Sunday, March 23, 2025

Sunday Selfie with Beau

Sorry Mom, this is all I got, just stop with the cell phone and get on with your business
TA-Da behold Mama's Business

She was about to mop the kitchen floor and I was in my ready, get set, Go to cheer her on when she suddenly grabbed the cell and took this picture.

I said Mama no one wants to see my back side, and she said, Beau this is the first time in 36 years that i have mopped the kitchen with out Philomena hanging in the corner.
You see Mama and Hurricane Milton, murdered Philomena, and I watched her stuff the body in the trash can.
this is a photo of the kitchen from 2017

Philomena is the plant in the corner, and I first hung it there in 1990

Mama told me she hung the plant there the 2nd year they were in this house and about 4 times since then, Daddy has repotted it when it started to look scraggly.  Daddy would take it out and dump it on the ground and break in half then re-pot and hang it back up. and within a short couple of months Philomena would be gorgeous again. 
Mama said to tell you she is so sorry and embarrassed to admit that during the three hurricanes in 2024, five months ago, she forgot to water it for 3 weeks. the plant thrives on 1 cup of water every Saturday morning. Part of the death was caused by all the HOT weather NO rain and Mama left the blinds open, Philomena needs LIGHT not direct sun. no water, too much sun was 
The Murder Weapon
She cut it back thinking it would help but a few days ago, Philomena passed away, her leaves fell off, she was dropping rusty water things on the floor and mama declared her unable to be resuscitated.
We could continued, because some of Philomena's children live in the front yard by the porch, and could be potted in the same pot, butt she says she just can't take care of it any longer. she forgets to water it.
Children are now growing in front yard.

Mama says if she re-pots these kids and hang them in the kitchen, they will die. As you can see, she doesn't even pull weeds or get the leaves out of the bed outside.
PS from Da Mama of Beau... this frog can't die, ceramic is forever, it survived 3 hurricanes with not a scratch and it belonged to my mother, made by my Aunt Helen back in the distant 70's and moved here in 1990 from Mothers house in Savannah, Ga.
PSS from me, did you notice she found a way to steal MY selfie Sunday hoping I would no notice?


diane b said...

Beau looks contented. Maybe he is wondering if you will forget to feed him like you did with Philomena. I have ditched some of my pot plants because it is getting harder and harder to look after them.

Ginny Hartzler said...

It looked so good there, too. Perfect for that spot. But you have to take care of yourself first before thinking of a plant.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
OOOOHHHHHH>... R.I.P. Philomena. Thank you, Beau, for telling us (and letting mum get a word in edgeways...) Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

eileeninmd said...

Beau is cute, looks like the light is shining on him in the first photo. Poor Philomena, the spot in the corner of the kitchen looks like a great spot for a plant. It is nice to see the kids growing outside next to the cute frog. Have a great day!

Ann said...

Beau, I love your selfies.
I would have killed Philomena also because I am horrible with plants. I had one that was Wade's He brought it here after we got married. I kept it alive for maybe 5 years after he passed away and then it finally could not take my neglect any longer.

DawnTreader said...

Sorry about the death of Philomena, but glad some of her babies are still alive, even if staying outdoors...

Mari said...

Beau is looking very happy sprawled out on the floor.
Philomena lived a good life. If she was with me, it would have been much shorter!

The Happy Whisk said...

Pup looks happy. I love your space. So white and very nice. Love the bar area. I'd likely spend much of my time there writing, reading and drawing. Happy Sunday. Still no email.

Mevely317 said...

Beau looks like he's in Supervisory Mode! Mostly due to neglect my own Philomena finally kicked the bucket last fall. So far neither of us was/is inclined to replace it; two little mouths to feed, groom and medicate are all we can handle just now.

jabblog said...

I don't think you're very bothered by Mama taking over your post, Beau. You look very comfortable and contented.

Millie and Walter said...

We love your selfie, Beau. Too bad that plant kicked the bucket, but at least you have its babies in your yard.

