Saturday, June 2, 2018

Jake and Mamarazzi

Mamarazzi stalking Jake as he wanders in the sun, camera peeking through avocado leaves, he never knew I was there. Jake has lost most of his sight and his hearing, he can no longer tell I am there. He doesn't warn us when someone comes on the porch or knocks on the door.
 Our sweet boy is not doing well, which means we are not either.  I am taking a couple of days off.

NOTE: if I have missed replies to your comments in the past 2 days, I have been unwell, not right, not really sick, just not right. BP a little to high, headaches, vertigo for 2 days. Some of it might be stress from fretting over our precious dog. I read every comment that comes in and cherish each one.

Photos taken May of 2018. I have about quit posting on my Fourpaws Etc Blog, but today have posted 2017 and 2018 current photos  Click HERE to see those pics.

IF you are thinking of moving to Wordpress, the new laws apply to them and all hosts of websites. read about what you will find on WordPress here... what a mess this thing has turned into.. and I am sure more to come.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I am so sorry. I will be praying for you,hope you can relax.

KB said...

My heart is with you. I have some idea how you feel, and I hope that things look up. I hope that your break helps you, and I hope that Jake rebounds. Sending big hugs and lots of love to all of you, including Jake.

DeniseinVA said...

Hope you feel better soon, Jake too. Sending a big hug to you both. I'll check in tomorrow in case you get back on here but please know I will be thinking of you and Jake.

MadSnapper n Beau said...


Ann said...

My thoughts are with you all. I know how hard it is to watch our furbabies get old. Sit back, relax and feel better soon. I'm sending a hug to help you along :)

eileeninmd said...

Good morning, sending hugs, prayers and well wishes for you and Jake. It is hard when our furbabies get old and sick. I hope you feel better soon!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Sorry to hear you are not so 'hot' at the moment Sandra... sending you thoughts and prayers of uplift and solace. Will hop over to visit Jake now... YAM xx

Anonymous said...

Saying a prayer for you; I know it is a difficult/heartbreaking time. We all love Jake thru your blog. xo

Hootin Anni said...

You are in my heart!! I know the stress our unwell fur-babies do for us. Be well soon. My warmest hugs to Jake too.

Gayle said...

Oh the struggles of old age; and not just we humans. Hug to Jake.
In the beginning I tried both Word Press and Blogger. Blogger won for ease of operation. Time will tell.

My Mind's Eye said...

Sending so much love and purrs to you and Jake your precious boy.
The WWW is not the one we joined way back in 2009 very confusing and just plain crazy how many stalkers are lurking to suck the fun out of our Blogs
Hugs madi and mom

Pam said...

Seems like you have lots of cool plants in and around your place also. There is a bush that the father of a guy I used to date had in his Fla. yard...looked like shrimp growing on it. Loved that bush.

Jo said...

Darling Jake and Darling you and Bob, Sandra. Prayers and hugs with great lump in my throat. Jo

MadSnapper n Beau said...


From the Kitchen said...

I have you and Jake in my thoughts and prayers.


Jackie See said...

Hugs from Missouri.

Debby@Just Breathe said...


Chatty Crone said...

My heart and prayers are with you. I know how much you hurt. I am sorry.

Linda P said...

I'm sorry to know that you're not feeling so good. It's understandable. Jake is your beloved doggie companion and when he is not doing so well in old age it's hard on you and Bob. Thinking of you all. Sending love and hugs.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Sending love and hugs to you, Bob and Jake

Betty Manousos said...

i am so sorry. my thoughts are with you, and jake. sending lots of love and prayers your way. i hope you feel better really soon.


Mevely317 said...

My dear friend, I'm so sad you 3 are walking this walk. I've little words but lots of prayers … God is in the details. HUGS!

Karen said...

Praying you will soon be feeling good again. Take it easy and have a nice Sunday.

Just Mags said...

I am so sorry sweet Sandra. Will say prayers for all of you. Hugs for you and Bob and nose kisses for sweet Jake.

photowannabe said...

I am so sorry Sandra...(((hugs))) for you and prayers for your precious Jake.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

adding my good wishes that you will be feeling better, Sandra. I know that elevated BP and general not feeling well can be caused by medical as well as emotional factors. Certainly, your concern about Jake and also Bob can affect how you are feeling. I understand how you feel about losing a beloved pet to the infirmities of age and when you have to make a decision to let that pet go peacefully, it will be one of the hardest decisions. Many of us have been there and still feel the sadness and feel for you now.

DeniseinVA said...

Thinking of you and sending a big hug.

DawnTreader said...

Sorry for you about Jake, Sandra - and I hope you get that A/C fixed soon

Marie said...

Hugs to you and Jake...miss you both.