Sunday, January 26, 2025

The Bissel, The Pancake and the Plumber

 My doctor said I should not lose another pound of weight, due to my age, that after 80 we need to keep what we have, because not if, but when we get ill, we need the extra to lose. My friend Jackie proved this, she has now been in the hospital for 9 weeks and has lost 47 pounds. 

I found my self down by 7 pounds, the first part of this month, which proves that Exercise works, especially when added to STRESS. Since Dec 20th Beau has not taken a step out side, that I was not step by step with him. You may have read Purple Puppy Poo Eater last week.  

Added to that is the fact that my husband of 40 years has always vacuumed the carpets. I have a bad back from years ago and the push pull puts me in bed for 2 days. These days I have no time to lay in bed to get better. I have found that the Bissell push/pull does a great job of removing dog hair. 

I use it by doing one of my daily balance exercises with it in front of me. It's simple.

Just don't push/pull. Walk forward 8 steps/backward 8 steps repeat until done. This gives me balance that I need and cleans at same time.

All of the above has caused the weight loss. I have a short list of foods that do not aggravate IBS, and I needed to add calories to what I eat. Below is my 300 calorie breakfast which is normal, made to be 450 calories. 

Gluten free flour, 1 egg, Raw Oats,  Soy Milk, Peanut Butter Powder, Pure Maple Syrup.
I just added a little more of each ingredient except for the egg.

While cleaning up the mess, I now wipe every thing with paper towels before washing it so that I can Baby the Kitchen drain, per the plumber., who' said do not get one thing down that drain but water.

I took his words to heart and Now all dishes are scraped, wiped, and placed in a dishpan in the sink, and the strainer is used for small amounts of water, the gallon pitcher is used to carry larger amounts out side and throw on the dirt in the back yard.

Last but now least for you , Myra, this is what lives in the space for a dishwasher. One can for the dishpan, one for the pitcher. And walking all the dishwater to the yard instead of down the drain is part of the weight loss.
Color me Hamster Running on my Wheel.


CheerfulMonk said...

My doctor wants me to regain most of the weight I lost when I broke my hip last fall. I'm doing it slowly. Yes, no push pull, always let our legs do the work. ❤️

CheerfulMonk said...

PS That's a lot of work to do your dishes!

Tigger's Mum said...

Your yard is going to turn into a verdant jungle with all that extra water. Your life sounds like it is reverting to colonial tools.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh no, the sink just adds even more exercise for you. But at least you have the lightweight carpet sweeper.

DeniseinVA said...

You have covered a lot in this post. I am taking notes. It surprised me what your doctor said about people losing weight and shouldn’t at this age. I never thought about it before but it makes sense. Thanks Sandra :)

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
There you are, drawing as much positive as you can from a pile of negatives. Brava, that won't! YAM xx

eileeninmd said...

You have done well with your weight loss, the doc makes sense about loosing any more weight. I think any house work is exercise. We never use our dishwasher, we always wash everything by hand. It is a good idea to throw your water out in the yard. Take care, enjoy your day! Have a wonderful week!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

I was wondering whether you'd tried, or thought about, one of those robo-cleaners?

Leslie's Garden said...

We washed dishes for months when our dishwasher went out. It got old fast, so hats off to you. I take note of what the doctor told you about weight.

jabblog said...

You're certainly getting your steps in!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I am the dishwasher in our house, but I am not quite as diligent as you. I try not to let little scraps escape down the drain, but inevitably it happens from time to time. We only use the dishwasher when we have had company and the number of dishes increases exponentially. Even then some of them are done by hand. I hope that you are able to regain your lost weight and return to a pleasantly padded, delightful shape!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Thanks, as always, Sandra for sharing these insights into your daily life. I know that I could comfortably lose weight without having a health impact, but can understand your doctor’s advice as you have lost much and stress has a bit effect on well being. Years ago, I used one of the push-pull rug cleaners but now push the vacuum. We have a sink disposal unit which I rarely use even though apt maintenance would repair/replace the unit. I have always disposed of food scraps in the garbage and continue to do so.

Ann said...

I never realized that the push/pull of using a vacuum cleaner used so many muscles until I was told by a doctor after my gallbladder surgery that I wasn't allowed to vacuum for a certain amount of time.
All the stuff you have to do now sounds exhausting

Kten said...

