Thursday, November 10, 2022

MoRe MaCro MeSS Plus a Tale

Nothing to say about these practice shots, so will tell you the story of why I night be seen on the FBI most wanted wall in your local post office.

The day after Hurricane Ian struck, Beau and I were walking, and I noticed a big tree in a neighbor's yard that was leaning, and the roots had pulled up on one side about 4 inches. One good puff of wind or a rainstorm and it would fall on the master bedroom of the house.
Since Newcomers to Florida are often unaware of how our soil works,
I carefully opened the gate to the fence that guards the front door, walked Beau up to the video ring thingy and pushed the bell, walked Beau back out the gate and locked it and we stood there waiting.
No Answer. Each day for 4 days, I repeated the above.

Day 5, I saw Helen, who lives next door to the leaning tree, come out her door and she met Beau and I at the end of her driveway.
Before she could speak, I pointed at the tree and said did you notice that tree is about to fall on the house? I knocked 4 days in a row but no answer, do you know them?

She laughed and said, that is why I came out to talk.
I got a text from her last night, and she sent me a video of you ringing her doorbell. The text said, do you know this woman? she keeps ringing my doorbell.
Helen said I was worried about you thinking you needed help.
We laughed and laughed.

 I said Oh No, the neighbor across the street told me the man is a retired FBI agent, that now works security at the college. What if he put me on
Americas Most Wanted?

Helen said she would answer the text with info on the tree.

Two days later, the Ex FBI Guy, was getting in his car when we walked by, and I asked 
Did you get the message about your tree?
He said, yes, we did, and they are coming to remove it Saturday Morning.

He did NOT say Thank you! He did not even LOOK at Beau or speak to him.
And I know they have a huge German Shepherd, I saw him once getting in a car and hear 
him when he is in the backyard.

 How disappointing. for Me and Beau.

I might have had a fleeting thought of hoping the tree might just fall on the house before Saturday.
It did not. 
Sunday morning the tree was gone

And we are now waiting on Nicole, she should be slapping us with gusting winds about the time this post hits and we once again await wind gusts to 5- to 60 or higher here.
Early AM Thursday, is supposed to be the worst.

President Joe Biden approves Florida emergency declaration ahead of Tropical Storm Nicole
If I don't show up, it might be the power, this will be on auto post.


CheerfulMonk said...

Good luck with Nicole! Stay safe. I think your neighbor was rude not to thank you!

easyweimaraner said...

some people are.. well some people.... but I LOVED the story !!! hugs and potp for nicole...we hooe she takes a break and sleeps when she comes to you....

Cathy said...

I wonder if he didn’t realise you were the bell ringer….mind you there’s nothing so strange as folks.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
...I guess spies never really come in from the cold. Tropical storms on the other hand... be safe. YAM xx

Tigger's Mum said...

While we might not have wished a tree falling on their house, we would have been beyong muttering "serves you right" if it had done. I find those video doorbells creepy. They are actually recording all the time (short loop). DIL has one and discovered from it that her toddler daughter had followed her out the door one day, and while dil was rummaging in the car (unawares she had been followed) the little one toddled off out of sight. The alarm was raised when she tripped and howled. DIL checked the video to see how/when the wee one escaped. There are stair gates on every opening now. Moving round their house is like running a steeplechase.

eileeninmd said...


You are a kind neighbor! The man was rude, he could have thanked you. I hope Nicole is nice to you, your home and neighborhood. Take care, stay safe!

Ann said...

Well that was rather rude that he couldn't at least say thank you.
I'll be thinking about you today and praying all is well.

Rose said...

That sure was time let it fall...

Hootin Anni said...

If there is a house camera, I'd steer clear of the home. But, you tried being a good neighbor and it didn't work. I'd brush it off and if there's a "next time"...ignore it.

Chatty Crone said...

No neighborly love there. Sorry.
I hope you are safe from Nicole. You guys are being hit hard this year.

My Mind's Eye said...

Everything crossed Nicole is moving quickly away from your area
Hugs cecilia

Breathtaking said...

Hello Sandra, :=)
You are a good neighbour. but your neighbour was ungrateful. I hope you will be safe, and I will be thinking of you too.
All the best.

Mevely317 said...

What a RUDE man! (Oh, I'm thinking of lots more adjectives but don't want to muddy your family-friendly blog.)
It's almost a shame Beau's so well-behaved or I'd suggest he leave p-mail.

'Been thinking of y'all all morning, but trying to distract my mind by scrubbing grout and ceiling fans. Ugh.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

What's wrong with people using good manners...or not using them! I just don't get it but life goes on. I hope you are having a good day. It's raining and blowing here but so far so good! Hugs...and thanks for caring for other people!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

That was a nice thing to do on your part, Sandra, but a very un-polite non-response from that guy. I hope that Nicole will leave you alone. The forecast here is for heavy rain on Friday night.

photowannabe said...

Here's hoping that Nicole has blown herself out and far away from you..You don't need more drama in your lives.
I'm with everyone else..a simple thank you would have been the neighborly thing to do...

Sue said...

Oh boy, an active season for you. We're keeping all paws crossed that all goes well and Nicole passes by with no casualties. Stay safe and thanks for stopping by our blog.
Mackey and Sydney

Betty Manousos said...

that man was rude, not saying at least a thank you, but I loved the story. I hope you will be safe, thinking of you, sending hugs. take care!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a dour neighbor!! Let us know how you are when you can. We have been watching the news on the storm and thinking of you.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

It's rough when neighbors don't act neighborly...he couold have at least said thank you!

I've been reading your comments on other blogs, and am glad to hear Nicole is rushing out of your area!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I can't believe he didn't say thank you. Sometimes it doesn't pay to be nice. I think what you did was awesome.

DeniseinVA said...

Glad you came through it all okay. Sorry about your neighbor. Not very neighborly.