Saturday, December 21, 2024

Walmart Mystery


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Walmart Mystery

At 10 minutes to 7, AM, still dark outside, I was Heading to the self check out with a cart full of expensive food in WM, I stood back and the doors burst open and a girl of maybe 25 rushed in the door ON A MISSION, she was nearly running, and FOCUSED.

I know you are thinking who cares? Aha! there is more. She was dressed in Pajamas, slippers and a Robe tied tightly around her middle.. 

As i drove home, I entertained myself by trying to come up with a scenario for WHY!

Sleeping in her car, potty run? If so, why put on PJ's?

Sleeping in an RV parked in the lot, lots of them do that. If so, was she buying milk for a baby? diapers for a baby? A sudden desire for a cold Starbucks Coffee in the cooler?

do you have a scenario? would you go in Walmart in PJ's, slippers and robe?

Can you come up with a reason you would do that? She was fine, decent, could see nothing but her hands and face.. 

procreate, drawing by Sandra


Ginny Hartzler said...

About half the Wal-Mart shoppers shop in either P.J.'s or some kind of costume. Or both. Some wear underwear. Now I am so curious!!! She needed something really fast, that's for sure. My guess is tampons.

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm afraid I haven't been to a Walmart in years. I love your tree!

eileeninmd said...

I love your Christmas greeting card, wishing joy, peace and love to you, Bob and Beau. Maybe she forgot an ingredient for a recipe?
Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I don’t shop at Walmart, but when I hear stories like this I wonder whether they attract more than their fair share of crazies? I think there are even You Tube videos about the odd behaviours of Walmart customers. I suppose one could dream up all kinds of scenarios about why the woman was dressed in this way. Only she knows for sure! All the very best for the holidays and a wonderful 2025 with no hurricanes!

Ann said...

I love your Christmas card. So pretty and the pic of you and Beau is wonderful.
My brain can't even come up with why the woman would be rushing in to Walmart dressed like that. I wouldn't be caught dead out in public wearing my pj's and robe.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Laziness - even if she wanted keep her PJs on, at least she could have put proper shoes and an overcoat on! Love the card. YAM xx

jabblog said...

In some areas, children are taken to school by mothers in nightwear, hair in curlers and so on. I guess the young lady may have been in training for that!

Sparky said...

Love the card! Merry Christmas with Joy to y'all too!
Who knows what dwells in the hearts and motives of the Walmartians. Could be any number of needs you stated. All I know is I don't wear PJ's or try to stay away from printed "T"s when going out. Been trying to look a little less uncared for when in public. My step-mom would be proud as she was always trying to get me to dress better. *lol*
Blessings. 🎄

Mevely317 said...

How I love your card!
I'm like Ginny ... guessing she was in need of a personal hygiene product. Were any of your employee friends working that morning you can ask?

Rose said...

I think she was on mission for something she did not know she needed or was out of. As for the pjs, they cover a lot more than some clothes and I don't think anything negative about someone wearing them. In fact they are comfortable and who knows, sometimes it may be the only thing that is comfortable.

Chatty Crone said...

If she found something on sale that they have one left of that her child wanted - we would do anything in any get up to get it for them. Thinking of my MIL and cabbage patch dolls years ago. They got to Walmart four hours before it opened standing outside in Chicago!

Breathtaking said...

Hello Sandra :) Your Christmas greeting card is lovely, It would look good framed.
I can't think of a good reason why this young woman was in such a hurry. Heavens, it only takes a moment to put on shoes and a coat, but perhaps she was just late with her Christmas shopping, and needed ingredients for a Christmas pudding. Still!!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Well around here, my first thought was a shoplifter but most things are locked up in Walmart. If she had a feminine need, she would still have to wait for a clerk to unlock the merchandise. That includes diapers and formula and sanitary products. Maybe it was food?

DawnTreader said...

Cute Christmas card! I don't think I've ever seen anyone dressed like that at my supermarket, it does indeed seem to indicate some kind of emergency situation.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Sweet card. Hard to believe that she would go in Walmart in her pajamas, slippers and robe. I don't have any idea why she would do that but I think your ideas are definitely a possibility.

Inger said...

I too love your card, what a lovely couple you two are. I'm so glad you and Beau found each other.

Inger said...

I wrote about the woman and it isn't here, so I will try again: Maybe she had an upset stomach and didn't want to stink up her trailer.

Millie and Walter said...

That's a sweet Christmas card from you and Beau. We bet she was one of those camping in the parking lot and didn't want to use the facilities in the camper.

photowannabe said...

I guess our Walmart is on the conservative side. I really never see any people like the cartoons always show about Walmart.
Now that lady must have been quite something to see at 7AM. She really must have been desperate for "whatever". I can't imagine going anyplace looking like that..
Been thinking about you today and your friend.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Beautiful card - Merry Christmas to you and family too.

Mom says she sees a lot of oddly dressed people at Walmart too, but the fact that this gal was running makes us think there definitely was some urgency to the situation.

Woos - Misty and Timber

Brian's Home Blog said...

That's a pretty card, Merry Christmas. Hey, I know why she did that...she's an idiot with zero self respect!

diane b said...

Love your card. you are so clever. I hope you and bob have a lovely Christmas.I laughed at your story of the dashing Walmatian. Must admit I don't get dressed up to go to the supermarket but haven't ever gone in PJ's

DeniseinVA said...

That is a beautiful card. As for this young woman, if she were younger I would say maybe she did it on a dare, or maybe she was running to the bathroom because hers didn’t work. I am a terrible guesser so I will come back for the reason. Happy Holidays to you, Bob and Beau :)

Kten said...

I am all for casual wear, but people have gotten too casual. Several years ago, I was at the mall, in the apple store, and the guy standing beside me had on the same pj bottoms as Man had at home. I think people do what they want to do. Love the ard - Lee and Phod's Lady

The Happy Whisk said...

I cannot go out in my slippers. To me that's just gross and I don't want that funk on my slippers. Read your most recent post. Sorry your friend is dying and your pup is sick. Hope you feel better too and can walk again. Big Huggs.

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Oh, Beau!!🥰🥲
Us puops and petcretary send you our berstest POTP amnd pawyers to feel better soon. YOu KNOW your Momma NEEDS you. And we love you too.
Prayers work wonders for people and we expect them to do so for you rtoo. Hugs to your Momma to help you get through all whatever is ailing you. And more for your dad, Bob. He needs your support too. Remember its Christmas. We pray for the gift of healing.🙏

Its hard when you haven't visited for a while, and then come by to read these scary words your Momma posted.
Keeping you all close in thought and prayer.

Betty Manousos said...

So very sorry to hear this. Sending healing thoughts and prayers your way (((hugs)))