Sunday, I found myself with nothing much to do, and while reading email, my eyes were drawn to the Bing Image Creator and before I could stop myself.
The Cursor Clicked! All.By.Itself!
words flowed from my flying fingertips.
aqua,pink,elegant,abstract, energy
Four AI creations appeared.
Mouse Hovered
PicMonkey Opened
if you by chance type to fast and type auqa this happens

the first try due to misspelled word auqa it had not aqua, just pinks.
I added the roses with thorns from my first attempts
About the LIE.
I know I did solemnly swear I would stop the AI Creations yet here they are.
I like the colors... but you are right all things need less pink and much more aqua LOL... I'm a virgo but it seems I'm more an "aqua-rius" hehe
Those are pretty. I especially like the aqua
Hari Om
I really like the last one... and if you are having PHUN, don't censor yourself. YAM xx
I love the colors, you look pretty surrounded with the pink and aqua colors.
The last rose image is lovely. Fun photos. Take care, have a happy day!
AI is certainly raising alarm bells of late, isn't it?
Using that as the basis of your art is not a sin. If you are having fun and exercising your creative muscles then what does it matter where you find your inspiration and material? Some people pick up junk off the street and use that to make art - chip packets and used face masks are pretty weird inspriations. With few excetions I would rather be looking at what you create. xxx F
I would love to have these in fabrics!
Hi Sandra, the colourful images of what looks like chiffon are beautiful creations. I like the one of you looking through the fine chiffon material, it's a fun image.
Artsy things are hard not to play with.
Hugs Cecilia
These are so very tranquil, like something I'd enjoy having on the walls of my bedroom. No Stress Zone.
My favorite's the one of you looking like, "Gotcha!"
Keep playing!
Please don't stop!!
Such wonderful creations!!
Thanks Sandra for my morning smile. I knew you were hooked and couldn't stop yourself...
Love the first one of you in the swirls...very delicate and soft colors.
Bout' wore ourselves out yesterday weed pulling. Day off today to do errands and shopping for the week.
My hands are stiff from all that pulling and since I can't squat I am bending over from the waist...good for the back and thigh muscles but I don't "want to play today". Standing on my head...enough said!
I love the one with you in swirls' too. The last.
today I am doing dig art now in covers of magazines. Mine is on Facebook.
I find my way better in there. It is a hot one today. So have Ac on.
You know what these look like? Waves and waves of silk fabric floating in the air. I have been thinking you should not give up on this, because you have the talent of thinking up such cool commands. When I go there, I can think of nothing to tell it! I just love the one with you in it, wrapped in aqua silk and doing what you love!!
I see mine went to my blog . in friendship grows. I is a little girl doing dig med art. Not sure if you can see it. a older one I did. I will have to do new ones. mostly old.
Those are amazing and you look wonderful in there too!
Truly beautiful. Are you sure that AI hasn't taken control of your blog??? BOL
Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber
I'm glad you haven't stopped!
I like them. They colors are so pretty. I see you!!! I especially like the Rose one.
I am glad you didn't stop. These are very pretty creations.
It's your hobby - go for it - and create your magical f
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