Thursday, August 27, 2020

Throwback Thursday 1981


Christmas at 5 am, opening presents 1981 above
That was the year I lost 100 pounds. I refuse to show you those photos.
239 to 139, in one year. I attended Overeaters Anonymous. 

From the time my sons were born in 1965 and 1967, every Christmas morning, at 4:30 I called my parents and they came over, the boys had to stay in their room until Grandma and Grandpa got there.
It was a five minute drive. The boys were 14 and 16 this year.
I still have the lamp and Santa, but the scary pressure cooker is long gone.

 I remember fussing about the unexpected Kitchen shot. 
I was making pancakes on the griddle.

Talk about throwback, see that phone with a dial on the wall? 

we will not discuss the wall paper. What was I thinking? ORANGE was big back then.
The fridge was Brown as was the stove. 
Be glad you could not see the floor. 

I found these photos in an old photo album and used my cell phone to take these, sadly the original is no better.
The photos were taken with the $9.99 Polaroid Instant land Camera.

the film cost  more than the camera and we only took a few photos.


CheerfulMonk said...

We have a yellow wall phone with a dial in our living room. It's been there about 46 years now and Andy loves it. :D

easyweimaraner said...

we remember the instant cams.. and it's the same today, you buy the little fuji thingy for a good price and the film is still a fortune...

Hootin Anni said...

that camera...whoa. I remember olive green was a "big", popular color for room decor back then too. And a rotary phone. The good ol' days of party lines (listening in on phone conversations of people you never met)

crafty cat corner said...

Your hair was beautiful, so thick. I can see why Bob was attracted to you.

Ann said...

Love these. My house had a phone on the wall when we first moved in. I don't miss those days of being on a cord, but then again I don't talk on the phone much any more.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
...on decor... I wonder what folk will think in another twenty years about all the penchant for GREY that exists now. Every home show I watch they turn everything into all the shades of grey...not just 'accents'; total grey. Here in the UK, that means the inside of every house looks exactly like the weather outside... YAM xx

eileeninmd said...


I like you hair in the first photos. These are great memories. The home we are in now had a wall kitchen phone. We stopped the land line when we started using the cell phones. I am so glad for the cameras we have now, it is easy to delete. Take care, enjoy your day!

Gayle said...

Rotary wall phone in basement; push button in master bedroom. Which of course means we still have LAN line. All work when the power goes off and don't need recharged.

Rose said...

When the girls were young, we had wall phone in kitchen, and I could stretch it to fining room and room a short way.

Martha said...

I love looking back at old photos and how times have changed. We had the ugliest stuff in the 70s and 80s. Give me the pink or turquoise kitchens from the 50s and 60s any day! I hope you'll link this one up on my Throwback Thursday linky party :)

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I loved having the LONG cords on those kitchen phones. You could go all over the room and keep working while you talked! lol You sure look cute for so early in the morning! And how great that you have kept your weight under control all these years! Well done!!!

Mevely317 said...

Yours is the BEST hair! Yep, I was really into wallpaper ... and orange shag carpeting. So much I can identify with! See me sitting here with a big smile on my face?

PS - So glad you hooked up with TBT! Hope to have mine up by this evening; long story but I really messed up my back yesterday.

My Mind's Eye said...

What a great throwback...and OH word weight loss!! Amazing..

Our first home had avocado appliances and orange, yellow and avocado all woven into floral wall paper
Hugs Cecilia

Chatty Crone said...

Beautiful then beautiful now.
My kitchen was avocado green - remember that?
Love your Christmas memories. Were you married to Bob then?
Great photos down memory lanes.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow! I enlarged what I could to get a really good look. I don't remember brown appliances. But I remember the harvest green and the yellow. We had the green, it was kind of an olive color. Nothing I would ever buy now! Yet back then, green, yellow, orange, and brown were hot colors! Plus shag carpets, especially in orange.

photowannabe said...

Definitely the same type of Throwback for me.
I love seeing these photos of you from "way back" seems you and I have been on a Life Long battle with weight.
We had a yellow dial phone on our kitchen wall too. AND...
I put up wall paper in the kitchen /dining room combo guess what the colors were???
White background with prodominately orange and yellow flowers. I loved it..good ole' 60's decor. Copper oven and stove top but white fridge.
We definitely were the result of our era.

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

OMG I cant believe how similar our past days seem when it com s to diet struggles after baby and kitchen decor. Copper tone stove and fridge and big orange heile flowers on kitchen wall paper. I even cooked using a noisy pressure cooker and had the kitchen wall phone with extra long cord. Our Christmas was different. We maintained the Christmas Eve German/Austrian tradition of dress up for special dinner and then sing carols before heading to a real fir tree for a few simple gifts. That tradition changed when girls became teens and wanted the Dec.25am version.
Polaroid ah yes!
You looked super. Thanks for sharing and making me recall those days for me the 70’s and 80’s.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Your wall paper looks pretty calm, compared to what I had in the kitchen back in 1972.the flowers were big and bright yellow and orange. I think they almost glowed and the floor was black and white in a crazy pattern.Yikes!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

I've also struggled with weight loss my whole these flashback shots!

Linda P said...

Love these old photos and the reminders of those far off days and your reminiscents of them. We've never had a cam recorder, but I have albums fulls of family photos. I like going through them from time-to-time and the grandchildren are fascinated. The albums are taken out, usually during a family gathering. Our house is still full of retro stuff. We have the wall phones that the previous owner left when we bought our present house. They're quite useful if Italy relatives phone us on the landline. They don't have Zoom or Whatsapp. We can pick up in the kitchen and a living room and have a three-way conversation which is useful. Hardly anyone phones us on the landline these days. Everything is done by texting and face timing. I hope you had a peaceful night.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I love retro photos. Enjoyed this post. My pressure cooker scared me!