Thursday, January 30, 2025

I'M Sorry, so sorry


The Upper and the Lower Gastric torture test went OK, somewhat. I was in at 1 and out at 3:08 and back home by 3:30. I read the sheet of paper they gave me when I got home and spiraled down the rabbit hole of catastrophizer when I put my aching body, bloated stomach down on the sofa and read the print out. Under diagnosis it said this

severe diverticulosis, gastric polyps due to prior PPI therapy, poor prep.

My switch flipped ON in my brain, I could not do anything but list over and over the long list of things already on my fretter that I am worried about, could not sleep, was exhausted, went to sleep at 7:30 woke up at 1 am and could not stop my brain. PER Dr. Internet, The PPI is upper gastric treatment for Gerd, that I have taken daily meds for 20 years and the damage the meds do to whatever.

I have no other info until I see the surgeon on Feb 10th.
After my brother's wife called and we talked for an hour, I felt better and came to do this post and have about 20 emails asking if I am ok.
to be continued tomorrow with The Rest of the Story.
Phooey, I just put the label on and saw I misspelled it and have to change the others 


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Nah, leave the label as is... see the funny side. You'll get through this like you got through the storms. With that Pioneer Woman inside you! YAM xx

Debby said...

I’m assuming if you’re seeing a surgeon, something is going to be removed/ repaired?
I just don’t know about all these medical procedures. I know my 94 yr old fil started saying NO to many of them. He just got tired of being pricked and poked etc.
Hang in there.

The Happy Whisk said...

Sorry this has been stressful for you. You mentioned talking on the phone helped. Is there a support group you can go to for stuff like this? I mean I get your hubby and dog need you at home but you need you at home too. PS: I have no access to email, so if you write back there, I won't be able to see it. Wishing you well here though. Press on!

Mari said...

I hate that the results come to you right away and then you have to wait to have the Dr explain them. I'm glad to hear from you and that you are ok.

jabblog said...

Your results need to be explained. What is obvious to a doctor is often double Dutch to the patient. and usually nothing to worry about.

Anonymous said...

Sending lots of positive prayers and thoughts. Reading portal/hand issued reports after a procedure is scary unless you have some medical background. And it does send you mind down a very dark rabbit hole. Today and the weekend you need to get your strength back up and give your 'what if' dna a rest.
Hugs cecilia

Shug said...

so sorry for all the stress this has caused. I feel like the doctor doing the test should have explained more clearly the reason you would need to see a surgeon. I think I mentioned to you that I have had diverticulitis many many times....enough to have to have a portion of my colon removed. And if it is diverticulitis for you, there are some really great meds out there to treat this. Hoping you get a very positive report from the doctor....Keeping you in my prayers not only for the results, but for your worrying to subside.

Susan Kane said...

I would be tied up with worry. But, I know that God has a plan for you, for me. The gastro problems are mine as well, just not as severe.

DawnTreader said...

I agree with others above that you should have your diagnosis explained, not have to try and figure it out for yourself (and these days, with the internet, it's almost inevitable that that is what the patient will try to do!) ... I had no idea what PPI means so of course I just googled too - and one of the first things I came across is that if you have been taking them for a long time it's not recommended to stop suddenly (but rather do it gradually). So you should ask probably ask for proper advice about that... Hugs! ♥♥

Mevely317 said...

I don't understand doc-speak at all ... but I'm SO relieved to see this. Just got back from the girls' vet (routine labs) and I'd already decided if you hadn't posted I was going to "e" you, marked 'stat.'
Year before last they said 'diverticulosis', but my Primary never got the message ... and I've no symptoms. IF you're able(!!!) to set your fretter aside, please ask the surgeon (or even your primary) to explain it in Jane Doe-speak.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Dr. Google is way too confusing so wait until you hear what the Doc has to say. It looks like a pretty common post surgical summary to me. Try not to worry about it.

Ginny Hartzler said...

You are FINE No cancerous tumors or polyps, that was the worst thing to worry about. I figured no post last night was that you are still recovering.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

So sorry to hear about your experience. Sending you big (((HUGS))) Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. I wish I was there to keep you company.

Sparky said...

The Doc didn't explain?! Dang. We go to the Dr's at Digestive Disease in Waycross and they always explain in detail. The last time I did prep it was easy peezy. The physicians down your way must be still using antique procedures or something. That's terrible. Hope you're feeling and thinking better today. Prayers for comfort, peace and healing. Love. ❤️

Anonymous said...

Wait until you see the surgeon and they can explain it fully. If you are allowed maybe record the conversation as sometimes you miss or can’t remember what they say. I stopped googling when something was wrong many, many years ago, it can do your head in. I recently read an article in regards to PPI medication, spoke with my gastroenterologist about it, we decided to try another medication and I found it did not work, so back on the PPI medication. As he explained there are risks and benefits to all medication and we need to decide what is best.

Chatty Crone said...

I have to get every three years because of a precancerous polyp. I have been on stomach medicine for 35 years and I have never had that PPI issue. Maybe your prep didn't work as well as they wanted. Did they take biopsies? If they don't mention cancer - I think you are in the clear. Rest! Hugs.