of expensive food in WM, I stood back and the doors burst open and a girl of maybe 25 rushed in the door ON A MISSION, she was nearly running, and FOCUSED.

I know you are thinking who cares? Aha! there is more. She was dressed in Pajamas, slippers and a Robe tied tightly around her middle.. 

As i drove home, I entertained myself by trying to come up with a scenario for WHY!

Sleeping in her car, potty run? If so, why put on PJ's?

Sleeping in an RV parked in the lot, lots of them do that. If so, was she buying milk for a baby? diapers for a baby? A sudden desire for a cold Starbucks Coffee in the cooler?

do you have a scenario? would you go in Walmart in PJ's, slippers and robe?

Can you come up with a reason you would do that? She was fine, decent, could see nothing but her hands and face.. 

procreate, drawing by Sandra


Ginny Hartzler said...

About half the Wal-Mart shoppers shop in either P.J.'s or some kind of costume. Or both. Some wear underwear. Now I am so curious!!! She needed something really fast, that's for sure. My guess is tampons.

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm afraid I haven't been to a Walmart in years. I love your tree!