Saturday, November 2, 2019

A Tale from the 30 years ago

Photo from
In 1991, many moons ago, my Master Mechanic husband nearly severed his thumb from his hand putting ball joints on a car at work.  They rushed him to the urgent care and were able to reattach it.

He came home and said "the doc said I need to buy a prophylactic, the biggest one you can find" He said it should fit it perfectly and keep this from getting wet. He said "get the biggest box they have because I have to wear one each day for 2 weeks"

I said "you want ME to go get them?"  of course he did.  I rush down to Wal-Greens, and there they are, right next to the pharmacy.  The pharmacy where the cute young guy is standing at the window.

I stand there reading labels, putting them back, reading, removing packages and putting them back,
Who knew they came in so many sizes and flavors and powdered and well YOU KNOW! I had no idea.

I AM MORTIFIED because the cute young Pharmacist keeps glancing at me. He opens his little gate and comes to me and ask if he can help me find what I want. ( I might mention there are several people sitting in chairs waiting on prescriptions in FULL View of my perusing)

I explain about Bob's thumb, and that I need the largest they have with nothing inside it, to pull down over the bandage.   He handed it to me and said this will work, come on over and I will ring it up for you.
When I got home, unrolled and pulled it over the giant bandage, I said you better be darn careful and work because I am never going to buy these again.... I was 45 then and now that I am 30 years older would not be mortified at all. Would you?


Ginny Hartzler said...

This story is hilarious, I love it!!! No, at my age I would not be embarrassed at all. And you did the right thing, just explained to him what it was for. And he was able to get you the perfect one. Too funny!

Hootin Anni said...

After choking at this, I must size does NOT fit all. And, even at 45 it would have not been embarrassing for me. I'd make sure I spoke loud and clear for EVERYONE nearby.

Hootin Anni said...

Afterthought here: extra large is better than teenie-weenie!!

Ann said...

Yep, I probably would have been a bit embarassed at 45 but the older I get the less I care about what other people are thinking.
I think it would be fun to go buy them with Anni. That could be entertaining

Mevely317 said...

Oh, the way in which you've told this has me in fits and giggles! Me? Even now at 69, I'd STILL be embarrassed.

My Mind's Eye said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh MY word this is just too funny when I am not the one standing there trying to decide just how big will fit.
WOW thank goodness for the kind young pharmacist. I bet he told that story many times over the years. In passing that aisle I have notice flavors...
just shook my head.
Hugs and giggles

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
...having been a single gal all my life, such a situation would be unlikely to arise here. That said, I don't embarrass easily, so I'd probably be fine - in fact, I'm the type who would have gone to the pharmacist and declared what the doc and advised and ask whether they agreed or did they have anything else to fit the job! YAM xx

Rose said...

This is hilarious...not sure how I would be. Then or now. Probably not care.

Linda said...

Just when I think you have hit the top of your game - you knock it out of the park!
Hahahahaha! YES, I would have been mortified then and even now! But not you!
Sandra, you just make my day!

photowannabe said...

HaHa...I'm with Linda....This is a scream...I'm sitting here chuckling while reading it and thinking ...better you than me...

DeniseinVA said...

Oh dear! Now that I've finished laughing let's just say Bob has a wonderful wife who would go above and beyond :)

peppylady (Dora) said...

Your post always brings a smile to one face. I can feel this young man unfortbleness.
Coffee is on

Lois said...

I love that story! I may have been mortified when I was younger too, but not now. Thanks for the laugh!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That's a cute and funny story. I've never purchased them so I don't know how I would have felt years ago but I don't think I'd be embarrassed now.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

What a funny story and no I would not feel embarrassed at all.