Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Last Dance, this is your last chance, woooo woooo oooo


Daddy was watching football, Mama staring at her little Screen,
I stood and stared, thinking this is obscene.
They don't even know, I want to play,
I decided not to Bay,
but to start to prance
And even dance!
I threw the bones in the air,
I rolled my bones on the floor, and then I gave them another stare

Mama looked up and laughed out loud,
Daddy heard her laugh and I did a short bow.
I started to sing, woooo oooo wooooo wooooooo woooooo
Last chance for love
Yes, it's my last chance
For to dance tonight
I need you by me
Beside me to guide me
To hold me
To scold me
'Cause when I'm bad, I'm so, so bad
So, let's dance the last dance
woooo ooooooo oooooooooo ooooooooo
I need you by me
Beside me to guide me
To hold me
To scold me
'Cause when I'm bad, I'm so, so bad

So, let's dance the last dance
Let's dance the last dance
Let's dance this last dance tonight
woo oooo oooooo oooo woooooooo

If You wanna dance, this is your last chance... 
tonight this is my last chance, to dance tooooo ooooo dance ...

if you don't know this song HERE IT IS.... for the full sounds click HERE
or watch the video by Doanna Summer.


DeniseinVA said...

Oh you are so darned cute! I love Mama’s motion pics too. I know the song. It's high energy which I need some of right now. Keep dancing my little friend.

Ginny Hartzler said...

As soon as I saw this, I thought, Donna Summer! I remember the song very well. Beau, it is so good to see you playing like a puppy after you scared us all with being so sick. You've got your get-up-and- go back!!

CheerfulMonk said...

Yes, it's so good to see you so full of energy, sweet pup. ❤️

easyweimaraner said...

that is super cute... we love ya so much dear beau...

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Oh, Beau, I was wriggling and waggling right along with you!!! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

Breathtaking said...

Hello Beau :)
It's so good to see you had an urge to dance, it can only mean you are feeling on top form again, and what great music to dance to. I used to dance to Dona Summer's song too, long long long ago before you were born. Stay well and fit.
Hugs x

Tigger's Mum said...


Tigger's Mum said...

Glad you are well again.

Ann said...

It's quite the musical morning. The last blog I read had Escape (if you like pina colada's) Then I come here and get Last Dance. The ear worm juke box will be full today.

eileeninmd said...

I do remember the song, you look like you are having fun dancing to the music. Your Mama is creative with your photos too. Cute Beau images! Take care, have a happy day!

jabblog said...

Lovely boy, Beau😀

Shug said...

I love your fun personality....what a fun song to go along with this post. Beau was certainly feeling great and I know he was sure entertaining you all. so cute.

Mevely317 said...

Adorbs, Beau! You're better than the drum major I watched last night.
Loved this song back in the day and lovin' it all over again. Love you!

My Mind's Eye said...

Beau I loved this song by donna summer but OMDs she missed her chance you would have been an excellent background dancer for her
Hugs x 87

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my goodness - you are so cute! I love how you were dancing and trying to get their attention. I do know that song - but it is hard to believe you are ever so so bad! lol

NanaDiana said...

Hysterical. So much fun to watch the antics and the playful attitude. Love it! xo Diana

My Shasta Home said...

Beau, you’re a keeper! You are loved and in tune to your mama and daddy and know how to get their attentions. Very smart and clever you are! Good boy, Beau

I know the song! RIP Donna Summer.

Mari said...

Oh Beau! You are so cute! You made me laugh with your dance moves today.

photowannabe said...

Too cute..yes let's dance..Boy that's going back into the memory archives. I always liked Donna Summer.
Beau you are quite the dancer, so light on your feet..all 4 of them.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Beau you really worked hard to get their attention. You're too cute!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Oh, I lOVE THis!! Beau, you are SO cute and clever! Your Mama must be so proud of you! I'd be happy to dance with you!! It will help keep us all warm in this cold weather we are about to get!!!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Great moves, Beau. Mom knows that song too. After dinner we do the happy dance here too - one of us will grab one of our toys and toss it up in the air hoping the other of us will join in on the fun.

Woos - Misty and Timber

Millie & Walter said...

We love seeing you dance, and now our mom says she has that song stuck in her head. BOL!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Hey sweet Beau, I would sure play with you!!!

Linda said...

Love this!!!

Rose said...

I just wanna dance with somebody

I will dance with you!

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Wow, that was fun!! I try to teach Benji how to dance with mne...nope, not happening, BOL!

Betty Manousos said...

what a delightful post! so glad to see you in such an energy and joy! hey Beau you’re so handsome! hugs to you all 🩷

lexitheschnauzer said...

I do know the song, and like it so much I played the video anyhow. Jeff and I have danced the Hustle to it more than once.
Beau, Lucy says you are a great dancer, and I agree! Isn't it great that you were feeling almost like a puppy wanting to play?!