Monday, January 13, 2025

The Plumber Cometh: Or NOT


Sunday,3:00 PM........

Sandra takes a shower.....

It's Cold, she lets the hot water run a long time......

As she adds conditioner, she hears a bubbling burbling noise.......

The sound is coming from the commode, leaning out dripping water on the floor, she sees the water in the commode is blooping......

She quickly rinses, steps out and wraps a towel around herself, goes down the hall to tell Bob.... 

Bob has his hand on the flush handle to his commode....... 

We Need a Plumber, she yells as he flushes and says Why............. The answer to his question is answered as the water rises higher and higher.......

He grabs the plunger and plunges madly..........I go check mine and it almost runs over, dirt comes up in the shower......

I call our plumber that has always for years come when called.....

Night Operator says, I am sending your message to the on-call guy, he will call you when he can come.

Reminder to you. Chaos Comes on Week Ends...... they do that because they are closed on weekends. 

7:30 pm Sunday Night.... no call, no show, no plumber in sight. Bob says I am going to bed. I get up call the service and she says, thanks for calling, they will call you first thing in the morning....

I call, the girl on the phone states the girl who does the schedule is running late, it will be an hour before she can call back, but there are no openings, we are booked solid, no room for fit in, my voice starts to break,  I say we are using a PAIL with a BAG, we are 80 and 88, we can't get down and up, we need our commodes... she says she will call you when she gets in.

She calls! she can fit us in between 8:30 and 9:30 Tuesday morning.............

meanwhile we are left with this...... in the garage. Yes, I close the door to use it.... Stop trying to imagine it.... You Can't...... to be continue tomorrow AFTER the Plumber Comes: or NOT

On the light side: Bob went to the YMCA to swim. While using the above Make Do Potty, I realized I was in the semi dark and no one could see me, UNLESS Bob was having a bad day swimming and came home early, used the remote and the truck lights lit up the garage, it was 5:30 AM


Sandee said...

Goodness. I have gone potty it different places and ways and have done this one already. Out in the wild you dig a hole, go and then cover it up. I would hate to try squatting now. Goodness.

Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to Beau. ♥

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm so sorry! On top of everythnig else!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Oh my! Life sure has it's challenges. I hope and pray you get things fixed...the sooner the better! Take care! Be careful!

Sparky said...

Weekends ... yes, everything awful always happens on weekends! 😭 What a trial y'all have had over the past few months. Enough, right?! I've had to use makeshift toilets when camping. It's not fun. I think the worst of all other than what y'all are having to use is an outhouse. Those things are always cold, creepy and stinky. Ugh! Sending prayers for quick relief for y'all.
As you know we live way out in the Boonies. Yesterday we learned a married couple in our Church had became very ill with the flu. They were on their own and getting worse and worse, so, last evening we hopped in the truck, drove 20 miles into Blackshear, picked up an OTC recommended by a Nurse for the flu, then drove clear to the other side of the County to deliver it, then back home. At least it was a pretty night. Lots of stars all around. It about took my breath away it was so lovely. Anyway, haven't heard back from them yet. I just pray it's working for them. That said, at least y'all are sick with something like that, amen? There's always a bright side.
Love ya. 💞

Tigger's Mum said...

🤣 welcome to my toilet in the 'boonies'! (And I don't have a garage to put it in). What ever has happened to old fashioned service, and trades people you knew?

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh Nooooo! This is one of my worst nightmares. My knees are so broken that I cannot even get on or off a handicapped toilet! We have a handicapped one, and have to put a big riser on top of it! Our toilet is broken too!!! Of COURSE! But not as bad as yours. We have to plunge almost every time and will call the plumber today. I am so sorry, this makes me cringe to even read it!!

DeniseinVA said...

Good grief! That's awful! I hope the plumber turns up earlier than they said.

photowannabe said...

Yikes..I got your email and have been praying that the plumber comes asap. That's awful but I can't believe how you can make something so icky humorous to us as readers.
These "difficulties" have got to stop...
I can't unsee the "pot" in the garage and your thoughts about Bob coming home while you are on the Throne...

Mevely317 said...

YIKES!!!! How on earth can you endure something like this and still manage to make me giggle? At least you have a pail; maybe I need to ask Tom to put it in his next Lowe's cart.
Forget an expensive (even state-run) 4-year college degree. Plumbers, electricians and the like probably make more $ and, and as you've learned, are far more in demand.

Mari said...

I'm so sorry! We had a similar issue a few years ago on Christmas day of all things! Lots of people coming over and I told them all to go before they came because they couldn't use ours!
I hope the plumber comes right on time tomorrow!

Millie and Walter said...

All paws are crossed that the plumber arrives on time. That happened to us when our septic tank got full. Nobody told us as new homeowners and first-time septic tank users that those things needed to be sucked out every few years. It took 12 years before it filled up since we were both working and only home for a few waking hours every day. In retirement we have to get it pumped every 4-5 years.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Why is it that all that happens on the weekend and where is a plumber when you really need one. Your story about Bob coming home really cracked us up.

Woos - Misty and Timber

Ann said...

It's awful that this stuff always happens at the most inconvenient times. Hope the plumber shows up as scheduled

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I've been watching for a message from you today about this, and just now saw this, so at least I know you have a bucket in the garage. I do hope that by now the problem has been fixed and you are back on the royal throne! I loved your humor, and the visual of Bob coming home early and finding you in the garage and lit up with the car lights...well, that would be a good one. I will send you an email with a funny true story from last night. Can't share it here. Praying your plumbing is running good again.

Brian's Home Blog said...

That's awful and I sure hope the plumber shows up tomorrow!

Shug said...

Bless your hearts...Plumbing issues are always major problems and yes...they usually happen on the weekend. Prices here are doubled if they come out of weekends. Crossing my fingers for you, that the plumber shows up on time and that it is an easy fix. Y'all be careful as you go potty.

Breathtaking said...

Hi Sandra :)
This is a terrible sit uation, I hope it is quickly resolved when the plumber shows up.

Linda said...

I've been where you are so many times! Never fun but there's always a way to make things work! I keep a Home Depot bucket with a toilet seat and lid in a safe place for emergencies - and we have had more than a few!

easyweimaraner said...

oh we hope that problem is solved soon... where are the super plumbers mario and luigi? seems they only exist at nintendo... sigh

jabblog said...

I hope it's soon sorted and stays sorted. Those problems are never fun.

eileeninmd said...

At least you have your humor and can laugh.
I hope the plumber gets it all back to normal.
We have two bathrooms, I hope at least one is always working properly.

My Mind's Eye said...

Oh no 2 days w/o makes you want to install an Outhouse out back
Raise your hand if you have ever used an outhouse. I have just a few times and I knew without a doubt I was going to get either dreaded disease or even worse a bite on my tushie
Hugs Cecilia

Inger said...

I would be stuck on that bucket forever, I can barely get up from my own couch (because I'm tall and the couch is not.). I hope the plumber finally arrived and fixed it.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

What a mess! Plumbing problems can be the worst!

Chatty Crone said...

Oh, my dear friend, you have had ENOUGH! I just hope and pray they came out this am and that it wasn't to big of a job and doesn't cost and arm and a leg.

Rose said...

Life just gets to be more and more fun...NOT. and this is not fun at any age.