the nest is there year round and is used over and over each year, they spiffy it up with new twigs.
I race to the park and start snapping the nest, about 5 photos in I see wings come up and flap, no matter how long I stood there, she did not make another move. I shot over 90 photos. the only shot was just barely in my photo, soooooo
the rest were just of The Pole
With the help of Digital Image 9, I merged the two photos and came up with this one, it appears I took the photo of the pole and the wings at the same time.

"things are not always what they seem" in life and in photography.
Today I left on a mission to get the mother bird, which I did, she did not move at all while I was there and no sign of daddy osprey.
When I go with the camera, they hide, tomorrow I advised hubby he can take the camera and see what he can get. he does not do cameras. we shall see what we shall see.
William Blake (1757 - 1827)
Clever birds... And clever photographer! ;)
This is too cool! We saw an osprey once, sat in the car and watched him dive and fish. Too bad that was before digital cameras. That last shot is actually very good. It needs to be clicked on to see all the great detail in the bird on her nest! And I must say it's interesting to see that nest up close as well! So large and well crafted, and get a load of the size of those sticks! It makes me wonder how they keep it from falling apart. Can't wait to see Bob's efforts!!! Phil is like that, not the best with a camera, but since I make him take a few pictures, he is learning and geting better. Today he saw a shot he wanted and started with "How do you turn this thing on, anyway?"
Love your photos, I haven't seen an osprey in a long time. Great job on the wings/pole photo.
I'm sorry the osprey won't cooperate when you're trying to get their picture, but I must say that you are very good with your photo editor. Merging pictures is something I have't tried yet.
Very cool image. You could have fooled me!
Sunny :)
Good pictures. You are so good making us see that "things are not always what they seem....." I will be interested in seeing Bob's pictures too. Keep snapping.....
I've only been to Florida once and it wasn't enough. The wildlife there would keep me busy for ages. Some of it I'd never seen before. I love Nature. It deserves a capital 'N' all of the time.
Missed this one somehow, Sandra... This week's blogging is hit and miss... ha... Love your Osprey pictures... Keep us posted on this in addition to the ever-growing pineapple.
It's raining at the beach today--so this gives me an opportunity to catch up with some blogging, some reading and some SLEEPING.. ha ha (What a life!)
This post made me smile. You had an exciting time while trying to get photos you liked. I would be doing the same. You really did a good job and I like this series of photos. I had some fun and enjoyed. :-)
Marvelous!! The sky looks so clear and blue (like it was here yesterday)- no not today!! I think you did a great job..pretty big wing span I'd say and must be devoted after all that time! ha..I don't have a really super zoom but it's ok for now I guess. Anywy, that's a fantastic nest too- great header Sandra!
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