Monday, August 7, 2023

Saturday Road Trip with Bonnie

My beautiful cousin Bonnie showed up at my door at 7:30 Am Saturday morning bearing eggs, fresh from her chickens you see.
She told me to be sure to wash them, and she handed them to me.
I asked why we had to wash them, and she said Well, the come from
ummmm their BUTTS

Bonnie backed us out of our driveway, while I squealed in delight that I could see my driveway in her computer.
I may have asked a dozen questions about the computer, but you knew I would.
is that arrow US? was the first question.
We drove for half an hour and pulled up to a gate.
Jamie is her niece, she is daughter to my other 1st cousin, Shari. The one where I could not go to a dinner because i was afraid to drive out there.

She said this is Jamies house, then she said Hey Siri, Call Jamie, it was 8 am on Saturday.

Siri, replied calling JOMIE (not as smart as they think(and the speaker began to ring and Jamies sleepy voice said Hello.
Bonnie said we are at your gate.
Oh, we are all still in bed.
I said On No, don't get up, we can come another time.
No, No let me put the dogs up and I will be right out.
And she appeared with two big Danes, she shut them in the kennels and said they would knock us down.
I was disappointed about not petting the dogs but then,

I saw a Pig,
not really big.

I petted and might have kissed a COO, 
Cow to you.
If you saw this face, what would you do.
Jamie started throwing hay out and 
there he was, a horse, with big eyes, looking for a cookie and hay.

Later on, I watched the horse whisperer do her trick,
she handed him a carrot; he took it really quick.

She bowed her head, touched her lips with her finger.
And the horse kissed her.

The Horse Whisperer can sew. She showed me the bear she made.

to be continued


Ginny Hartzler said...

Such a cool adventure!!!

DeniseinVA said...

Oh my, these are wonderful. Yes I would have kissed the horse and the coo, and hugged everyone of those four-legged friends if the had let me. I agree with Ginny, and I loved this. Thanks for all the smiles.

easyweimaraner said...

oh what a wonderful place ... with so much animals... and I hope you will get the chance to say hello to the danes ;O)))

Tigger's Mum said...

So much 4 legged warmth out there. What a treat to visit (F)

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Yes, I admit, I am a tad jelly green
that all these pets you've seen
and now want to hear all the rest
of this trip - one of your best!
YAM xx

Ann said...

Oh my, dogs, pigs, cows and horses. So many wonderful critters right there in one place.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

You are evidently having fun….

eileeninmd said...

Your cousin has a happy place there, I would love all the animals.
The dogs, the pig, cows and horse they all sound wonderful.
The horse whisperer is a cute photo. Great photos and post.
Take care, have a happy day!

Rose said...

I wish I could visit Jamie! Sounds like the best day ever!

My Mind's Eye said...

Oh Sandra I'm so happy you had such a wonderful Saturday at all the places seeing all the faces of people and animals.
What a pretty pink bear

One of the first things I learned in Home Ec WAS to always wash your eggs even ones purchased at the grocery store.
Hugs Cecilia

My Mind's Eye said...

PS beautiful women run in your family...and oh such smiles
Hugs Cecilia

Mevely317 said...

What a delightful time!
I may have giggled a little about washing the eggs. LONG time ago I used to like collecting eggs from my grandmother's hen house ... sometimes they were still warm. And yes, liberally 'sprinkled.' Funny, that sort of thing never bothered me then.
Wish I had a horse to kiss!

photowannabe said...

My heart is singing for the wonderful adventure you were on. To start the day with geeky computer stuff , followed by animals of every sort... What could be better?
Loving this...

Linda said...

I am loving your road trip!!!! You are in your element!! What's not to love???
More MORE!!! Tell us MORE!!!!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I have a cousin that I am close to and what fun it is to be with her. So I know you had a blast! And look at all the things you've learned! Take care and stay cool this week.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Oh my goodness, a beautiful morning of animal therapy!!

CheerfulMonk said...

What a neat trip, and place! ❤️

Brian's Home Blog said...

That was some fun time you had, good for you!!!

Chatty Crone said...

Sandra - down at the farm!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That's awesome getting some eggs from her. Glad you went on this adventure with her. What an interesting time at Jamie's house. Love the animals. That kiss from the horse was too cute.

Ida said...

This was a fun post. I bet you had a good time with all those different animals to look at. Your cousin sounds like a fun person.