Wednesday, January 15, 2025

The Plumber Cometh- Don't Panic


The Plumber Drama started 3 days ago with me in the shower, and hearing BLOOP! BLOOP! from the toilet.
Fast Forward to Day after Plumber Repairs of the dramatic Shut Down of all SINKS AND POTTIE,that drain into the sewer!
I said to Bob, "It's been 72 hours since I had a shower"
Bob's reply "so take one now"
I say, "I am afraid to use the shower, I might hear the BLOOPING again, what if it's not fixed?
Bob says, "If the shower did not run over after yesterday, it's FIXED"
"OH, I forgot," I exclaim.
REWIND to yesterday, the Plumber left with all drains, draining. 50 minutes later, I entered Bob's Bathroom and HEAR WATER RUNNING IN THE WALL. I race to my bathroom and its LOUDER!
I realize I am barefoot on a wet floor.
I PANIC! I realize the shower curtain is open, the hose sprayer, is spraying against the back wall, and I assume it's been aimed there by the plumber, probably letting it run to see if the drain backed up, leaving the shower curtain open so he can see it. I turn it off and go through the living room to get the mop, walking in front of you know whos' TV set, and he says What are you doing?
I tell him the story. 
I forgive the plumber because I FORGOT TO TAKE A SHOWER THAT DAY. I also forgot that if the water ran for an hour yesterday, and did not plug up, it would be OK today.
I also forgot to make the auto coffee for this morning. The plumber looked to be 50ish, and I thought of calling to tell him, just wait until your 80.

If you are thinking I enjoyed my shower, you are Wrong! The entire time, I shampooed my hair, I held my breath, waiting to hear the BLOOPING warning me of coming disaster.

( to justify all this panic, in the past most plumbing problems started with water running in wall)



My Mind's Eye said...

MS please be sure you are sitting down and are not drinking or eating when you see your bill. Plumbers are quite expensive...and I gladly pay them...because I would not want nor could I do their job. We had a new garbage disposal installed in September (replacing one that was 16 years old) The disposal was about 100.00 the total bill was about 250.00
Hugs cecilia

My Mind's Eye said...

and plumber was only here just under an hour.

Inger said...

Plumbing problems at your house ended well. I'm so happy for you. And I love your story telling, you have a talent for drama and tell it so well.

easyweimaraner said...

we are happy that everything goes.. and we hope the bill is not for a bill-ionaire...

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Phew.... YAM xx

Shug said...

So thankful that the problem is fixed and thankful as well that you being barefoot on the wet floor, that you didn't slip and fall. Bless your heart....Thinking of you and praying that God's favor is doubled for you...

Mevely317 said...

Oh m'goodness! I know it's not funny in the least, but the way in which you narrate is priceless. I really wish that plumber would have warned you before he left; what if you and Bob had made plans and left town for a few days. Yikes!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Oh dear! Well, at least now your floor is clean and you are clean and your toilet is clean, and all is well that ends well. Praying the bill won't clean out your wallet or bank account. But God is good, and maybe now you can relax a bit and get back to writing fun posts of drawing things on your tablet again or IPad or whatever that thing is that you draw such fun pictures on. Reminds me of the etch a sketch, only much more sophisticated! Love you girlfriend. Give Beau a nice treat today and thank Bob for being cool calm and collected. Gotta look for the blessings when they come...

Sandee said...

Goodness. I would be worried about taking a shower too. I'm happy things are fixed though. No more garage.

Have a fabulous day and rest of the week. Scritches to Beau. ♥

DawnTreader said...

I would have been nervous too, with the first shower after it had hopefully been fixed... I'm glad the plumber WAS able to fix it, and I too hope that the bill won't be "too" horrendous...

Mari said...

Oh my! That would have scared me too! Hearing water running is always scary. I'm glad it's fixed and you could get a shower!

photowannabe said...

Happy Day !!! so much Drama and now everything is fixed, and you are squeeky clean.
You, my Dear, never have a dull day !!!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

YAY! Thanks for the giggle!

Ann said...

I'm glad this all ended well. I think I would have panicked when I heard the water running.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Wow, I am so sorry you had to go through that fear. Glad it is running okay. Take care.

Chatty Crone said...

I panic when I think I hear water - it is so necessary but it does so much damage. I am GLAD it is fixed. Wonder what your bill will be?

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm so glad it's fixed!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Hearing no bloop is a wonderful thing not to hear!

Ojo said...

Hi hi hi! Ojo here! We are glad things got fixed and there is no more blooping!

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Wow, what a saga!! Glad it is all good now...well except for the mess from the wild showerhead!
And the bill...

We had to get the RR man here a couple years ago, the washing machine would empty and it all went into the cellar, via the back-up pipe/vent...and we have not got a proper basement, it is a cellar with a rock foundation and the floor used to be hardened down we had a ton of mud down there as well as all the laundry water. What was the cause of the backup?? A well deaded bird was pulled out! OMD!!!

We know all about the bucket method, too...we use one upstairs here because we do not have any plumbing up there and its dangerous for hubby to go up and down the stairs that much...
And one time HE broke a brand new toilet bowl...dashed the glass weigh scale against it. It still worked, but...with each flush there was water all over the out came the pail again...and my sister came to visit the same day, LOL!!! But of course! That was a 600 dollar repair...yikes!

Saleslady371 said...

Myra sent me here because I had to call a plumber yesterday. Water problems DRAIN me. I have to maintain a well on our property so I can relate to "no shower" when things go wrong. I'm glad your over the trouble.

jabblog said...

Thank goodness! Now, breathe . . .

My Shasta Home said...

What a nightmare you’ve had to endure. Thankfully it is “behind” you now. 😜