My Mind's Eye said...

Beau I love every itty bitty inch of you from nose to tail.
Thank you MS for sharing.
The kitchen floor looks very shiny and as Iove the nook

Shug said...

Oh how you make me laugh...I enjoy the Beau telling on you stories....(or you telling on yourself). I can understand how you forgot to water the plant, with all the other things going on from the hurricane. You sure have a lovely kitchen...Mine needs mopping right now.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Gosh that’s sad. It bothers me when an old plant if mine dies. At least you can rescue the babies.
Beau is looking good. I love his brindle coloring.

Marvelous Marv said...

Hi Beau, Our Mom has been killing her plants too! Purrhaps it is an old age thing! We have gone from about a dozen plants to 5! And we loved seeing you in your kitchen! Our kitchen is better since Mom and Alex put in the new floor, but the cupboards are AWFUL! Mom was going to gut the kitchen before they laid the floor and thats when Mom discovered that the cupboards had been screwed right into the studs and it would be a major overhaul to replace them. She would have to get building permits and everything! (It takes a while to get the regional district to come out to our corner of paradise). Keep being awesome guys! Marvelous Marv, Kozmo, Jo Jo, Nutcase and Mom Barb

CheerfulMonk said...

At least she wrote a great post and didn’t pester you with more pictures. 😊❤️

Jo said...

Beau, you look so handsome watching mama do the mopping. Uh-Oh. Sad about Philimona. I think she had a good innings! I have Betty Begonia dying in stages every day - on my veranda. I'm not sure if I under or overwatered her. She looks sad and about to shed her last blooms.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

It's beautiful in the corner in that photo. Sorry you lost it in the hurricane. I love the frog.

Sparky said...

You inherited the green thumb with houseplants in the family. I must have inherited the brown thumb. Whenever I have one it quivers and shakes 'cause it knows it's days are numbered. lol Funny, I'm good with outside ones. They almost always thrive. Huh. Can't figure that out.
Fun post. Hope y'all have a blessed remainder of the day. Please pray for me (and the Pastor's family) as we lay to rest our dear friend Jackie the Pastor's wife. This is hurting me so bad. I'm going to miss her terribly. It's actually making my body ache. Can't imagine what they are feeling right now ...
Love 📷💓

Chatty Crone said...

I think she had a long and fruitful life there - and her babies live on. I am not a plant grower I unfortunately am a plant killer so I think you did good. Beau is beautiful and so is your clean house!

DeniseinVA said...

Beau you look very much in your happy place. I'm glad Philomena's children are carrying on the tradition. Love that pretty frog!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

You are like us, Beau, wanting to be near the Mom no matter what she is doing:). R.I.P. dear Philomena.

Woos - Misty and Timber

Breathtaking said...

Hello Beau :)
You look handsome in the photo, and thanks for telling us about Philomena. There are times when losing a familiar plant can't be helped. Philomena did look lovely in the corner of the kitchen, but now the children are looking good outside.The frog is cute, I have a relative by my pond.Keep on being by Moms side, looking after her, that's a good boy.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Hello sweet Beau! Hey, that was an interesting story about the plant and I do like your froggy!

lexitheschnauzer said...

Beau, your Mama is doing these dear plants a favor by leaving them where they are happy with their friends the weeds!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Oh Beau, poor Philomena! But I totally understand how that can happen, and that is why I don't have any house plants anymore. I have some porch plants, and they barely are surviving. And if God doesn't water the ones out in the yard, they have a difficult time surviving too. Some of us just aren't meant to have plants, that's for sure! Philomena was old and tired and it's nice she left children in the front yard with the beautiful frog to keep each other company. They will all be happier there. This was a great post, Beau. Thank you for spending some time with us today! I just posted pictures of my critters this afternoon too...too lazy cats on the porch and some brand new baby cranes in the yard! Fun Fun Fun! Happy Sunday to you!

Rose said...

Poor Philomena...if I had been her mom, she would not have lived this long.