Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Wordy Wed it is


Saturday after lunch, I sat in the sun for about 10 minutes and came inside for my nap/doze. I have told you before I use YouTube video's to bore my brain into a nap.

Instead of a make up video, I landed on how to fold your clothes correctly.! I believed this would be boring enough to shut down my brain.  Wrong!!! The shirt above is a SNIP of the video made into a cartoon on my Tablet. 

I felt sleepy when I laid down, until it took her a full 5 minutes 20 seconds to fold that t-shirt. 

She Laid it flat

Smoothed and smoothed one side

smoothed and smoothed the other side

folded the shirt sides in and smoothed and smoothed

turned it over and did the same smoothing 

folded the sleeves and measure the front and the back with her pointer finger to show that is the correct size for that fold.

 (not all fingers are the same size as your shirt from collar to seam DUH)

by the time the 5 plus minutes folding was done, my brain was in high gear.
 Not a sign of a nap.
My head was buzzing with wanting to Tell All Of You all of This.

My Mind started planning this post and could not stop, by the time she did the second shirt and started on a pair of jeans that were so full of holes, 

I could not watch.

I got up and came to the computer.

My thoughts flowed, I madly typed

 The shirts and jeans were so wrinkled, I could not decide if she left them overnight in the dryer or just dug out wrinkled clothes from the hamper to use as props.

why didn't she throw them in the dryer to smooth them 

or simply  flapped/snapped them in the air

I did not finish the HOUR of folding because I was wide awake and ready to type.

PLEASE Do Not Judge me for Judging Her folding skills. 

Next time I will watch  the How To Remove Makeup, that one will put me in a doze in 4 minutes and I have never seen the whole video.
 Of course I don't wear makeup to remove, but if I ever do, I will know how to remove it.
I did learn how to fold plastic bags into 4 inch squares, stack and rubber band them.

I chose a coffee can to store them in
But The can would not hold enough. There are about 75 bags in the box at the bottom, neatly stored where I  can grab one.
 We use them for poop bags and small trash can bags.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Unbelievable! She is teaching the very opposite of what we need to know!! At over five minutes a shirt, it would take us all day to fold a big load of clean shirts! But you HAVE given me some ideas on my plastic bags, which just about an hour ago I tried to re-store and ended up with a big mess.

Linda said...

My son in law, Mike worked at Old Navy when he was young and learned to fold shirts correctly. He has since taught me....but i only fold HIS correctly!I use a fold and waddle approach to my own laundry!

easyweimaraner said...

as long as you will not watch the tutorial about how to cut bangs,like our mama, everything is good... that video sent her into lockdown for weeks, the result was not how people should look in public...

Tigger's Mum said...

Have you heard of the slow food movement? It's the antidote to fast food. Your shirt folding video is clearly the slow food version of clothes folding videos, some of which can origami a t-shirt in about 2 and half seconds.
Your question about trains, cats and toilets - answer is 'don't know yet'. Driving we carry a 'travel litter tray' about with us and Mr T has quite adopted the compact camping-toilet version of his regular arrangements, but I don't fancy making that part of my luggage. He has morning and evening regularity about his trips to the 'bathroom', so we can work with that.

diane b said...

The videos sure do sound boring. But I can see how this one startled you. Our stores are banned from using those type of plastic bags. We have to take our own cotton bags , which the stores sell for $2. It is a move to save the environment.

Ann said...

Ok so maybe her shirts are perfectly folded when she's done but who in their right mind wants to spend that much time on one shirt. I can fold an entire basket of laundry in 5 minutes

crafty cat corner said...

There's a special thing you can get on Amazon to fold clothes, I've seen someone using it on a channel I follow, looks quite good.
It's called a 'T shirt clothes folder' check it out.

eileeninmd said...

It seems like a long time to fold a shirt. I have started to just hang my clothes on hangers, they do no wrinkle as much. We keep a drawer stuff with those plastic bags, they are not folded, lol. Take care, enjoy your day!

Hootin Anni said...

To me, there's a right way, a wrong way, and MY way. To do anything. lol

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
... what I am admiring is that you stuck with her. I'd've been gone at the thirty second mark... YAM xx

Martha said...

I agree with what Anni said lol. I just keep a draw for plastic bags, good enough for me.

My Mind's Eye said...

