Thursday, December 19, 2024

YAY and Double YAY


The surgeon said I do not need surgery. The 1997 horrible surgery that my doctor thought had loosened is not the problem. He said he thinks a colonoscopy will fix the problem, the problems I am having are called fecal smearing. (poopy diapers)
and he believes it is caused by chronic constipation, which might also be the cause of my IBS symptoms, and he believes that will eliminate the problem, and he also said since I have never had one, their might be a polyp blocking the colon.
He said you don't have to have anything done, it is your choice, if you want to keep being miserable. It's not going to kill you if we do nothing.
The pain is from poop pants and can be treated with Baby Butt Desitin.
All donations of Desitin appreciated, its 8 dollars for 2 oz, which was used in one week and at Amazon  4 oz for 9 dollars.😁😁😁😁
For those of you thinking WHY has she never had a colonoscopy, its because I can't hold the poop and there is a lot of pooping going on before having one and I don't want to have to clean up the mess.
They will call me with a time for the colonoscopy and a endoscopy because my gerd has been acting up with meds, and he can do both at same time
Thank you for your

What your prayers did. My fears of the surgery were overshadowed by
Fear of Traffic, the office is next to the hospital, both are in
DOWNTOWN, my dread of going there is a 10 on the Fear Scale.
They are on the 5 lane highway to the BEACHES. 
See that photo up above? that is what I had to get out onto when leaving the Doctor office. there is a reason I mention this.
Your prayers opens the roads from the time I left home, I backed out of my driveway at rush hour and there was not a car coming. I drove all the way there and all the way home with very limited traffic. It was thought the road had been wiped clean of cars.
The road in that photo, when I pulled out of doc office, on to the one way 5 lanes, there were cars headed east to that light and not a car in sight in all 5 lanes. I pulled out, drove 4 blocks to the light and when I stopped all the lane behind me had filled up. I drove like that the whole way home.
I can tell you what the prayers did not do, they did not stop my BP from being way high because I suffer white coat syndrome with male doctors, and this was 2 of them, Doc and Intern. It may have worked because I did not have a stroke from having them do the exam
Thank you to all who lifted me up for help from above and Thank you Lord for the safe trip and good news..


Sandee said...

Great news and prayers that all goes well.

Have a fabulous day and rest of the week. Scritches to Beau. ♥

Rose said...

I am so glad that surgery isn't a must...I sure know how you felt about it all...the dread of traffic, seeing the dr....I can feel a wave of dread coming over me just thinking about seeing a dr.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
I'll see your Yay and raise you a Yahoo!!! YAM xx

Mevely317 said...

And a Triple YAY from Coosada! Thank you for the detail -- I truly believe we learn more from one another than (sometimes) in the doctor's office or online.
Those breaks in traffic I think qualify as a Christmas miracle. Only yesterday while driving in Montgomery, I marveled at what a coward I've become behind the wheel -- every 18-wheeler an enemy.
Prayers answered all around, and will continue!

Inger said...

Sorry about the fears. But so glad the traffic gave you breaks. You did great and now you don't have to worry about surgery. Which is good, because anesthesia at our age is not a good thing.

DawnTreader said...

Great news! You might recall I went through a colonoscopy last winter, the preparations were a bit of an ordeal but if it fixes your problems I think you'll find it worth while :) ♥

Ginny Hartzler said...

I really believe this was a miracle!!! For almost no traffic at rush hour...unheard of!!! and such wonderful news!!! It could not be any better! I am so very glad, I have been so worried about you! I have used Desitin for many years, for recurrent yeast infections. As a preventative, I have to use it in several places after every shower. Also Gold Bond powder. Hurrah for it all!!!!!

eileeninmd said...

YAY, I am so glad you do not need surgery. It is great that the traffic was not horrible during your drive. A good news post.
Take care, have a great day!

Chatty Crone said...

Hey just one thing - you said you were having a colostomy and it is colonoscopy - HUGE difference. You want the second not the first.

I have had a lot of them because I have had cancerous polyps before with an endoscopy - you will do GREAT! The prep is okay - just be by a bathroom.

We all have issues don't we? Growing older is so much fun!

I hope this helps your issues.

Mari said...

This is wonderful news! I'm so glad you don't need surgery, and am praying the coloscopy shows the issue.
I also have to have an endoscopy and colonoscopy at the same time. Mine is scheduled for Feb. I'm not looking forward to that prep!

Ann said...

So happy to hear all this. That was wonderful from the drive to the exam and the news he gave you.

photowannabe said...

