Thursday, March 20, 2025


Joining Thankful Thursday with Brian's Home Forever

giant leopard moth

I am thankful for Messenger and Texts from my son Dan.  He sent these photos and this message.
I am thankful he loves taking photos and loves his ferals outside as much as his indoor 3 cats and that he sends me funny messages and lots of emojis. You might remember I said he is a Mini Me./MadSnapper. 
I replied he should paint the name on the Sunroof he built to keep the hot Florida sun out of the Cat Coupe/cat house? ha ha ha
I am wondering if the moth knew he was roosting in a danger zone, with all those cats


Ginny Hartzler said...

Where was this moth? It looks like a designer outfit. Nevertheless, I would still scream and run.

CheerfulMonk said...

What a neat son!

eileeninmd said...

The moth is pretty! The cat house is really nice, Dan's cats should be very happy cats. Take care, have a great day!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Oh, I want a new life as a stray at Dan's Meowtel! That's wonderfurs... and the moth is fangtabyoulush... YAM xx

David M. Gascoigne, said...

The moth is absolutely stunning. It would make my day to see it. It was completely new to me so a little research is called for!

DeniseinVA said...

Dan is such a sweet and kind hearted son. How lovely to send you these texts. Love all the emojis. Those kitties have a good life thanks to him. What a beautiful looking moth.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Oh my! That Leopard Moth is gorgeous! I've never seen one of those before! Wow! And that Cat Coupe (Cat House...makes me think of "Cat on a hot tin roof") anyway...that is amazing! Those are ferals? They look tame enough! Will they let him pet them? They look pretty contented there! I am just learning about cats as I am now the adopted mother of two, and now I'm concerned that I might become a grandmother before I am properly prepared...Not sure if "Blackie", who I just found out is probably a "Blackie Sue", is not just getting fat, but may be carrying babies...Oh my! Time will tell, but I am totally unprepared for this blessed event! I hope we are wrong about this...stay tuned...

Ann said...

Always good to have an adult child who provides you with blog material. That cat coupe is pretty cool. I bet the outside kitties sure appreciate it being there.
Did Dan send the picture of the moth too? Was that on the cat coupe? It's rather fascinating

jabblog said...

Stunning moth! Well done to Dan and more power to his elbow.

Shug said...

This is so sweet...Dan not only made your day with this message, but all of ours as well. I think it is wonderful when our kids send us a sweet message, JUST BECAUSE. The cat sure looks happy to have his home updated. That is a very pretty moth...

Breathtaking said...

Hello Sandra :)
That moth is stunning, it's one I have never seen or knew bout. You have a very loving son who sends you these messages, and his cattery looks very cat friendly.

Rose said...

I just love Dan and Michelle...I get a kick out of his emails, too.

Mari said...

There are some really cool moths! I like this one.
You have a good son. I love his cat coupe and the sweet note he sent you.

My Mind's Eye said...

MS this post from Daniel makes me so very happy. You raised a fine son!!
Hugs Cecilia

My Mind's Eye said...

PS love the moth

Millie and Walter said...

What a cool looking moth. Those outdoor cats sure have it made at your son's house.

Mevely317 said...

That moth doesn't even look real ... like a toy in Macy's department store window.
I love Dan's caring heart, especially his sense of humor!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Certainly, a colorful moth and it would be even ore interesting to see the wings open, which I may check online. Your son has built a very nice cat home for some very lucky felines.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What a cool moth...and a cooler son!!

DawnTreader said...

What a weird-looking moth... Is that your photo or Dan's?

Sparky said...

The Leopard Moth is so pretty. I'm a "fan" of moth's. I think my favorite is the Luna Moth. We have a lot of those here but they're only out of the evening.
What a nice Cat Coupe. Very tasteful. Clever. Bet the cats love it. What a kind heart Dan & wife have. So sweet.
Sorry I've been quiet. Our dear friend and Pastor's wife passed into Glory yesterday. She was such a wonderful lady, very talented and generous. She loves the Lord Jesus. My heart is still aching today. I'm going to miss her so much.
Love & Blessings 😎

photowannabe said...

Love that your son Daniel "chats" with you and shows his humor. That must make your heart sing.
Great photos and that moth!! wow, I have never seen anything like that before.

Chatty Crone said...

You do have a wonderful son - that is so cool.
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THAT MOTH! I like Ginny's description of a designer moth!

Brian's Home Blog said...

THat's not a cat coupe it's a kitty kastle, so nice! Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Oops, I forgot to say that I really like that beautiful moth too!

The Happy Whisk said...

That moth is very, very cool.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Wow, that moth is amazing. I'm so happy that he texted you and sent the cute photos.