My daughter worked at the Limited one summer. They used an old fashion clip board to fold all the shirts. Each night when the store closed they had to go through all the shelves to be sure teeshirts were folded and color cooridinated. The sweep and vacuum the store. Sometimes she did not get home until after 11 pm. That job taught her what she did not want to do with her life. LOL
Hugs cecilia

Mevely317 said...

Oh my word! I'm sitting here with my jaw hanging -- at (some of) the comments AND the fact you watched the whole video. For sure, I'd have made a poor military spouse!
I guess it started back in Arizona when we had several spacious closets: Tom prefers all his shirts (dress and cotton tees) hung on hangers. I fold mine, but not like this gal.

Great idea with the trash bags! I've been hanging them over the washer dryer, but that looks tacky. Adding rubber bands to my Amazon cart!

Inger said...

This made me so glad I live where I don't have to wear smooth clothes.

I really like you bag storage. So clever. Here in California we are encouraged to use our own reusable bags at the store. To accomplish this, stores charge 10 cents for a store bag. So I use my own bags. This is no problem and good for the environment, of course.

I used to pick up the poop in my store bags too and missed that. Then I got a small trash can and put an empty dog food bad inside it for the poop. So I recycle that old dog food bag and it has worked well for me.

Inger said...

I read the comment about the slow movement. I think Sweden invented Slow TV. I told you about the very slow moose migration. I've also seen a slow TV show about some Guinea pigs and other critters in a barn yard. So slow, it would put you to sleep right away.

photowannabe said...

HaHa...Anni's comment made me laugh...The right way, wrong way and MY way...that's me too.
I get so antsy watching some videos of food prep for a recipe..they can be so long and slow. Just like smoothing out the T shirt thing...
I think that would have put me to sleep in no time..boring..
Most of our things are hung on wrinkles the rest go in record time. What plastic I have are all stuffed into another plastic bag..with no pets I don't need them very often.
It's Dave's PT appointment this morning. Here's hoping he can now do 25% weight bearing on that left leg. It will make life so much better.

Bonnie Schulte said...

This post had me laughing. That is so funny, this woman was smoothing and more smoothing with the shirt. Five Minutes?, would drive me nuts, that is plain goofy. My husband is very fussy about his T shirts, and I take them out of the dryer as soon as it stops. I do "snap" them before folding. There is never a wrinkle in them. Anyway, I guess to each their own..(grin)

CheerfulMonk said...

Wordy Wednesdays are so much better than Wordless ones!

Catalyst said...

It's a good thing I've been reading your blog for awhile and knew you had a dog. Otherwise the reference to "poop bags" might have sent me running the opposite way!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Your mind sounds like rarely shuts off...LOL!! The smoothing thing would have driven me nuts and I know I wouldn't have been able to watch it a long as you did, Sandra!!...I stuff my plastic bags in an empty tissue box...very convenient!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

I could not have watched that video as I now fold t-shirts the way Pat showed me and that is to roll them and then fold. I believe it's also similar to the Marie Kondo method. We also save the plastic grocery store bags and I reuse them to line the kitchen garbage pail and to take down the recycling.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Mom likes to fold things the way SHE likes, and that is not necessarily the right way. And if something is too wrinkled, she - horrors- irons it!!! Bet there are lots of peeps out there who never iron anything:)

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

Ruth Hiebert said...

Oh the valuable information we can glean from YouTube.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Some days you have to dig real deep to find good YouTube videos LOL

Olde Dame Holly said...

I used to moonlight at various department stores during Christmas breaks from school. I always got stuck in the clothing department, and we always had some crazy ways to fold the clothes back nicely. Every store seemed to have a different way and we had to be FAST! None of this five-minutes of smoothing! I think you could write about anything and make it hilarious!

My Tata's Cottage said...

Oh Lord, if I folded laundry in such a manner, I would be folding it on my way to eternity! I would have been crazy watching that! I have felt poorly lately, tired, lack of energy, on and on it goes. An email came across my desk how to find out if you have thyroid disease and are lacking some vitamins. I know their scam. A few minutes turns into an hour long, blah blah blah so I cut to the chase, took their info on the vitamins went to amazon and voila, read it this A.M. The vitamins are here waiting for me to start them tomorrow morning. The you tube lady apparently never heard of a hand held steamer to quickly remove wrinkles in seconds, hahahaha

Debby@Just Breathe said...

When you are making a video you would think you would have a t-shirt right out of the dryer and not wrinkled. I fold differently and I like how I do it. Mark's t-shirts always look good when he wear them.