Sunday, September 23, 2018

Backyard Sun Fun on Sunday

Saw Palmetto grow wild all over Florida, yet people buy them and use for landscape. this was around the base of our tree when we moved in and is now 40 times larger.
My memory is shot! I shopped from my list Saturday am, while placing everything in the truck, I realized I did not buy the meat, not one oz of meat. Had to return to get it.
Bob wanted tacos, I went back and bought the burger for it, and picked up the hard and soft taco mix box and came home and it was just the shells.

Bob asked me where the leftovers chicken was, I was staring from the breakfast bar into the fridge and knew it was behind the glass bowl with green lid with left over Brussel Sprouts.
I could not think of the words Brussel Sprouts, He kept saying Well? behind what?
I finally screamed the glass bowl with the green lids with green things in it.

He says Whey are you yelling????


Ginny Hartzler said...

Me too! I forget just normal words. And I have to have a grocery list for anything over three items. But even with the list, I frequently don't buy everything on it, and forget one or two things. Phil says "Well, was it on the list?" And I say yes. Then he asks how I could forget it if it was on the list. This is a mystery to me. Your leaves are gorgeous! And I see the little tiny guy!!

Karen said...

The days when I have not slept well the night before are the worst when it comes to memory issues.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, my hubby can take a list and still manage to come home without everything on the list. Usually we do better when we go to the store together. I have had the memory block with words, the word usually comes to me much later. Your trumpet flower looks like the one I have growing here. Love the lizard, at first I missed it. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and the new week ahead.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Enjoyed your photos. Sounds like Mark and I.

Hootin Anni said...

That reminds me of one time recently Bud was drifting off to sleep on the couch and I asked him where the remote was...ready for his answer?

He said in his half sleep daze...''Telluride''. Guess he was asleep & dreaming of Colorado!

He will never live that down. I won't let him forget.

Love your mad snaps today!!

Gayle said...

I once read that if you wiggle you fingers the word will come to you. Maybe we should try a whole body 'shimmy'.
Love the palm? with the lizard. The lighting is great.

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my gosh I am so glad to read this and some of your answers. I am the exact same way and it worries me - I am worried if I have something wrong with my brain! Sandie

Mevely317 said...

Me, too … me, too! Not only have I begun to struggle for the correct word, but more often than not, call it by the wrong name. "Please put the leftovers in the dishwasher." for instance … as I point to the refrigerator.

I wouldn't be surprised if your lack of sleep and worry aren't to blame. HUGS!

Ruth Hiebert said...

I often forget what word I want to use.

Lois said...

I do that all the time. Very frustrating!

Ann said...

I occasionally have little memory losses when it comes to a word. I got a bit of a chuckly over your discussion with bob over where the leftover chicken was.

Linda said...

I think it’s stress. It’s happening to me, too.....

KB said...

No worries, it happens to ALL of us!!! However, you manage to tell the stories in a hilarious way!

photowannabe said...

I agree with KB definitely happens to me...oh those elusive words...
but you tell the situations in such a funny way.
I love my morning smile....and your photos.