Saturday, October 13, 2018

Bray Park Walkabout

It's Saturday and if you are reading this early I am in Walmart shopping. Last week I left home at 6:15 which is my regular shopping time. I did not return home until 8:30, I am usually home by 7:30.

Some of you know I like to TALK...a LOT! it took 40 minutes to shop, and the rest was spent talking to 3 employees that stock the shelves before 7 am each week, the deli guy, a man next in line behind be at the deli,  a friend from the past that I worked with and as I walked out the door, a woman said I love your pants. I had on the Fancy Pants Bright Colored Leggins, you have seen before.

One word led to another, and Susan the complete stranger and I walked to our car, talking for 35 minutes. She found out I was 74, she was 72, we both love fancy leggings, she follows the same diet and excercises I do and I will spare you the whole conversation.. we agreed we were 'sistas' under the skin.   Do you talk to strangers in strange places?

 Bob thought I had been carjacked on the way home. NOPE! I was conversation jacked!!! he he he

We love to walk in this park, we also loved  This Precious Pup. I loved his harness and since we saw 3 dogs with them on, his owner demonstrated and we talked and talked. Big Boy Owns one now. Bob even got a few words in edgewise.. ha ha

I took 3 shots of him, his name is Charlie Brown. I had to Play with his photos. three would be good, don't you think? I think Rosey, Arty and Jakey would love him, don't you? I did a little triple exposures in PicMonkey.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I love this harness, because it looks so comfy for the dog. Good things can happen by talking to people you meet!! Charlie Brown is cute. The park, i love the path with the bare crooked trees! They are spooky looking and so different! Bob's hair is so pretty with the sun shining on it!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Yes, I like to natter with strangers and yes, Jade had similar. We called it her bra! Love that shot among the trees. YAM xx

Ann said...

I normally don't have conversations with strangers unless they start them which isn't very often and it's never been for more than a couple minutes. Maybe I should though, I could end up with a new friend like you did.
Charlie Brown is adorable. I like the harnass he's wearing. It looks like it would be easier to put on than the one Gibbs wears. I have to have a harnass on him when we walk because otherwise he chokes himself with all the pulling he does.

Hootin Anni said...

I'll talk & talk with other birders I 'run into'. And just the other day I talked with a kind young man who gave me a single rose bouquet!! A STRANGER. I will have to right up a post about that!

I am in LOVE with Charlie Brown!!

Pam said...

Love Arty! Yes, I am a talker, but best of all I am also a listener! I am great and keeping my mouth shut and watching and learning! I am a total people person but I have to say I make a great friend when they need someone to talk to.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Yes I do talk to strangers. Glad you had some nice conversations. The pup is so cute.

Carol Henstra said...

I talk to strangers and I have been blessed to have years of friendship going on now . We share time together with the husband's as well. The men get along so well. Sid and I just had a wonderful supper with a couple. Her and I met walking. And it just went from there.

My friendships are chosen by the Lord. They always stay as the real thing.

My Mind's Eye said...

LOL I will talk to anything any body any time...famous comment heard from family is Cecilia has a new friend.
There was a festival at our Saturday lunch today. Face paint for children of course I had to speak to all. One little girl had on Halloween leggings her dad said she has a matching shirt but got pancake syrup on it this morning. Her face paint was a foxy....too cute
Charlie Brown is adorable.

Chatty Crone said...

I can't believe the time you get up - I have a hard time getting up at 6:30!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cook you are like a real member of WalMart.
The collar looks good to me too.

Mevely317 said...

A couple of months ago I 'accidentally' entered into a marathon conversation with a sweet lady at … you guessed it, Wal-Mart. 'Just left feeling SO good, you know? Charlie Brown-the-pug is adorable, but I'm wondering if y'all have run into Camilla again? I'll bet her mamma would be so thrilled to know you've adopted.

Karen said...

It used to be like that when I grew up in Georgia. I couldn't get out of the store for talking to everybody in there, but it's not the same here in yankee land! or maybe I have changed!!

Ruth Hiebert said...

I do try to have a few friendly with the store staff if I can.

KB said...

I do like chatting with people who I meet on the trails but not usually when I'm shopping or anyplace crowded. I love that little dog who you met in the park, especially in triplicate!!!! What a wonderful image you made!!!

DeniseinVA said...

Sounds like a very social shopping trip and the little dog is a real cutie. I enjoy chatting with people.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Yes, we are also talkers and how great that you now have a new "sister" Sandra. Grenville is usually the one who talks the most!