Tracker Email telling us to Sit Tight!
Several weeks back, on this Prior Post, I mentioned Door Dash Pizza delivery. This was the first time we ordered, and the delivery was by Door Dash, I did not choose it, that is who the pizza place uses.
I chose my Memorial Day Food List which did not include Cooking. I declared war on cooking and refused to cook for the three-day weekend. Friday was eating out, Saturday/Sunday was Pizza. Hot and delivered on Saturday, reheat leftovers on Sunday, which turned into Bob eat 2 slices of reheated pizza on Memorial Day and me with the standard rice pasta/tuna.
The delivery had us laughing our heads off and also reminded me of the condition of our new technology filled lifestyle and the total disaster that awaits most of the humans, When, not IF, the internet goes down.
I sat watching the tracker and it said Driver is on the way, her names is Laura, her phone numbers is,
ETA of arrival is 8 minutes... ETA time of arrival 11;55,
it changed to 12 noon.
Tracker says ETA 2 minutes.
Clock said 12 noon
12:08 (meanwhile I am telling bob she can't find the address) we are 2 left turns one right turn, 1.8 miles from the Lil Caesars.
I got out on porch, no one in sight.
in the house the phone rings
I rush in grab the phone KNOWING who it is, while Bob says Shes' calling you.
Laura: I am calling you because my PHONE APP told me to"
I am your pizza delivery service, and I can't find your house.
Me: What is the house number you are in front of?
Laura: Is your house Aqua or yellow?
Me: No, it is white with pink shutters.
Laura: I am at the wrong house,
me: Are you on 17th Ave or 17th Ave Dr
Laura: I don't know, the app says I am on 17t Ave, I am driving further down.
Me: Which way are you driving? East or West?
Laura: I don't know.
Me: what is the number of the house you are in front of
Laura: 3401
I say you are going the wrong way; we are 3509.
Laura: I know, I am trying to find you.
Me: Stop and turn around, you will see me on the front porch waving, I will be on your left, out your driver side window (this was in case she did not know left/right?
Laura: I am driving a small blue Honda, I don't see you, Oh wait! I see your arm waving.
She gets out talking,
I am so sorry, I stopped at that house and points to the house next door, she says the app was screaming wrong address, call your client, I moved to the next house, and it kept screaming at me.
While she is talking, she jumps out and runs around the front of the car, tries to open the
passenger door and its locked.
OH S##t she says, its locked, runs back to driver door, flips button, grabs pizza and
stops halfway to me.
She says, I forgot, your order is no contact delivery, do you want to go inside before I sit it on the bench?
by this time, I am hysterical and trying hard not to hurt her feelings by rolling on the porch floor laughing.
She drives off and did manage to go the right way unless she had other luke warm pizza going to someone else.
As we eat the pizza, I am telling bob all of the above and we can't eat for laughing.
I told him, I need to find out how to create and App, I will make one that teaches.
drivers How to Find the Address if your phone screams at you or if your Phone is dead.
Or maybe I can give lessons on
North/South/East /West
3509 is an odd number, one side of the street is Odd Numbers, the other is Even numbers.
they go in numerical order.
If all else fails
LOOK at the Six-Inch-Tall Letters on the Front of the House.😁
When I pointed to them, she said OH, there they are.
Think about this. What if that huge spaceship hovering over our planet Takes Down the Internet? Or terrorist blow up the servers, or blow down the cell towers, or heaven forbid take out the power grid. OH NO, what if they zap the satellites that give out coordinates? there will be no paper maps, no app to scream. Then I remembered, we will not have any pizza to deliver.
Do you think aliens eat pizza?
I feel sorry for the driver, but what a funny story! 😊
lol... yes we are sure aliens like pizza.. e.t. never wanted to make a call home, he wanted to order a pizza as he looked for a phone box ;O)
Oh my, I think Laura needs to find another line of work...lol This was too funny
Hari OM
Bwaahahahaahhah... yup. And hey, what's with reheating? I love cold pizza! YAM xx
I do like my pizza hot. The map apps are not always right, hubby and I have found that out many times. You should get a discount on the next pizza.
Take care, enjoy your day!
I would say you got your money's worth in laughter!
It's funny and scary at the same time!
I had to read all of your post...aloud...while we were eating breakfast! You gave us such a laugh! We thought it was crazy when people didn't know how to count change at a restaurant...it's gone way beyond that now! Hope you at least got the right pizza! ROFL!!! Hugs!
I am laughing so hard...OMDs. That was a wonderful re-enactment of Door Dash that was (this time any way) not very dashing.
Hugs Cecilia
It was funny and a great story.
But like you said - in the future a car will drive itself and deliver it - pretty soon we won't need people. ???
Such hilarious Door Dash Drama!!
What a fun delivery! So many people would have been mad at her and told her so. But you reacted with humor and kindness!! This job would be the worst I could ever do, I have no sense of direction. After over 40 years at the same doctor's building, I still even get lost in the halls.
Yikes, that is so funny...sad too but funny.
I really believe she needs to find another kind of work. Maybe it was her first day on the job but brother..common sense went out the window.
Glad you did have a no cooking weekend anyway with some humor thrown in for good measure.
I'm DYING! 🤣
Here I was feeling so sorry for the driver, patting you on the back for not being upset. But when she said that about no contact delivery, oh m'gosh. How on earth did you keep a straight face?
Memorial Day I was looking at driving directions to our friend's home on the desk-top. All prepared to print them out, but Tom said why bother; we have the WAZE app on our phones. All well and good until we get halfway there and our phones tell us we've lost GPS. Here I was worried about being there early, and we ended up almost 20 minutes late. If I hadn't called, we'd probably still be driving in circles.
Just read your hilarious Memorial Day food challenge!
lc Skupien
That had me laughing. We are way too reliant on our little machines. Just think, we have in our pocket the technology that used to take up the space of a whole room. Mind boggling! If it all goes down we are not going to know how to cope. Love your new header.
What an experience you had. I haven't heard that from anyone yet. We've been using Door Dash for years now and no one has ever called us. I can't believe what you went through. Didn't she have Google Maps?
that GPS app the delivery folk are using need a "reboot" or similar - the story is so funny though!
From time to time this driveway is confused with another street below us - as the homes back on to the back of this property! And the delivery GPS gets confused...
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