Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Moccasins, His and Hers


Our Back yard is very uneven. Bob is having issues with walking with shoes on and walks better barefoot because he always has and can feel the ground better. I remembered the moccasins we bought some 25 years ago, in a Stuckey's gift shop (tourist trap on Florida roads) and that I had stored them in a box. Now both his and hers sit by the back door and he says it's almost as good as barefoot. we have had a month of too cold to go barefoot.  
If this post seems like nonsense, well, that is because it is. 
The sunshine showed them to me and snap -snap- snap - snap by THE MadSnapper 

A row of shoes by any other name is still a row of shoes😁😁😸😻


Ginny Hartzler said...

This is a great idea! How awesome that you remembered them, and knew how good they would work!!

CheerfulMonk said...

Yes, I'm so glad you remembered them!

DeniseinVA said...

They look very comfortable too.

easyweimaraner said...

i like mocassins... the only shoes you can wear when your feet want no shoes ;I)

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Oh yes, I'm a fan of moccasins, too... YAM xx

Breathtaking said...

Good morning Sandra :)
Yes, I remember how comfy moccasins are! When Americo and I were in the States I bought a pair of genuine Indian Moccacins and when I returned home I walked up to the Roman Ruins in them and they were more comfortable than my slippers. Americo bought a leather jacket with fringes along the arms also Indian crafted. I eventually wore my moccacins out, but wish I still had them. I hope all one of your posts,went well with your exam. I'll try and find out in one of your posts.

Breathtaking said...

Next to last line should read I hope all went well with your exam.

eileeninmd said...

My hubby has a pair too, they do look comfy.
Take care, have a great day!

jabblog said...

A comfortable pair of shoes is worth its weight in gold.

Ann said...

Wade used to wear moccasins at home. I remember when I was maybe a teen, my brother actually made a pair for himself.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

But your post is not nonsense at all. You have an amazing ability to take a mundane event or object and turn it into a whimsical, entertaining narrative for us all to enjoy. The story of the moccasins is a great example of this skill of yours. You have proven that a row of shoes by any other name is not just a row of shoes. It is a Sandra Saga. We look forward to more.

My Mind's Eye said...

BOL BOL Stuckey's gift shop (tourist trap on Florida roads)
and South of the Border in South Carolina
I never NO never go barefooted.
Hugs cecilia

Mari said...

The moccasins were a great idea! I like to go barefoot too but it's far too cold for that right now!

Mevely317 said...

Stuckey's, yes! And wasn't there another one similar (rival) Horne's?
Those look like the two pair Tom has ... strewn this way and that around his recliner. But how do y'all keep them so clean?! I, too, love going barefoot -- provided I'm indoors. Nope, don't trust what lurks outside.