Sending you love as I can tell you are dealing with too much!

My Mind's Eye said...

My daughter loves her Bissel for pet hairs and it does a great job of picking up litter that is scattered she has one on 2nd floor and first.
Hugs Cecilia

Mevely317 said...

That's so good to know about weight loss! I've noticed Tom (now almost 83)'s limbs seem to look withered; they crack and bleed at the slightest bump. Come to think of it, my mother the same -- her doc said there wasn't enough fat under the skin.
Thanks for these visuals! I've taken to washing our dishes much the same way -- and keep a grocery baggie in the freezer full of food stuffs and greasy paper towels until trash day.

Shug said...

While you are getting in some good is very important to eat enough calories to maintain your weight...look at me, sounding like a doctor. lol. Just wondering if the city doesn't need to come clean out the pipes on their side of your pipes. This happened to one of our daughters years ago. they kept having an issue, but come to find out, it was on the city side and after they cleaned it, there were never anymore issues. That is a lot of extra steps for you. PS...I need to get on a Hamster wheel and get some exercise myself.

DawnTreader said...

Stress can definitely be an efficient way to lose weight - but not really to be recommended... ;)
I've also heard it said that when we get older, a few kilos "too much" is better than the opposite.
I too use paper towels to soak up as much fat etc as possible, rather than let too much go down the kitchen sink. (General recommendation for where I live.)

Brian's Home Blog said...

It's not easy to keep the weight on when you are busy, busy, busy. Keep on trying to add on some weight in case you need it.

Sparky said...

What a blessing it would be for me to be told I need to gain weight! If fat keeps us alive I'll live forever. LOL I think I still need to lose about 10-15 lbs more. Want some of mine?
We got rid of our dishwasher (it brought during the Big Hoax and didn't bother to fix nor replace it). I use that area for storage too. Funny thing, I don't even miss having the dishwasher.
Hope y'all had a great Sunday. 😊

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Now I feel much better about the extra weight I've gained over the past couple of months! I'm saving it for when I'm old so I don't lose too much weight. I'm going to tell the Dr. that the next time they mention my weight. LOL. I have a Fuller Brush electrostatic sweeper that is very similar to your bissell. We use it a lot, although it was really meant for carpet and now we don't have any carpet except in the two extra bedrooms where we rarely need to sweep. I have to use a broom and dustpan every day to sweep up sand that keeps getting tracked in on someone's shoes who forgets to drop them at the door. We have so much sand around our house and no paved driveway or sidewalks, so we track in a lot of sand. It's a constant battle. Regarding the DW, we don't have one either. I have a nifty plastic set of three large drawers on casters that fits perfectly in that spot, and I use that for all of my plasticware/lids. I only miss the DW when we have a lot of company, which we rarely do anymore, but when the kids come they always help with the dishes, so that is a plus. yes, keeping the crumbs of food out of the drain is also another challenge. I have those little screen baskets in each drain an empty them frequently. I enjoyed your post as always. But please take care of YOU, and eat enough to keep some fat on your bones!!! (((Hugs)))

My Shasta Home said...

Wow that’s a lot of extra work you’re doing and you have a good attitude about it. I don’t think I would. Just be careful about all that hauling out your the yard to dump the water. The good thing is you’re active; and probably more so than many others your age.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That is interesting what your doctor said, I get that. True, you have been following Beau around. Glad that the Bissell is working for you. Breakfast looks good. I like to wipe the plates off too before I wash them. So glad that's all working out for you. I love my dishwasher and run it once in awhile to keep it working, but normally we don't have many dishes to wash so it's a waste to fill the dishwasher up.

lexitheschnauzer said...

Jeff eats a lot like what you showed here, except it's almond butter instead of peanut butter. Just wondering, could you switch to paper plates and cups at least a few days a week?

Chatty Crone said...

The doctor told my mom the same thing - if you lose weight, you won't be able to fight off illness. You do a lot of work on the dishes - plus your house - you have a lot of responsibility there. Is that a recipe for pancakes - would you send me the recipe????

Rose said...

Hamster running on wheel Is what i feel...specially week days.