Friday, August 18, 2023

The Path We take

The fence behind our oak, belongs to our neighbor of 6 years. The same neighbor that cut the tree and part of our oak. 
 For all 34 years that we have lived here that grass has been cut by the owners of that house. 
UNTIL last month, Beau and I went for our morning walk through that grass, and I nearly tripped over a Verizon cable that was above ground running the Verizon box I the ground by the bottom of the sign.
It was not there the day before. After a week of stepping over it, I tried to call Verizon, could not find a number, but did find a note that said if you see a cable down, report it to the city of Bradenton.
I sent an email into never-never land, I say this because no one ever answered it, but 3 days later, the cable mysteriously disappeared. The cable ran from under the fence and into the box.
Bob's guess is stealing free cable. Any Hoo, I think when the city read the part about the cable being a hazard on their city easement, and it being their responsibility if anyone falls, due to the cable, they sent someone to remove it. 
Notice the high grass at the edge of the street and the path through it.
That is MY work.... 
Tired of trying to walk Beau through those 8 inches of grass, while bob was edging our yard, I CRANKED THE LAWN MOWER, ALL BY MYSELF AND MOWED A FOUR-FOOT-WIDE PATH.
I walked 4 times to make the path and I was/am so proud that I could
 A. start it on the 3rd pull. 
 B. push it back and forth four times.
Its been 3 weeks, I might have to do it again. Now the neighbor mows just his front yard, not the side. Or hires it done.
We all own the land to the street but have a city easement of 10 feet that allows them to use it when they want to, but the city doesn't cut the grass.
On a sad note, a few days ago, I found one of our precious Screech Owls dead in the tall grass. No marks on it, no idea what happened, but it broke my heart.


DeniseinVA said...

That is so sad about the screech owl. I know how much you love them. Good for you for mowing the path and for contacting the city about the cable. Does Bob still mow your whole yard?

easyweimaraner said...

fortunately there was no accident by now and no one had a bad fall.... we cry for the owl, that is so darned sad to see such a proud and wonderful animal dead on the ground... heartbreaking...

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Well done - I am again reminded how similar your state is to where I lived in OZ; council land outside our fence, but we were responsible for keeping it tidy.

So sorry for the Owl... could just be reached its time, as we all must... but I do hope that and not because it got poisoned food (we have had trouble with folk poisoning mice and rats and then raptors and foxes suffering from the secondary ingestment...) YAM xx

eileeninmd said...

You did great cutting the grass, it is a shame the neighbors stopped cutting the part that is their responsibility. So sorry about the screech owl, Yam is right about people poisoning the mice and rats. Take care, have a great day!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I am glad that you were able to mow the path and keep it open to be able to walk safely. The dead owl, without external signs of injury is troubling. I hope that poisoning is not the cause, although it is certainly a possibility.

Rose said...

Doesn't it feel wonderful to accomplish something on your own? Maybe the owl died of old least I hope that is the reason.

Ann said...

My first thought was stealing cable also. That's probably why they don't cut the grass so that it will hide the cable.
So sad about the screech owl.
Looking at that one picture of Bob weed whacking I can't help thinking of the one time I was out doing that wearing shorts. The weed whacker kept spitting dirt and little stones at me legs.

DUTA said...

Kudos to you for cutting the grass! Sadly, one cannot rely on neighbors or the city to do that.

Mevely317 said...

Aw, I'm sorry about your owl; I hope he/she didn't suffer.

I SO loathe yard work, but good for you taking matters into your own hands! Regardless who ended up coming out and removing the hazard, I think it's rude that no-one bothered to get back to you and at least say, 'thank you.'

My Mind's Eye said...

BOL Beau it is very nice of Dad to be sure your path is well maintained.
Hugs Cecilia

photowannabe said...

Aww so sorry about the sweet owl. Lets hope it was just old age and not poisoning. Its so hard to have negative neighbors. I'm grateful for mine.
I do think there was a bit of internet steeling going on and now that the cable is gone and the tall grass you mowed..the Jig is up for them !!!
Good for you cutting the grass and clearing the area again.

Carol Henstra said...

I enjoyed your blogs today but then all of a sudden it went into mid air. Maybe I pushed email.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Aww the poor owl! I know this unnamed place where emails go- especially if it concerns the city, state or government. :) Good job mowing the strip- it is so hot here I melt walking out the door. Grass doesn't grow if it never rains so I doubt I will be mowing again this summer.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Sounds like you took care of the cable issue with your email and way to go on cutting the grass. So sorry to hear about the Owl.

Brian's Home Blog said...

I think someone was stealing cable too. Oh that's very sad about the owl, poor thing.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Good for you! Oh, the poor owl! What on earth could have happened to it...

CheerfulMonk said...

That's heartbreaking about the owl.

Good for you for reporting the cable and for being able to use the lawn mower. Well done!