Monday, January 23, 2023

Downtown Fun @ Library


Outside the library

Under the stairs going UP

Around the stairs and

Up again with the lights hanging down.
I visited the library because they are thinking of selling the building to another hotel and tearing it down. We have five libraries in our city, this is the oldest one.
If they sell it, they will move it to another locations.
I was deciding If  I want to join the battle to keep it. 
I found it totally empty, only one bored librarian at the desk, 2 other visitors besides me.
It is closing for 4 day to upgrade the computer systems and add self-checkout instead of people.
Doing this even though they may tear it down.

Photos from the internet below of the building now...I am thinking sell it.
 I wonder just how many use it now? Do you use a library? I borrow from this library kinde library.


Ginny Hartzler said...

OLD and maybe being sold? To me the staircase, lights, and pretty purple all look new and beautiful!! Guess that means that I am really old. Shame to sell something that beautiful inside, but if you have many more and no one comes there anymore...

DeniseinVA said...

Interesting! I was just thinking how I liked the look of it inside but they don’t have a lot of people to make it worth keeping it.

easyweimaraner said...

oh that's such a wonderful place. as a kidlet I dreamed about living in a linbrary once... this smell of wisdom and paper... and the library witch who made immediately shhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! when she saw me... what a feeling....

Mersad said...

Love the light fixtures. Great snaps!

Mersad Donko Photography

Hootin Anni said...

I haven't used a library in years. If it is a city cost and losing money, tear it down.

eileeninmd said...


I like the sculptures! The lights and purple staircase are cool!
I use my library mostly for my kindle books. I have been inside our local library a few times. Maybe having five libraries for the area are too many?
Take care, have a great day!

Breathtaking said...

Hi Sandra. :=) It's a sign of the times unfortunately. People in general don't read anymore, and soon libraries will be obsolete. It's a shame about this building. I love the banisters, and the hanging lights.

Ann said...

I love that first statue.
I like the inside of the building. Very sad that no one is using it. I think that's happening a lot now though. I'm pretty sure most people are reading on electronic devices now instead of real books. Things they are a changin' and not necessarily for the better.
I hate to see old buildings being torn down though.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Libraries the world over are facing this sort of dilemma... we have become an 'at home' society. I was a member of my local library in OZ. It was well-occupied, but managed that in part due to diversification, having rooms for kindergartens, women's and men's groups of various interests being able to rent space for hobbies, as well as providing lots of areas to sit and read right there and removing the no-talking restriction. I have found that the library near the Hutch is also a meeting and events hub and seems well-used. Though I use their online loans for audiobooks more than anything.

What you show is a really lovely space - but I guess economics dictate so much... and computer systems will move with it so it matters not that they are upgrading now. YAM xx

Rose said...

I only go to library to renew my card so I can borrow audio books...and every now and then a kindle book.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Our library is always busy but I check out ebooks now too. I always loved going to the library....all of my life! I have such good memories of spending time there.

Chatty Crone said...

Why are they updating a dying library?

I think libraries will become obsolete. Dewey decimal system - card catalogs - cd roms - lol - will be in museums. Kind of sad tho.

My Mind's Eye said...

I love the decor and colors in there.
During elementary and middle school mama and I went to the library once a week. Then I took myself after I started driving. I continued that tradition as a became a teenager and up until 2019. Even before 2019, myvisits became less frequent because books I checked out smelled like cigarette smoke. When Borders and Barnes and Noble opened their doors.
I always SAID I would never use a kindle but when everything closed and I and nothing to read...yep I ordered a kindle and the rest is history. My local library had something called LIBBY. I can use my library card to have books sent to my kindle. too
Hugs Cecilia

DawnTreader said...

I've always loved libraries (even since childhood, when my mum used to take me there regularly and borrowed lots of books for both of us) But since they closed the district library in my part of town a few years ago, I don't think I've borrowed any printed books from the library - only occasionally Swedish e-books or audio books online. But Swedish libraries (and publishers) don't use the Kindle system, and as you know I love my Kindle (and prefer reading on that rather than on my tablet). Ever since I bought my first Kindle I've been reading more books in English than in Swedish, and also English audio books from Audible.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

I'm glad you got some pictures of it, in case they do sell it. I also used to love spending time in libraries...It was a stepping stone to so many different worlds for me(through books)

Mevely317 said...

I adore that statue!
As early as kindergarten, my mother would walk me over to the public library, aka my happy place.

This interior? Yikes! Just my opinion, but it resembles what I think of as a library about as much as an international airport terminal ... or a new-age nightclub. Tear.It.Down!

photowannabe said...

Its a beautiful building but like ours it isn't used much.
There are mostly digital things...very few actual books.
Its a shame but I have to admit I don't use it like I did many years ago, so I am part of the problem too.
Is another hotel needed in your area? I guess its better than just empty buildings.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

There are a lot of great views in your library. Mom used to use the library a lot. She spent hours in there when she was.a student and than as an adult just searching for books to read. Now everything is so easily available online. And she prefers to read online where she can enlarge the print:)

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

CheerfulMonk said...

I was excited by how beautiful it was and it made me sad to know it isn't used and will probably be sold. Our library is an easy walk, but I seldom go in except to donate books to Friends of the Library.

Thank you for the pictures.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Even though I read on a Kindle and listen to audio books, the local library is still where I go to check out printed books and thankfully it is within walking distance. There is only one here in Nashua, NH, compared to the several you mentioned there. It is unfortunate that the one you showed may be shut down and I wondered why there were so few people when you visited and why a librarian would look bored. Maybe, that library is not encouraging people to use it through lack of interesting programs?

Carol Henstra said...

The library where I live. Still going . A lot of people still readers. I used to read. My eyes are playing tricks on me. I cant see too much when reading. I need to have my sight brought up. Yikes big print. oh no. I love my glasses as I have a small nose so I have been told. They fit pretty good for this gal being 81. Other ones I had were the middle part between the nose. Dug in big time. Now wearing a mask when i go out is much better. the library of yours is beautiful. Can you do steps still?

Carol Henstra said...

Looked at your library again. It has a escalator. A bonus!