Saturday, February 10, 2018

In My Opinion...

I received an email from Google. It stated I needed to check my security and offered a link to show me how. It also stated all of your devices are secured.....Your LG phone is not secured by a password, you need to create one and lock your screen.....  OH MY WORD!  how do they know it is not locked, did they try to get in it? did they get in it?  

I am cursed with a curiosity bump the size of the Empire State Building.

Does Google own Facebook popped in my head. This one simple thought led me down the internet yellow BOT road..

I spoke the question to Google Girl  and the answer is

Google owns Blogger and YouTube and 75 other companies..

Now I have other questions I would never have thought to ask.. see below screen shot.

The Big Five Scare ME... that is my Opinion....

 Google has placed all 75 companies under one called Alphabet.... click HERE if you want to know more

One thing led to more disturbing news.......


Mega Companies, Google/Microsoft/Facebook/Apple/Amazon, have joined together on AI which means artificial intelligence..

For Photos of what is coming CLICK HERE

Stephen Hawkings says artificial intelligence could be the biggest event in the history of civilization. but is could also be the last, he warns.


Ginny Hartzler said...

My mind is boggled. I do believe there are things we are just not meant to do. And I have no doubt that man will continue to destroy the earth. The Hippie Tree Huggers got it right. I got this password notification on my smart phone. I did nothing, because how do I know if it is a scammer? Did you do it? Google is a Mega Company now, and must have a zillion trillion dollars. Even more money than Donald Trump. I did not know they owned all of this!! They could rule the world. And come to think of it, who owns Google? I hope it is not a North Korean...

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
The Google security reminder is valid and can be trusted. Your phone must be on Android (a G company) and therefore it would be sensible to have a password. These 'smartphones', remember, are just mini-tablet computers, with the added benefit of the telephone bit. By having a G+ profile, you can access all your stuff from any device, from a standard desktop, through a laptop, to tablet to smartphone. Google is American, as are Amazon, Facebook etc.

AI has been around for some time now. It is what predicts your intentions when you are online shopping, researching and so forth. It is what assesses your viewing patterns and presents targeted advertising and such like. It is what brings to homes who haven't got enough technology for their lust the speaking 'helpers' such as Siri and The Dot. The collaboration referred to is to try and set up some ethical parameters for the continued development of AI. Can't put the genie back in the bottle, but we can make guidelines to try and curb serious intrusion. That the main perpetrators of AI use are those who are in charge of the 'ethics' does give some cause for concern. An independent review would be much preferable, so in this sense I understand your worry! YAM xx

Ann said...

It seems to me that it won't be long before Corporate America owns and controls everything. There won't be any small business unless corp. Am allows it.
As for the security email. I didn't click the link because you never know if it's a scam or not. I did go to google though and check my security settings just to be on the safe side

Gayle said...

First off thanks for scaring the bee-jabbers out of me at 7 a.m.--;)
Secondly at least you know you will die of satisfaction. (It said so on the internet)
And thirdly this is the part that annoys me (putting it mildly) - "in the Partnership on AI to Benefit People"
Just how do 'THEY' or 'IT' know what will benefit me?
Things often pop up or devices make decisions for me that I had no intent of.
And yet . . . don't even think about taking my Wi-Fi away.
What a conundrum. (gotta love spell check)

My Mind's Eye said...

OH my word that was a lot to comprehend....jumpin' catfish this kitty is about to have a hissin' fit of anxiety.
Hugs madi

Hootin Anni said...

I do everything I can to secure my phone. I found it odd a long, long time ago that tbere is no -log out- with my accounts via the phone. I now have tbe Google log out on my phone's home when I'm done I can sign out.

Dunno if that makes my phone safe or not.

What about junk mail (snail mail)?? Where do tbese companies get my address? (I know they're sold. But, is that legal?)

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Having a hubby in the world of IT guarantees I am always scared of things like this....Sometimes I just like going for a swim in the river of de-nile.

Pam said...

Nothing is private anymore if you are on any type of device. Crazy I know. Scary also.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Wow, isn't that all crazy! You can't hid from anything. I don't lock my phone, what a pain. Mark has to lock his now because work wants them to and he hates it!!

photowannabe said...

It's Big Brother..nothing is private. there's "fishing" going on every time we go on line.
The "chip" is coming...

DawnTreader said...

I do have a screen password/code on my Android phone, ever since I did once happen to leave it behind (in a bag) somewhere outdoors (but was lucky to realize quite soon and the bag, phone included, was still there when I went back to look for it). I think especially for the phones that we carry with us, it's probably a good idea with a little extra security.

Karen said...

Technology becomes more confusing to me as time goes on. What a catastrophe it would be, though, if suddenly there were no computers!

Mevely317 said...

This is seriously sobering. And to realize, there's really nothing we can DO about it!
I mean, who (myself included) doesn't enjoy the instant gratification, never realizing we've become lemmings, willingly wearing our own velvet handcuffs.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Not a big fan of Hawking, but his warning just may be right. I fear sometimes that we are heading down a road we will wish someday that we hadn't taken.
Have a nice weekend!

Betty Manousos said...

i am always scared of things like this; alas, you are on the internet nothing is private.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

hoping you didn't click on any link. I wouldn't have. You should always verify that something came from Google (or anyone) before clicking on a link. Yes, I knew everyone Google owns........sorry...but I did.

Ohmydearests said...

some scary thoughts...