Sunday, August 16, 2020

FORGET ABOUT IT, Positivity I mean

Last week I had a discussion with my blog buddy Ann, from SnapEditScrap after she wrote this comment on my post.. I am glad good things are happening, you have had so much going on.
I said I have on my blog face, my ACTING face, what you see on the blog is not my real face.
She commented I should do a post of my real face and get it out of my system.


I wake up in the middle of the night, from my restless sleep and I feel
a blanket of dread, like I my chest is being squeezed by a 
Troubles, please wait

 water is rising, the climate if crazy, the fires are burning, the earth is quaking
humans are fighting and ranting and raving and do I dare even MENTION the condition of our politcs.

While all this is going on the economy in the whole world and our daily lives are afflicted by

I have been so stressed I have not been able to drink my coffee. I love coffee.

I just had to say, I believe in postive blogging and I try to lift your spirits and by doing that lift my own spirits.
Please Don't Worry About Me
Positive Polly will be back tomorrow


Ginny Hartzler said...

Awwww! I think a lot of us can identify! But YOU have had so many things pile up all at once! You have done a wonderful and very visual job of showing how your avatar has been feeling! It is GOOd for us to have other blog friends to vent to! Why even bother blogging if we cannot show our own selves? Having said all that, you do such a good job of cheering everyone up! So alittle of BOTH is good! Oh, and drink FOUR cups of coffee now, a new study just came out saying that four or five cups a day can extend your life and lots of other good things!

CheerfulMonk said...

Wow! Fantastic post. You are so talented... I'm too impressed to worry about you.

Hootin Anni said...

We have all been there one time or another. I woke up last night to pee & my first thought when I got back in bed was black lives as if their lives are the only ones around these days, social media sucks. Too many negatives & no positives. That's where we should all be...and you help immensely on our day of positive thinking for us all. Like an escape from our insane world, if for just a moment. In the dictionary Sandra means a good heart & soul.

eileeninmd said...

Hello Sandra

You have had a lot going on, you have many blogging friends who will help you through the tough times. I think everyone has had their good times and their bad times. Just remember all the good times and try to forget the bad times. Love the avatars! Take care, enjoy your day!

Gayle said...

I hear you, I hear you, I hear you on all counts. We all need to let it out before we burst. (good and bad) Balance, balance, balance.

Rose said...

I sure know a bit about what you are you I dont show a lot of what i truly feel...but neither am I as good at cheering other people up.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Well, you now I am all for a good vent... and this was a BRILLIANT one!!! Good for you. YAM xx

NanaDiana said...

Hang in there, Sandra. I think we all have moments of angst with everything that is going on these days. I, too, try to make my blog my 'happy place' and put my smile out there for the world to see. There is enough negativity going on around us.

Jo said...

Oh my, Sandra, I was at that point last weekend! I hope and believe you've bounced back again. Thanks for commenting on my blog today. I am so sorry about Big. I'm going to look at your other post and read about it.

My Mind's Eye said... matter the state of your mind when you write it is from the heart... you always manage to give me a smile...with your fun puns,
artistic eye for using software. After all everything you said...99.99999% of us are also feeling. one thing...nothing, thus far, has affected my consumption of Caffeine...even after my gum surgery is was told nothing hot for a week. I discovered cool caffeine is better than no caffeine
Hugs cecilia devoted reader

Martha said...

I feel like that all the time too. I spent months and months binge watching the news which didn't help. It's a very scary time we are living in. I've always tried to keep my blog positive too but sometimes we just have to let our feelings show. I really feel for you with so much happening in your own life on top of all the troubles of the US and the world! I hope you'll get some smooth sailing now. Big hugs!!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Sandra, what you're feeling now and perhaps a bit more because of not only everything that's going on worldwide, but in your own household, is exactly what many of us are feeling and going through in different ways. The news is so unsettling, people are going stir-crazy, and it is a cewry unsettling world. Staying positive can be so hard many days, but considering the alternative I will go with it and glad you and others are trying to as well. THANKS for keeping us all smiling, You may not realize how important that can be most days...hopefully, you already do.

Mevely317 said...

I don't know whether to be more impressed by these illustrations or your candor. (Actually, it's the latter.) Remember that song, "Games People Play"? -- "Oh the games people play now. Every night and every day now. Never meaning what they say now, Never saying what they mean."

Speaking just for myself, I'm always concerned if I go grumbling and pouting readers will start avoiding me like the plague. (Another song reference: "You've got your troubles, I've got mine.")

I hope you know how much you're loved and appreciated. NO MASKS required in Blogville, okay?

Chatty Crone said...

I loved this blog - the pics and the message. I bet if everyone was honest - 99% of us feel the same exact way. I know I do. It is so hard.

photowannabe said...

Thank you for your honesty..I try to stay positive too on my blog but sometimes I too feel like the whole world and "MY whole world" are falling apart.
Love your avatar's showing your true emotions.
Love you dear friend.

Inger said...

You have had so many difficult things going on that you would think Murphy had moved into your house. And decided to stay for a while. I'm glad you let some of your frustrations out here, it always helps I think. There's an old Swedish proverb that goes like this:

Shared sorrow is half sorrow
Shared Joy is double Joy

So I'm glad you shared. And also happy to hear that being happy on your blog rubs off on you. It certainly does on me and anyone who reads your musings here. You are much loved.

Ann Thompson said...

Even your letting it out posts are creative. I love all your avatars and I love the real you too. I hope this made you feel just a little bit better.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Great job, those are perfect!

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Wow that was quite the reset button for stress. Now we all have Sita day BP and sleep do take atoll but blogs have a lovely wY to go one because somehow being heard matters even when iris a distant friendly blogger. I know you have set my mind at ease many times.sharing and caring ist he BEST. May you smile while creating emojis. Hugs