Sandra, you brought tears to my eyes. God is good and He cares for you and even your poopy pants... I continue to pray that the coming procedures will cure what your problems are. (((hugs)))

jabblog said...

Cheers for your good news!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sandra, :)I read your comment and came though the link you left. It's good news that you don't need surgery and the prep for the colonoscopy is not so bad if you drink the mixture every 15 mins, of course you have to stay near the toilet, but it's the same for everyone. I'm due for another colonoscopy in the new year and do the endoscopia at the same time. When I had both done four years ago that's when the enormous tumour was found in the bowl and I was operated just as well as it was cancer. It will probably sort your problems out. Your previous comment made me cry but someone was looking out for you the day you went for your appointment , I don't think it was just luck that there was no traffic. This is all good news, now let's get your anxiety fixed. More prayers needed,:) Warm hugs.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Well, the clear roads and no traffic I believe was Devine interference. That just doesn’t happen during rush hour. I’m glad no surgery is necessary. I just had my first colonoscopy and endoscopy 3-4 months ago. The prep wasn’t as bad as I thought. I would recommend getting some think maxi pads because I spiked a few pairs of sweatpants just trying to get to the toilet. They found some pre-cancerous polyps, removed them and I will do it again in 5 years.
Now that I’ve done it, I’m not freaked out about it.
You’ll do fine.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

For some reason I'm confused. You are going to have the colonoscopy or did you go already? I understand the traffic issues and your issues with the male doctors. I'm very glad that you don't need surgery. My blood pressure is always extremely high at all doctors appointments.

Sparky said...

Been praying for ya. Yay and Double Yay is right! But sorry you still have to deal with these things. I totally understand about traffic. I pray a lot when driving. Helps me to listen to our local Christian station that has sermons and Christian music. I feel so calm that way. But, I wish y'all lived near us. I would volunteer to take you to the appointments and the medical procedures. We try to help others here that need rides. Maybe there's some Church folks there that do that too? Call a Church and ask.
May good things and happenings continue for you and Bob and Beau. Love. 😊

Brian's Home Blog said...

Prayers from all of us too. No surgery is always a good, good thing!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Yay from here too. We didn't know what the issue was, but glad your mind has been put at ease. It would be wonderful if the colonoscopy was able to fix your ongoing issues. It seems to us that you could use a break from all the woes you have been through. Prayers for a successful procedure

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm so happy about the good news! I'll keep praying for you, you've been though so much. ❤️

DeniseinVA said...

This is great news, I am so happy for you. Prayers still heading your way.

easyweimaraner said...

how good... and that is sure one of this small christmas miracles..... and one of them happened for you.... YAY!!!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I wish I had seen this last night before I went to bed. I had been busy all day (but I did pray for you during the day and when I was having my x-rays) and forgot to check for your results and so when I went to bed last night I was praying for you and hoping all was well, and now I see it was, and am SO happy for you that you don't have to have surgery!! And that colonoscopy...well, yes, the prep is the worst part, and then the procedure is really go to sleep and wake up and it's over! But I totally understand about what you are saying about the prep as I have the same issue. You don't leave the "throne" all day while prepping, and you wear "depends" (or a reasonable facsimile) in between, although I found for me, even that was a waste of time and money. Just don't leave the throne until it's over! LOL. TMI, but you will have "ring around the butt" issue from sitting there all day or night or whatever... Oh, and I used A&D ointment, which I like better than Desitin, and I don't think it is as expensive, "Butt", you do what works for you. Oh, Praise God for the answers to prayer for the traffic issues too! See? God cares about all of the details of our lives, and even moves cars and trucks out of our way. He can even move mountains if we need them to be moved...and it looks like He moved a great big one for you!!! No surgery necessary! Praise God from Whom ALL blessings fall!! Such wonderful news. Thank You, Jesus! Okay, this post and comments may have been TMI, but sometimes we just have to tell it like it is and help each other out! I'm glad we have this kind of "friendship ring". Merry Christmas to you! I think you just got your present!! Love ya!

Tigger's Mum said...

Someone famously said something about aging not being for sissies. You have chutzpah in spades it seems. Your description of driving and traffic where you live made me decide to post a rush hour main street pic from my new home town. (It was 1730 on a Wednesday. 0730 on a Friday was an entirely different story... logging trucks thundering through, but why ruin a good idyll with a description of reality😁).

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What wonderful news...HIP HIP HURRAY!!!
God is Good!!
Big Virtual Hugs,

Linda said...

Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!!! Such great news!!!!

The Happy Whisk said...

Glad to read you made it through. Big huggs!!!!!!