Sunday, October 9, 2022

Shout Hallelujah!


Day 12 after Hurricane Ian!
Shout Hallelujah! We Got Food on The Shelves!
Wal-Mart got trucks from North Florida, and we got Milk, Eggs, Sweet Taters, Baking Taters, Bread
and Badly Needed Liquid Chorine for the pool
PLUS, MY Strawberries for my smoothies. and they were ONLY $2.77
PS, we were never without food, I always have food stocked for 3 weeks, especially during Hurricane Season. This was not our first rodeo?
I have lived all but 5 of my long years on the coasts of Florida and Georgia, in
Hurricane Country
Pray for those South of us, they still have Nothing, no homes, no stores, no jobes. the govt is feeding them and finding shelters, but the shelters are big Empty Buildings with lines of cots, 500 in one room, with no showers to clean up.

We had a weird thing happen today.
3 very large FPL Power trucks stopped in front of our house.
Five Very Large Men in bright vest and helmets came to the door.
He said "did you report lines down, fire to FPL? I said no.
He said We would like to check in your back yard, the report came from this address, stated lines down, fire, police and fire trucks at sight.
I said nothing here, he said did it happen yesterday or any day since the storm?
No, I said, the people accross the street had lines down for 10 days and FPL came and worked all day Friday from 5 am to 6 pm.
They went across the street, checked their back yard and left.
Weird is what it is!


eileeninmd said...

I am happy you were able to get all your food items. It is good you were prepared with enough food and supplies. It is strange your address was used to report lines down. I just glad you all are safe. Take care, have a great wee ahead.

Tigger's Mum said...

Welcome back and congratulations on your preparedness. Przyers indeed for those south of you. Longer comment soon. We are on the road today. Xxx Mr T

Inger said...

It's so great to see you back, I've missed you. I knew you would be prepared, it's just the way you are. I feel so terrible for the people south of you. It's unimaginable the damage this hurricane caused. It must have been one of the largest ever to hit your state?

Rose said...

So glad you could get the day to day stuff that run out...the strawberries look delicious.

And that is weird about the trucks/reason for stopping.

Hootin Anni said...

There are always some people that report false claims and think it's fun. If only they could take time to investigate and fine those culprits!! They have to take all calls seriously tho. It's a shame

Sure happy to see you visit!! You've been missed!! How are Bob & Beau today.

Breathtaking said...

Dear Sandra, so pleased you were able to buy the food you needed for your I B S condition.

That stupid prankster needed a good telling off or a fine or both, but I guess it will never be discovered who gave your address.

I am so sorry for those people who lost everything in the storm. It is truly heart breaking.

It's good to see you back but please don't overdo it
Take care.

Mevely317 said...

Shouting in the Southlands!
That's REALLY weird about the mistaken call for help. Reminds me of the time I returned home from visiting my mother to find a note on my door: Responded to 2 '911' calls coming from my address in the early morning hours. Never did figure that one out.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Nothing lifts the spirits more than to have a restocked larder! May things now more speedily start to right themselves... YAM xx

My Mind's Eye said...

Oh dear me scary to think/hear emergency services are getting bad info.
I AM ALL KINDS OF HAPPY TO READ ABOUT THE REPLENISHMENT OF SHELVES IN WALMart. I recall wen Fran (1996) came into Raleigh all power was out for 5 days in most residential areas. I had to totally clean out everything in fridge and freezer. Thankfully it came in on a day in between grocery trips so I didn't have lots of meat etc but frozen veggies, ice cream butter milk eggs all bye bye
Hugs Cecilia

WFT Nobby said...

Fresh strawberries! Things are looking up.
But oh how I feel for those folk who have lost their homes.

photowannabe said...

Yay and yippee you are back and have got your smoothies again.
The destruction is just awful but I am glad you survived. Hope your garage door gets fixed sooner than they promised.
Strange about the power guys but at least they were checking.
I have missed you.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That is weird about the power lines. I am so happy that they got food to your area. Hooray!!!

roentare said...

After a disaster, the important thing is always about supplies. Glad that you got yours coming in short notice!

DeniseinVA said...

Good to know the food is getting through to you, and something simple like the strawberries would have lifted the spirits. I hope people further down south will be getting everything they need real soon. I hope you will start feeling better, Bob too and Beau, he must have wondered what the heck was going on. Blessings and hugs!

Chatty Crone said...

I am thrilled you have some better food! So sad about the people in southern Florida.
I don't get it about the trucks???
Hope things get better and better.

NanaDiana said...

Glad things are going well there. That is really weird about the FPL thing. We had police in our back (park) yard 2 weeks ago. Said they got a 911 call from there. Just beyond that is a graveyard so it kinda spooked me out. lol. xo Diana

Brian's Home Blog said...

I sure am glad you were able to go get some things you need, hopefully they'll be stocked going forward. We do pray for those South of you, it's really scary down there. We have some cat blogger friends who just moved down there (South of you) a week before Ian hit. They are okay, pretty lucky, but their house made it. Hugs and love from all of us.

Millie and Walter said...

We're so glad to hear you had the food you were looking for at your local store. You sure are lucky compared to many not too far from you.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Hurrah! Fresh food!!! And the strawberries look beautiful! WM did good.

CheerfulMonk said...

Hurray! ❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

good to see you know the routines for hurricane season and you are presumably well, I'll have to scroll back, I've been away.

Linda P said...

Catching up as I go off line at weekend, but were thinking of you and praying all would be well. You're brave going through that stressful situation and cleanup afterwards. So glad you can now get the provisions you need.

easyweimaraner said...

we hope all things go back to normal bit by bit... and all our goos wishes to the people in da south... we hope they will get food soon too...

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Good to read and see that you were able to get fresh fruit, veggies and other items, Sandra. Hope that your lives will slowly be getting better after such a harrowing experience.

Ann said...

That was weird. I would have been a little bit worried if they had shown up at my door.
Glad to hear that Walmart finally got trucks in. Those strawberries look so good and they are cheaper than what we pay here. Of course I'm looking at the prices where I work, I don't know what Walmart is charging for them here.

Kten said...

Fresh food and seeing food on the shelves is the best. Lee and Phod's Lady

Tigger's Mum said... you might enjoy this.